#opendaylight-openflowplugin: OpenFlow Plugin weekly meeting Nov 23

Meeting started by abhijitkumbhare at 17:07:53 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Lithium SR3 (abhijitkumbhare, 17:08:53)
    1. Discussion about bug https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4649 (abhijitkumbhare, 17:20:57)
    2. LuisGomez initially thought the issue is in stats mgr - and patch https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/29192/ (abhijitkumbhare, 17:22:15)
    3. LuisGomez reverted https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/29192/ the issue still remained (abhijitkumbhare, 17:22:51)
    4. It happens only in the existing design (abhijitkumbhare, 17:23:58)
    5. Also does not happen on the master (abhijitkumbhare, 17:26:36)

  2. Changes on the FRM side for addressing clustering needs (abhijitkumbhare, 17:31:48)
    1. Discussion for this will be postponed to next week - when more clustering folks are present (Kamal & vishnoianil ) (abhijitkumbhare, 17:41:25)

  3. OVS 2.4 problems (abhijitkumbhare, 17:42:30)
    1. renato_aguiar has updated bug 4473 with some extra info and karaf logs based on his investigations (abhijitkumbhare, 17:44:09)
    2. https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/job/openflowplugin-merge-stable-lithium/ (LuisGomez, 17:50:38)
    3. LuisGomez thinks that https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/27867 causes the issue (abhijitkumbhare, 17:52:14)

Meeting ended at 17:54:01 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. abhijitkumbhare (27)
  2. vishnoianil (16)
  3. odl_meetbot (4)
  4. michal_rehak (3)
  5. renato_aguiar (1)
  6. LuisGomez (1)

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