13:01:52 <jki> #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting
13:01:52 <collab-meetbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 16 13:01:52 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:01:52 <collab-meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
13:01:52 <collab-meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'
13:02:02 <jki> #topic AI review
13:02:10 <jki> nothing in my logs
13:02:26 <jki> moving directly on...
13:02:34 <jki> #topic Kernel maintenance updates
13:02:54 <uli> i'm reviewing 6.1.63
13:02:57 <masami> This week reported 4 new CVEs and 0 updated CVEs.
13:03:06 <iwamatsu> I am reviewing 6.1.63-rc.
13:03:28 <pave1> I was reviewing AUTOSEL, now reviewing 6.1.63.
13:06:56 <jki> more topics?
13:07:35 <jki> 5
13:07:37 <jki> 4
13:07:38 <jki> 3
13:07:40 <jki> 2
13:07:42 <jki> 1
13:07:45 <jki> #topic Kernel release status
13:07:51 <jki> 4.4
13:07:54 <uli> on track
13:08:06 <pave1> 4.4-rt and 4.19-rt is ok.
13:08:28 <jki> 4.19
13:08:32 <iwamatsu> on track
13:08:56 <jki> 5.10
13:09:20 <iwamatsu> on track
13:09:24 <pave1> 5.10-rt is due in 3 days. Unfortunately, we do not have good match, -cip is on 5.10.200 and -rt is on 5.10.199
13:09:35 <pave1> I asked for 5.10.200-rt, but no reply so far.
13:10:10 <pave1> I can probably mix -cipi-rt from what we have, if they don't respond.
13:10:22 <jki> that was my thought as well
13:11:04 <jki> 6.1
13:11:10 <iwamatsu> on track
13:11:28 <pave1> -rt is due in 13 days, so I'm looking for suitable -rt.
13:11:43 <jki> okay...
13:12:52 <jki> #topic Kernel testing
13:14:15 <jki> no Chris, no topics? :)
13:14:19 <hunter> well
13:15:02 <hunter> me, crhis and sietze are meeting next tuesday to discuss some things including utilizing SQUAD for testing
13:15:19 <jki> great
13:15:43 <jki> we have some outage in our lab, to be fixed the next days
13:16:24 <hunter> ah hope it isn't too bad
13:16:56 <jki> temporary lab using temporary hardware - you get what you asked for...
13:17:14 <hunter> yep xD that is true
13:18:12 <jki> ok, if there are no other testing topics...
13:18:21 <jki> 5
13:18:23 <jki> 4
13:18:24 <jki> 3
13:18:26 <jki> 2
13:18:27 <jki> 1
13:18:30 <jki> #topic AOB
13:18:42 <jki> I actually have two by now
13:19:01 <jki> who of CIP will participate in the RT Project meeting next Monday?
13:19:18 <hunter> what is the RT project?
13:19:30 <jki> preempt-rt project
13:19:43 <hunter> ah okay
13:19:53 <jki> CIP is a member, funding the upstreaming and maintenance
13:19:54 <iwamatsu> next monday?
13:19:58 <pave1> If that's remote, I can likely do it.
13:20:33 <iwamatsu> aha, ok. I am going to join it.
13:20:42 <jki> we as Siemens are member as well, but I'm flying, and all colleagues are I asked are blocked
13:21:07 <jki> it's 18:00 CET - might be mid of the night for you, iwamatsu-san ;)
13:21:36 <iwamatsu> hehe, but it is no problem for me.
13:21:42 <pave1> :-)
13:21:45 <jki> anyway, not only Siemens, I guess also CIP would be very interested now what is the reason that 6.7 didn't got -rt
13:21:57 <jki> printk was apparently merged, the last official blocker
13:22:33 <pave1> jki: Well, my impression is that -rt is "always" going to be in the next kernel. Becuase that's just a lot of work.
13:22:50 <jki> that was not what was communicated recently
13:23:04 <pave1> jki: Yes, it will be interesting to know the reasons, but it is really quite big project.
13:23:29 <jki> no, for mainline to flip the config options, it's not that big anymore
13:23:41 <jki> sure, there will be further optimizations needed afterwards
13:24:04 <jki> but we are looking for remaining functional blockers - if any
13:24:38 <jki> and CIP, we do not want to maintain our next SLTS kernel in two flavours anymore
13:25:07 <pave1> jki: We still likely will have to :-). preempt-rt being enabled != preempt-rt being enabled for everything we care about.
13:25:21 <jki> so, also the path to get major optimizations resolved over the upcoming releases would be important
13:25:57 <pave1> (Ok, if the patches are small we can just ship rt-patched kernel and call it "cip").
13:25:57 <jki> well, let's see, at least ask for it and hopefully get answer
13:26:26 <pave1> So there will likely be explanations, and likely people will be asking.
13:26:42 <pave1> There will meeting minutes, I'm sure; I guess you'll get those?
13:26:53 <jki> sure, but those are not interactive ;)
13:27:28 <pave1> Yep. I guess, as uusual, half of the meeting will be "why we are not merged, yet".
13:27:32 <pave1> If not, I can ask :-).
13:28:10 <pave1> But I doubt it will make much difference in the long run.
13:28:26 <pave1> What may make the difference -- we could try to influence priority of the architectures.
13:29:00 <jki> for CIP, we basically need a roudmap towards end of 2024
13:29:14 <jki> 2024 LTS
13:29:19 <jki> ok, thanks!
13:29:31 <pave1> Ok, I'll try to keep that in mind.
13:30:14 <jki> second topic: I'm traveling towards East, and I will likely not be available the next two weeks at our normal slots
13:30:54 <jki> actually, next 3: I'll be flying back from OSS J then :)
13:31:12 <jki> would anyone be able to jump in? first for next week?
13:31:20 <pave1> I can do next week.
13:31:58 <jki> perfect, thanks already!
13:32:38 <jki> anyone with other topics?
13:32:58 <pave1> There's cool new x86 vulnerability.
13:33:00 <pave1> CVE-2023-23583.
13:33:24 <jki> isn't that ucore-mitigated already?
13:33:58 <pave1> Not sure. This is the 'rex rep movsb', and yes, it should be fixed in microcode.
13:33:59 <jki> rep rex movsb :)
13:34:12 <jki> exactly
13:34:26 <pave1> Aha, so that's old news then :-).
13:34:32 <jki> I'm not aware of OS measures / mitigations, except for loading that ucode
13:34:42 <pave1> ack.
13:35:02 <jki> it's also not affecting all types of Intel CPUs
13:35:10 <jki> "just" some more recent generations
13:36:14 <jki> ok - anything else?
13:36:32 <jki> 5
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13:36:40 <jki> #endmeeting