Saturday, 2022-03-26

*** toscalix <toscalix!> has joined #cip00:15
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*** Flamefire <Flamefire!> has joined #cip17:07
FlamefireHey guys! Judging from the thursday meeting minutes it seems the branch stability question has been adressed.17:22
FlamefireSo if I understand this correctly, tags will be of the form "v4.4-st<n>" done on branch "linux-4.4.y-st" which will be stable, i.e. no force-pushes/history-rewriting. Development will happen on branch linux-4.4.y-st-rc which may change history at times. This branch will likely be merged into linux-4.4.y-st when the changes are "stable" where I17:22
Flamefireassume those merges will always be fast-forwards.17:22
FlamefirePlease correct me if I misunderstood anything or take this as input for the next meeting. I won't be able to. Maintaining too much already ;-)17:22
FlamefireSo thanks again, also for adressing this!17:22
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