14:59:51 #startmeeting vswitchperf 14:59:51 Meeting started Wed Jul 22 14:59:51 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SRao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:59:51 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:59:51 The meeting name has been set to 'vswitchperf' 15:01:54 #topic Development Update. 15:02:18 #info All the outstanding patches are merged 15:03:10 #info Thanks to Emanuele and Parth. 15:03:54 #info VPP and T-Rex patches are also merged. 15:05:33 #topic LMA 15:05:47 #info Final List of Alerts for Both Metrics and Logs. 15:06:01 #info Finalized the Time-Analysis for the Logs. 15:06:26 #info Chirag can finalize on the classification and the visualization. 15:07:50 #action Send the list of the "empty log files" 15:08:12 #info Al Morton 15:16:38 #info Chirag Demonstrated the visualization and classification of Alerts. 15:17:06 #topic Ixia Automation. 15:24:36 #info Ancuta to fix the Port-Down Issues. 15:25:56 #topic K8S CNB. 15:26:39 #info Federica: It is still early stage to make a call. We need to run more tests and get reliable results. 15:41:58 #info Al: Once we complete the planned ones - It may well worth considering DANm. 15:43:10 #info With first set of results with Multus, we can go to Nokia for Bringing DanM to VSPERF> 15:49:38 #info Need some pointers on configuring Kubelet with CPUPolicy. Can we do this after cluster is deployed, and if YES HOW. 15:49:58 #info Can we create a Script to do the same. 15:51:09 #info Script can take the "Reserved-CPU" range, and do the do configuration. 15:51:58 #info Can we run vSwitch in a container and try the same exercise. 15:52:53 #info If vSwitch is run in a container, can the USERSPACE CNI still work? 15:54:11 #info ovs-vsctl will change to docker exec .... ovs-vsctl 15:58:02 #info parth adds https://doc.dpdk.org/spp/overview.html 16:00:37 #endmeeting