Tuesday, 2023-10-17

*** prabhakarlad <prabhakarlad!~prabhakar@pc.renesas.eu> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)00:21
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*** prabhakarlad <prabhakarlad!~prabhakar@pc.renesas.eu> has joined #cip13:35
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*** prabhakarlad <prabhakarlad!~prabhakar@pc.renesas.eu> has joined #cip18:06
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*** ThatsItForTheOth <ThatsItForTheOth!~ThatsItFo@ool-4573ff95.dyn.optonline.net> has joined #cip20:56
*** ThatsItForTheOth is now known as TheOtherOne20:56
TheOtherOneHello, I heard that CIP is only targeting amd64 and arm32, is this correct? Because I have a patch for PowerPC20:59
TheOtherOneIt's a one liner, very minor stuff21:00
patersoncHello TheOtherOne. CIP target different arch depending on the kernel version. We have to limit the scope to save on resources. For example, with SLTS v4.4 arm and x86 are supported. For SLTS 6.1 (I think) CIP supports arm, arm64, x86 and risc-v. I suggest for your patch you submit it to the cip-dev mailing list and the maintainers will get back to you21:05
TheOtherOneah, well its for SLTS v4.4 ppc32, I guess I'll just submit a diff to the mailing list and see if it gets taken21:06
TheOtherOneBuild's broken at least on my machine because of a missing header in prom.c21:07
patersoncIt may well do, but I'm not one of the maintainers :)21:07

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