20:02:08 <zxiiro> #startmeeting docs
20:02:08 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 28 20:02:08 2017 UTC.  The chair is zxiiro. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html.
20:02:08 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
20:02:08 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs'
20:02:12 <zxiiro> #chair clavoy klou_
20:02:12 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: clavoy klou_ zxiiro
20:02:37 <zxiiro> #topic updates
20:03:13 <klou_> #link https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/65059/ - couldn't get it to merge
20:03:25 <zxiiro> #info klou_ mentions that patch 65059 couldn't be merged
20:06:11 <zxiiro> #info zxiiro will share his screen to go over the process to remove the abandoned patch from the Gerrit patch
20:08:15 <zxiiro> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/hJF606Rm/
20:08:18 <zxiiro> clavoy: ^
20:21:34 <zxiiro> #info patch 65059 merge issue resolved. It was dependent on an abandoned patch. The abandoned patch should have been updated.
20:34:52 <zxiiro> #info Discussed why openflowplugin project was failing builds for other projects. This was because OFP submodule was recently added to docs without being ignored in the .coafile so syntax failures in their repo was causing build issues in the docs project.
20:45:01 <zxiiro> #info Carbon downloads page links to boron docs instead of carbon
20:48:17 <zxiiro> #action zxiiro to contact the website team to fix
20:51:32 <zxiiro> #endmeeting