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arisut | hi | 12:59 |
uli | hello | 13:00 |
patersonc | Afternoon | 13:00 |
masami | hello | 13:00 |
iwamatsu__ | hello | 13:00 |
pave1 | hi! | 13:00 |
FelixM | Hi! | 13:01 |
*** jki <jki!~jki@> has joined #cip | 13:01 | |
jki | hi all | 13:01 |
iwamatsu__ | hello | 13:01 |
masami | hi | 13:01 |
jki | looks like a small round today... | 13:03 |
jki | #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting | 13:03 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting started Thu Aug 8 13:03:28 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:03 |
collab-meetbot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:03 |
collab-meetbot | The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' | 13:03 |
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jki | #topic AI review | 13:03 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "AI review (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:03 | |
jki | - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] | 13:03 |
jki | So, no one did that in my absence - seems I have to now :) | 13:04 |
pave1 | I'm reviewing 6.1.103/104. | 13:04 |
jki | I didn't find other AIs in the last weeks logs | 13:04 |
FelixM | - how is linux-rt testing done on the cip kernels? | 13:04 |
jki | I think we same topic confusion right now | 13:05 |
jki | let's move on to... | 13:05 |
jki | #topic Kernel maintenance updates | 13:05 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel maintenance updates (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:05 | |
uli | i've released 4.4 and reviewed 6.1.101 | 13:05 |
pave1 | I'm reviewing 6.1.103/4 | 13:05 |
masami | This week reported 19 new CVEs and 58 updated CVEs. | 13:05 |
jki | FelixM: please ask later again | 13:05 |
jki | other maintenance topics? | 13:06 |
patersonc | I emailed a query about a CVE | 13:06 |
iwamatsu__ | I reviewed 6.1.103 | 13:07 |
masami | patersonc: thank you for the report. | 13:07 |
masami | I updated | 13:07 |
patersonc | Oh wait, I see you replied - sorry | 13:07 |
masami | np | 13:07 |
patersonc | Thank you for updating | 13:07 |
jki | reminds me of Christoph's work on CVE->config mapping | 13:08 |
jki | iwamatsu__: did you have the chance to look into that? | 13:09 |
iwamatsu__ | sorry, I do not check yet. I will check next week. | 13:10 |
jki | ok, TIA - will note that as AI ;) | 13:10 |
jki | anything else? | 13:10 |
jki | 5 | 13:10 |
jki | 4 | 13:11 |
jki | 3 | 13:11 |
jki | 2 | 13:11 |
jki | 1 | 13:11 |
jki | #topic Kernel release status | 13:11 |
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jki | 5.10-rt is late | 13:11 |
pave1 | Yep. | 13:11 |
jki | missing stable-rt? | 13:11 |
pave1 | There's todays 5.10rt | 13:11 |
pave1 | available, can I ask for matching | 13:12 |
pave1 | -cip? | 13:12 |
jki | iwamatsu__:? | 13:13 |
iwamatsu__ | I can release linux-5.10.y-cip. | 13:14 |
pave1 | Thank you! | 13:14 |
iwamatsu__ | I will release tomorrow ,is it OK? | 13:14 |
pave1 | That's ok. | 13:14 |
iwamatsu__ | ;-) | 13:14 |
jki | good - moving on then | 13:14 |
jki | 5 | 13:14 |
jki | 4 | 13:15 |
jki | 3 | 13:15 |
jki | 2 | 13:15 |
jki | 1 | 13:15 |
jki | #topic Kernel testing | 13:15 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:15 | |
FelixM | While porting over a workload to the cip 6.1 kernel (using isar-cip-core), I noticed that the cip-kernel-config (defconfig) for x86 is not really suited for RT workloads: | 13:15 |
FelixM | At least CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED=n and CONFIG_CPU_ISOLATION=y is missing. As we have some RT CIP kernel tests on kernelCI, I'm wondering what base config is used there and how that relates to the cip-kernel-config. | 13:15 |
patersonc | I've been on hols, so not much from me from the testing side | 13:16 |
arisut | The effort on kci-dev tool for kernel maintainer and developers is going on, I released a draft but is still in draft phase | 13:17 |
arisut | when will go into beta I hope cip can start testing it | 13:17 |
arisut | currently just for reference this is the first draft https://github.com/aliceinwire/kci-dev | 13:18 |
arisut | but not functional yet | 13:19 |
arisut | as we are still missing part of the api that the tool will interact to | 13:19 |
jki | cool, I guess the cip maintainers will be happy to test once ready :) | 13:20 |
arisut | but there start to be interest around it | 13:20 |
patersonc | Great | 13:20 |
jki | pavel: can you comment on Felix' question? or who else could? | 13:21 |
pave1 | Felix is telling us we are testing wrong configs. | 13:21 |
jki | are we? | 13:21 |
pave1 | I dunno. | 13:22 |
FelixM | At least we are not testing the "raw" cip-kernel-configs in the RT tests on kernelci. | 13:22 |
pave1 | We should be able to update them easily. | 13:22 |
FelixM | IMHO it would be better for our users to have RT defconfigs that are tested and fit most use cases. | 13:22 |
jki | what are the effectiv configs we are using, in kernelci and in our own labs? | 13:23 |
FelixM | It's also about documenting what the cip-kernel-configs are intended to be used for. Is it just an example, or can shall they be used as a baseline for products? | 13:23 |
pave1 | Well -cip maintains our own configs normally. | 13:23 |
jki | our own lab is using cip-kernel-config, right? | 13:23 |
pave1 | Unless there's something seriously wrong, | 13:24 |
pave1 | can we get an email with proposed update and some kind of rationale? | 13:25 |
FelixM | Sure! | 13:25 |
pave1 | Others are testing defconfigs, we test these, I dont see urgent need to keep that | 13:26 |
pave1 | consistent. | 13:26 |
pave1 | cc iwamatsu, cip-dev | 13:26 |
FelixM | Ok, I'll prepare a summary and send that to the list + cc's | 13:26 |
pave1 | Thank you! | 13:27 |
jki | perfect, thanks! | 13:27 |
jki | more testing topics? | 13:27 |
jki | 5 | 13:28 |
jki | 4 | 13:28 |
jki | 3 | 13:28 |
jki | 2 | 13:28 |
jki | 1 | 13:28 |
jki | #topic AOB | 13:28 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "AOB (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:28 | |
jki | anyone anything else for today? | 13:29 |
masami | I'll absent next week. | 13:29 |
patersonc | I'll be absent for 2 weeks | 13:30 |
jki | ok - enjoy! | 13:30 |
jki | then let's close in... | 13:31 |
jki | 5 | 13:31 |
jki | 4 | 13:31 |
jki | 3 | 13:31 |
jki | 2 | 13:31 |
jki | 1 | 13:31 |
jki | #endmeeting | 13:31 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting ended Thu Aug 8 13:31:17 2024 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:31 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/08/cip.2024-08-08-13.03.html | 13:31 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/08/cip.2024-08-08-13.03.txt | 13:31 |
collab-meetbot | Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/08/cip.2024-08-08-13.03.log.html | 13:31 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/ and chat logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/logs/%23cip/" | 13:31 | |
jki | thanks, all! | 13:31 |
pave1 | Thank you! | 13:31 |
iwamatsu__ | thank you | 13:31 |
uli | thanks | 13:31 |
FelixM | Thanks! | 13:31 |
masami | thank you | 13:31 |
*** iwamatsu__ <iwamatsu__!~iwamatsu_@2405:6581:5360:1800:e310:9694:6a97:c2a3> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed) | 13:31 | |
arisut | thanks | 13:32 |
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