15:00:55 <SRao> #startmeeting vswitchperf
15:00:55 <collab-meetbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 15 15:00:55 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SRao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:55 <collab-meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:55 <collab-meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'vswitchperf'
15:01:50 <SRao> #topic Development Update
15:02:31 <acmacm> #info Al Morton
15:04:02 <SRao> #info Regarding Ansible Cluster Deployment patch: CLose once the comments AL are addressed.
15:04:52 <SRao> #info Sridhar submitted the patch for Trex with LV.
15:08:40 <SRao> #info Sridhar submitted a path for using new Version of VPP
15:13:37 <SRao> #info TODO: New version of T-Rex. In newer version TRex - Stateless-APIs have changed. This has affected us, and we are unable to use without change in vsperf code.
15:15:38 <SRao> #action Explore way to capture all the outstanding works in one place -- Scrum Board?
15:16:15 <SRao> #info TODO: Python Version needs to fixed.
15:16:38 <SRao> #info hari@intel reported a issue with Python 3.6 and VSPERF on Ubuntu.
15:16:55 <SRao> #info issue was around failed to build.
15:26:03 <SRao> #action Sridhar to follow-up with Ancuta on the ixnet issue.
15:29:44 <SRao> #topic Update from Interns
15:35:02 <SRao> #action Sridhar to share specific alert requirements to Aditya.
15:59:28 <SRao> #endmeeting