09:00:18 #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting 09:00:18 Meeting started Thu Jul 25 09:00:18 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is szlin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:18 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:18 The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' 09:00:24 #topic rollcall 09:00:30 please say hi if you're around 09:00:33 hi 09:00:45 hi 09:00:45 hi 09:00:50 hi 09:01:17 #topic AI review 09:01:27 1. Provide the script for CIP kernel config collection - bwh 09:01:29 #link https://lists.cip-project.org/pipermail/cip-dev/2019-June/002506.html 09:01:34 bwh: are you around? 09:01:57 2. Try updating CIP RT kernel to 4.19.50 - pavel 09:01:58 #link https://lists.cip-project.org/pipermail/cip-dev/2019-July/002757.html 09:02:07 I think this AI is done 09:02:19 Yes. I released RT kernels based on both 4.4 and 4.19 09:02:26 pave1: thanks! 09:02:30 3. Fix release number in CIP RT kernel - pavel 09:02:35 It's also done 09:02:36 pave1: thnaks for your great work. 09:02:43 Thanks :-) 09:02:46 4. Work out a solution for LAVA master backups - patersonc 09:03:02 Not done 09:03:31 patersonc: thanks, I'll keep this AI 09:03:34 5. Review "gitlab-ci.yml" patches before OSS-J - pavel 09:03:52 .yml changes have been applied. 09:04:01 Thanks 09:04:04 pave1: thanks 09:04:05 -> done 09:04:13 #topic Kernel maintenance updates 09:04:17 4.19.50-cip3-rt2 stable release 09:04:18 #link https://lists.cip-project.org/pipermail/cip-dev/2019-July/002757.html 09:04:18 4.4.185-cip35-rt24 stable release 09:04:18 #link https://lists.cip-project.org/pipermail/cip-dev/2019-July/002761.html 09:04:42 this week, Pavel released two version of rt stable kernel 09:04:49 pave1: thank you :) 09:05:04 szlin: You are welcome :-) 09:05:06 iwamatsu: do you have any update? 09:05:35 szlin: I do not have any update. 09:05:48 iwamatsu: thanks, keep safe in your trip 09:06:02 szlin: thanks! 09:06:03 any other topics? 09:06:23 3 09:06:24 2 09:06:27 1 09:06:34 #topic Kernel testing 09:07:06 Hello 09:07:07 #info I've continued to enhance linux-cip-ci. Pipelines will now wait for the LAVA jobs to complete. Support for x86 will be added when I have a config for the Siemens board. 09:07:21 #info It looks like linux-cip-ci project will get approval. When it does I'll move it to the cip-testing GitLab project and update the gitlab-ci.yml files in the Kernel. 09:07:30 #info RZ/G2M board should be added to lab-cip-renesas this week. 09:08:06 That's it from me this week 09:08:15 patersonc: thank you for the update 09:08:34 any other comments or topics? 09:08:41 3 09:08:42 2 09:08:43 1 09:08:52 #topic CIP Core 09:09:19 iwamatsu: is Kazu around you? 09:09:44 No, he is sleeping , meybe. 09:10:06 I see, thanks 09:10:13 any topics? 09:10:14 3 09:10:15 2 09:10:16 1 09:10:23 #topic Software update 09:10:39 It seems like Daniel is not here 09:10:42 any topics? 09:10:47 3 09:10:48 2 09:10:49 1 09:10:54 #topic AOB 09:10:58 any other business? 09:11:39 3 09:11:40 2 09:11:40 1 09:11:45 #endmeeting