Thursday, 2024-08-22

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jkihi, everyone!13:00
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jkiok, time to start13:02
jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:02
collab-meetbotMeeting started Thu Aug 22 13:02:33 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
collab-meetbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:02
collab-meetbotThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:02
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jki#topic AI review13:02
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jki- prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan]13:02
jkiunfortunately still no news13:02
jki- look into CVE triage tool [iwamatsu-san]13:02
iwamatsu__I have used this tool.13:03
iwamatsu__This is a tool to identify the CVEs involved in a given kernel config.13:03
jkiyes, or to rule CVEs out based on a config13:03
iwamatsu__I think this is a good tool to determine which CVEs are related to our kernel configurations. However, it takes a long time to process and this needs to be improved. In my environment, it took about 25 minutes per run.13:03
iwamatsu__The time can be reduced by having the program support parallel processing.13:04
jkiI suppose there are ways to optmize its runtime13:05
jkidid you also check the accuracy, at least for some examples?13:05
iwamatsu__Yes, I have also checked some for accuracy. I have only checked three kernel versions, but so far I have not found any problems.13:06
iwamatsu__And Since the results are output in JSON, the information can be filtered by processing the JSON. Currently, is provided as a simple tool for this.13:07
iwamatsu__At this time, it is necessary to look at the JSON to see which CVEs have been fixed, so and others need to be improved.13:07
jkimakes sense13:08
jkibut this sounds to me like we should continue to drive this, improve useability and eventually actually hook it into our workflow, right?13:09
iwamatsu__Yes,  I agree.13:10
jkiperfect, already informed Christoph :)13:10
jkithen next item13:11
jki- clarify role of linux-6.1.y-cip-rebase tag [iwamatsu-san]13:11
jkiwas this resolved?13:11
pave1Reference would be13:12
pave1Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 17:47:59 +020013:12
pave1Subject: Re: [cip-dev] [ANNOUNCE] v6.1.102-cip2613:12
pave1This is _tag_ linux-6.1.y-cip-rebase. We also have a branch13:12
pave1linux-6.1.y-cip-rebase. IMO the tag is a mistake.13:12
iwamatsu__I am aware of this problem and try to erase it from the repository in my scripts every time. But I will check again.13:14
jkiso, this tag is re-created by a release script?13:14
iwamatsu__No, I don't think it was created by my script....13:16
iwamatsu__But I will recheck .13:16
jkiok, thanks13:16
jkiwould be good to understand if this is recurring13:16
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jkiother AIs I don't have, so...13:17
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:17
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masamiThis week reported 187 new CVEs and 11 updated CVEs.13:17
ulibeen reviewing 6.1.10313:17
pave1I'm doing reviews, 6.1.103, .106 and AUTOSEL.13:17
iwamatsu__I reviewed
jkianything else?13:19
jki#topic Kernel release status13:20
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jkiall green this time :)13:20
jkiany issues ahead?13:20
arisutkci-dev as became an official kernelci project13:20
arisutbut no updates on terms of functionality13:21
jkiyou are already at "testing" :)13:21
jki#topic Kernel testing13:21
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pave1Sep 9th should see 3 -rt releases in 3 days. But no problem foreseen.13:21
jkiarisut: congrats for the project promotion13:22
arisutjki, thanks :)13:22
jkinow just finish it ;)13:22
arisutright :)13:22
jkiwe had some issues with the qemu runner in the siemens-lab, should be resolved now13:23
arisutthaks for fixing it13:23
jkiseems it got quite some attention - unluckily13:23
pave1It would be nice to monitor dmesg for any backtraces,13:23
pave1in case it returns,13:24
pave1or if similar issue should appear.13:24
jkishould be possible, we did that in some other setup, but don't ask me for the details13:24
jkianything else on testing?13:26
fbezdekaThe problem was on the host this time, quite hard to automatically monitor that from the test infrastructure / LAVA13:26
arisutwhy not using lava-docker ?13:27
fbezdekahow would that help in case the host has a problem?13:27
jkiwe are using that, but that does not protect you from hw issues of your host13:27
arisuthaving lava on docker should make errors better reproducibility13:28
jkidespite rumors, you still need real hardware somewhere to run containers ;)13:28
arisutsure hw issue are a different beast13:28
arisutdespite rumors lol13:28
jkibut are we catching kernel warnings of the target in lava already, or not?13:29
jkiis kernelci filtering them out? I would expect that13:32
arisutyou mean host errors?13:32
arisutor board errors?13:33
jkiboard errors13:33
arisutyes they are filtered with the testing system13:34
jkiok, good13:35
arisutmostly depends on which tests are executed13:35
arisutor allowed to be executed13:35
jkiwell, they should always be filtered and reported - unless the test case is to test WARN_ON13:35
arisutyes they should be reported13:36
jkigood, then move on...13:36
jki#topic AOB13:37
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jkianything else for today?13:37
csteigerI have some questions about the triage tool13:38
csteigerFirst of all thank you for checking it out :)13:38
csteigerWhat would you like to have in the overview tool? Which CVE the tool deemed relevant?13:38
iwamatsu__I would be happy to see a list of the CVEs involved and the status of the CVEs and commit ID.13:41
csteigerThat can be done13:41
csteigerAbout the performance: did you cache the kmax formulas for each kernel version?13:43
csteigerGenerating them takes about 5 to 10 minutes on my machine13:43
csteigerThe checks can be parallelized too I think, which should give us some improvements too13:44
iwamatsu__I create them every time. I do not use cache. I understand that using a cache can be mitigating.13:45
jkiwill those 15-25 min. run be per CVE?13:46
iwamatsu__per a kernel config.13:47
csteigerNo, once the kmax formulas are there, which only has to be done once for each kernel version, it takes about 10 seconds per CVE13:47
csteigeror shorter, when we do not need to run all checks13:47
jkiok, that is better13:47
jkianything else?13:48
collab-meetbotMeeting ended Thu Aug 22 13:49:30 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:49
collab-meetbotMinutes (text):
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at and chat logs at"13:49
jkithank you, see you next time!13:49
pave1Thank you!13:49
iwamatsu__Thank you.13:49
masamithank you13:49
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