13:01:22 <jki> #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting 13:01:22 <collab-meetbot`> Meeting started Thu Mar 13 13:01:22 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:22 <collab-meetbot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:01:22 <collab-meetbot`> The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' 13:01:36 <jki> #topic AI review 13:01:48 <jki> - share release scripts/procedures [pavel, iwamatsu-san] 13:01:56 <jki> any news here? 13:02:03 <pave1> sent email to cip-dev :-) 13:02:16 <jki> ah, just saw it 13:02:41 <jki> ok, now nobuhiro needs to share as well, and then you can sync 13:02:51 <pave1> I can put procedures into bin/ as text file into the repository, if that helps. 13:02:52 <jki> let's look at it again next time 13:03:36 <jki> you can suggest that along your posting, but all maintainers should have a chance to comment 13:03:50 <pave1> yep, no problem. 13:03:56 <arisut> thanks :) 13:04:23 <jki> ok, that was the only AI I had recorded 13:04:27 <jki> 5 13:04:29 <jki> 4 13:04:30 <jki> 3 13:04:32 <jki> 2 13:04:33 <jki> 1 13:04:35 <jki> #topic Kernel maintenance updates 13:04:52 <masami> This week reported 82 new CVEs and 15 updated CVEs. 13:04:52 <uli_> i released 4.19, now working on 4.4 13:05:02 <jki> nobuhiro: "I am reviewing 6.1.130." 13:05:09 <pave1> I'm reviewing 6.1.131 and .130. Big patch from Renesas landed. 13:05:52 <pave1> ...in the inbox, 85 patches in series. 13:07:08 <jki> that's more than what is generally recommended... 13:07:31 <pave1> Yep, its new hardware support. 13:08:48 <jki> still it might be splittable 13:09:19 <pave1> Not sure in this case. I'll take a look, if it has impact 13:09:28 <jki> ok 13:09:28 <pave1> on non-renesas code, I'll push back. 13:09:56 <jki> other maintenance topics? 13:10:17 <jki> 5 13:10:19 <jki> 4 13:10:20 <jki> 3 13:10:22 <jki> 2 13:10:24 <jki> 1 13:10:25 <jki> #topic Kernel release status 13:10:43 <jki> all on track, but quite a few are due early next week 13:10:55 <pave1> Yes. Including first self-maintained 4.19-rt. 13:11:17 <jki> :) 13:12:44 <jki> anything to add? 13:12:53 <jki> 5 13:12:55 <jki> 4 13:12:56 <jki> 3 13:12:58 <jki> 2 13:13:00 <jki> 1 13:13:02 <jki> #topic Kernel testing 13:13:08 <arisut> currently working on adding CIP configurations to KernelCI 13:13:51 <patersonc> Thank you arisut 13:14:30 <patersonc> I'm testing a LAVA MR in my local lab, now that I've got it working again. 13:15:22 <patersonc> Not much other news atm 13:16:01 <jki> anything else on testing 13:16:23 <jki> ? 13:17:06 <jki> 5 13:17:08 <jki> 4 13:17:09 <jki> 3 13:17:11 <jki> 2 13:17:13 <jki> 1 13:17:15 <jki> #topic AOB 13:17:33 <pave1> Mailing list is corrupting From. That breaks DCO and prevents direct replies. 13:17:42 <pave1> Not ok by me. 13:17:44 <jki> already replied 13:17:50 <jki> please provide examples 13:18:10 <jki> didn't notice this yet, also while picking up patches for isar-cip-core from the list 13:18:12 <pave1> Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:34:50 +0100 13:18:13 <pave1> From: "Pavel Machek via lists.cip-project.org" <pavel=denx.de@lists.cip-project.org> 13:18:38 <jki> link pleaes 13:19:06 <pave1> Hmm, I wander what is going on there. 13:19:38 <pave1> Your reply does not have [cip-dev] in the subject, so you was replying to direct copy I was sending to you. 13:19:39 <jki> that's DKIM 13:20:04 <patersonc> I know what you mean Pavel - I find it annoying too. If I reply to your email it'll go to the mailing list, not you personally. 13:20:13 <jki> nope, I replied to the email from nntp.lore.kernel.org 13:20:35 <pave1> DKIM? 13:21:07 <jki> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DomainKeys_Identified_Mail 13:21:43 <pave1> Ok, so every email I get from the list has mangled From. It means I can reply privately. 13:21:52 <pave1> Not sure what is different in your setup. 13:22:06 <jki> that's why it is highly recommended to start your patch content with "From: my real <address>" 13:23:06 <jki> still, it is not done by all senders, and I do have issues picking up patches from the list nevertheless 13:23:20 <jki> from direct posting or via nntp 13:24:03 <pave1> Well, all emails are not patches, and other mailing lists do not behave like that. 13:24:18 <patersonc> Do all groups.io ML have the same issue? Or is it a settings thing for our ML? 13:24:29 <jki> anyway, please cite concrete cases 13:24:39 <pave1> I worry that someone will save my mangled email adress. 13:24:40 <jki> then we can forward them 13:24:54 <pave1> Ok, I was kind of hoping list owner would explain. 13:25:05 <jki> they are all archived on the lore.kernel.org 13:25:25 <jki> list owner is most likely not following your public list in such details 13:26:02 <pave1> So who to contact? 13:26:42 <pave1> Everything I get from the mailing list has mangled addresses. Including emails from you. 13:27:01 <jki> I can forward that to Regina, but I need concrete examples 13:27:13 <pave1> I don't know what other people see in their inboxes, but patersonc sees it too, and I'm fairly sure it is not my system doing that. 13:27:27 <uli_> +1 13:28:09 <jki> our inbox should see what lore.kernel.org recorded 13:28:25 <jki> anything else is hard to tell apart from local server or client issues 13:28:44 <pave1> That's not the case. lore has unmangled version. 13:30:15 <pave1> And I can't get raw email from https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev/message/18189 13:31:38 <jki> that is the broken groups.io interface, not useful for such things 13:32:40 <pave1> Are you subscribed to the list, and receiveing messages over smtp to siemens server? 13:33:13 <jki> nope, I usually avoid subscriptions or silence them 13:33:25 <jki> nntp polling preferred 13:33:52 <pave1> Aha, so that's the difference. I'm subscribed, so the messages go over smtp to our mail serivce. 13:34:58 <jki> maybe LF disabled DKIM when formwarding to lore.kernel.org, and that's why we don't see it there 13:35:02 <jki> and in nntp 13:35:16 <jki> https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev/original/18189 is also not fully reporting addresses 13:35:52 <jki> patchwork.kernel.org should be fine as well 13:36:13 <jki> and would be another source for retrieving unmangled patches 13:37:13 <patersonc> Yea patchwork seems to be okay: https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/cip-dev/patch/20250313054155.337079-1-badrikesh.prusty@siemens.com/ 13:37:30 <patersonc> Still not ideal though - it would be nice to be able to hit reply in a mail client and for it to work 13:38:07 <jki> that normally works because of "reply-to" 13:38:20 <jki> even on dkim mangled lists 13:39:00 <pave1> Reply-to is set to the list: 13:39:02 <pave1> Reply to cip-dev@lists.cip-project.org? ([yes]/no): 13:39:32 <jki> hmm, that is suboptimal, indeed 13:39:45 <pave1> So if I do yes it goes to everyone, if I say No it goes to To: "Jan Kiszka via lists.cip-project.org" <jan.kiszka=siemens.com@lists.cip-project.org> 13:40:07 <pave1> Ok, lets see if someone has idea on the list, and if not we can talk about it next week? 13:40:15 <patersonc> It looks like there is a setting for that in groups.io. I've just set the cip-testing-results ML to be "reply to sender and group". Now it does exactly that. Maybe we can set the same for the cip-dev ML? 13:40:56 <patersonc> It still scrw 13:40:59 <jki> this is the other key word about this: DMARC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMARC 13:41:43 <jki> some list hosts to that, have to do that, other likel kernel.org seem to avoid it or have found workarounds 13:42:41 <jki> googlegroups does DMARC but set the sender in reply-to 13:43:04 <pave1> That would be improvement, yes. 13:43:31 <jki> anyway, all that is nothing new, commonly in place for 5 years or so in many spots 13:44:19 <jki> I'll ask Regina if she or LF support can tune "reply-to" 13:44:27 <pave1> Thank you! 13:44:45 <pave1> 6.12 branch. 13:44:48 <jki> ok 13:44:56 <jki> I have one topic for next week: 13:45:07 <jki> I might be blocked for the meeting, not 100% clear yet 13:45:17 <jki> who could jump in if needed? 13:46:04 <pave1> I can take over if you are not here by 13utc? :-) 13:46:26 <pave1> Or set your own deadline :-). 13:46:27 <jki> TIA! 13:46:38 <jki> 13:01 UTC ;) 13:46:42 <pave1> ok :-). 13:46:50 <jki> anything else for today? 13:46:51 <pave1> 6.12 branch 13:46:59 <jki> yes 13:47:24 <jki> where are we? 13:47:31 <pave1> I can do the scheduled -rt releases and then branch it from 6.12.18 or 6.12.19, whatever is available at the time? 13:48:06 <pave1> Or do I make it a priority? 13:48:30 <jki> I would say the regular releases are more important 13:48:48 <jki> we don't have hundreds of patches for 6.12-cip waiting 13:48:53 <jki> yet :) 13:48:56 <pave1> Just 85 :-). 13:49:34 <pave1> Ok, plan is clear, thanks! 13:50:16 <jki> good 13:50:24 <jki> further topics? 13:50:44 <jki> 5 13:50:46 <jki> 4 13:50:47 <jki> 3 13:50:49 <jki> 2 13:50:52 <jki> 1 13:50:54 <jki> #endmeeting