Thursday, 2024-09-26

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jkihi everyone13:00
jkiok, let's go13:01
jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:01
collab-meetbot`Meeting started Thu Sep 26 13:01:44 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
collab-meetbot`Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:01
collab-meetbot`The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:01
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jki#topic AI review13:01
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jki- prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan]13:01
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jkionce again: not yet, I'm working on integrating the take-aways from last week13:02
jkiI don't have other AIs on my list13:02
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:03
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pave1Reviews, 6.1.110, .111.13:03
ulii reviewed 6.1.11013:03
iwamatsu__I reviewed
jkianything else?13:05
patersoncDoes discussing SLTS(?) 6.12 count as a maintenance topic? Sorry I wasn't there last week, were there any conclusions?13:05
jkinot yet an "update" topic :)13:06
patersoncOkay :)13:06
jkino decisions, just the intention to follow our tradition13:06
jkiif upstream does as well13:06
patersoncThat's good. I like a stable pattern13:06
jkiwe can make the discussion more concrete once 6.12 is official LTS13:07
pave1I guess it is expected that 6.12 will be official LTS, but we'll know for sure in 2 months...13:08
patersoncOkay. But no major blockers expected from our side from taking on another SLTS?13:08
jkiwe can discuss any already predictable effort increases13:08
jkiin fact, that question will arise sooner, e.g. for budget planning next year13:09
pave1Actually, what we might want to do now is to start testing 6.12-rc... if that's simple13:10
pave1To make sure 6.12 is released in good shape.13:10
pave1It will be more effort now but will save effort later.13:10
patersoncSounds good13:10
pave1We should be able to build rt & non-rt parts from same tree, just with different .config.13:11
jkibut keep in mind that arm32 is not part of 6.1213:11
jkiwe will have to decide what to do with it13:11
jki4 patches, if I recall correctly13:12
pave1We could either treat it as add-on patch - in similar way we carry renesas patches now.13:12
pave1Or we may try to declare arm32-rt unsupported, and see if anyone notices :-).13:12
jkiwell, we don't carry deviations only backparts, formally13:12
jkiwith CI exceptions13:12
pave1You are right we normally enforce that.13:13
jkiif we are lucky, upstream accepts arm32-rt with 6.13 or so, then we could easily backport13:13
pave1I assume eventually arm32-rt is merged to mainline, too, and at that point we are free to backport it.13:13
patersoncHas upstream dropped arm32 in 6.12? Or CIP won't support it?13:13
pave1But if noone uses arm32-rt with 6.12, that would be easiest.13:14
jkino, arm32 is alive13:14
jkithis is only about the rt bits for it not being part of 6.12 yet13:14
pave1patersonc: Issue is -rt specific. -rt was merged to mainline only for other architectures, no arm32 at the moment.13:14
patersoncAhhh okay. Make sense - I think I would have heard it if it was the whole kernel :P13:14
jkiwell, that is a valid question, if there are immediate 6.12-rt arm32 users13:15
jkiwe may also postpone that topic for some time13:15
pave1Postpone for now. I guess there'll be TSc-level "supported configs" and "reference configs" discussion13:15
pave1where 6.12 is near?13:15
jkirather than starting a cip-rt for arm32 only and later on being able to switch to regular rt due to backports13:15
pave1So arm32-rt is part of that discussion.13:16
jkiit is also still unclear if there will be a 6.12-rt-lts kernel from the RT project - maintainer is needed13:17
jkianything else on 6.12 or maintenance?13:17
jki#topic Kernel release status13:18
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jkitwo kernels were late...13:18
iwamatsu__for 6.1.y, I am preparing now.13:19
pave14.4-rt is late, AFAICT. Sorry for that, should be doable soon.13:19
jkiok, all in our hand then13:20
jkithen moving on...13:20
jki#topic Kernel testing13:21
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patersoncFirstly, I'm sorry I didn't make it last week last minute13:21
jkino worries13:21
patersoncIf there are any items that were raised regarding testing let me know13:21
patersoncI should be at OSS-J next month, so not too long to wait for a F2F13:21
patersoncRegarding updates, there aren't many. I submitted a patch to change the isar-cip-core CI a bit13:22
patersoncDenx lava lab is down atm, hopefully back soon13:23
* jki needs to go through pending isar-cip-core patches...13:23
patersoncI don't think I have anything else my side13:24
arisutat plumbers presentation kci-dev got presented as new feature of KenrelCI13:25
jkiah, cool - missed that, unfortunately13:26
jkitoo much was going on in parallel13:26
arisutactually two presentation cited kci-dev13:26
arisutone was Interacting with kernel test results
arisutthe other one was Meet the new KernelCI
arisutin the link there is also the pdf of the presentation13:29
arisutdevelopment is going on, but still many work to do13:30
patersoncThanks Arisu-san13:31
jkiindeed - testing seems to be an infinit space from here :)13:31
iwamatsu__Can I ask other topic for testing?13:31
iwamatsu__patersonc: I would like to ask about BBB test for 6.1.y-cip.13:32
patersoncI need to check that13:32
iwamatsu__Can I enable this by fixing the problem?13:33
patersoncOriginally it wasn't booting. Never got back to fix it - sorry13:33
patersoncWe should do though13:33
iwamatsu__OK, I will do ti. Koguchi-san asked same thing (
patersoncThank you Iwamatsu-san!13:35
iwamatsu__That's all from me.13:35
jkianything else?13:37
jki#topic AOB13:38
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jkifirst one first :)13:38
iwamatsu__I would like to check the contents of the Reference HW page.13:38
iwamatsu__Will RZ/G1M and RZ/G2M be supported in SLTS 6.1.y and 6.1.y-rt?13:38
patersoncI believe so, yes13:39
patersoncI'm not sure why that table is blank13:40
pave1We have same issue with other targets.13:41
iwamatsu__OKey..., Who should I check with for BBB and DE0?13:41
iwamatsu__About SoCFPGA, I will ask Cybertrust.13:41
jkiDE0 should remain from our perspective13:42
iwamatsu__Not SoCFPGA, zynqmp13:42
jkiBBB is likely still one of the most accessible 32-bit arm boards13:43
iwamatsu__I think so.13:44
iwamatsu__Can we decide here about DE0 and BBB?  Or do we ask with TSC?13:45
jkiif more effort is related to keeping those, we should carry it to TSC13:46
jkiis there?13:46
pave1Not really on the development side.13:46
jkithen the ball is with the testing WG ;)13:48
iwamatsu__Yes, we run CI those  boards as well.13:48
patersoncSo no extra work really, other than making sure they are all enabled and running13:49
patersonc(see previous topic :D )13:49
jkiperfect, then let's keep them13:50
pave1So ... who gets to update the wiki?13:50
iwamatsu__I will update.13:50
jkigood, next topic?13:50
iwamatsu__yes, please13:50
jkipatersonc: yours?13:51
patersoncI had a query about compiler versions/maintenance13:51
patersoncIs CIP just making use of Debian ELTS compilers for building/maintaining the kernel?13:51
patersoncIs there a plan for when Debian support stops?13:52
jkiwould be my expectation13:52
jkiwe do that in isar-cip-core at least, not sure about all other CI pipelines, though13:52
jkiwhy asking? already troubles with other toolchains? or just worries about what may come?13:53
patersoncNo trouble, just an internal query13:54
patersoncIs there a requirement to stick with the same GCC version for SLTS 4.4 for example, or are we/everyone expecting it to be okay to switch to newer versions over time?13:54
ulii'm using gcc 12.2 to compile-test 4.4. the kernel builds, haven't tried if it actually works, though.13:55
pave1So... there's some flexibility in gcc versions, but switching to "latest" would break stuff (or at least introduce ton of warnings), I'd be afraid.13:56
jkiwe are flexible in practice, yes13:56
ulithere definitely are a lot of warnings :)13:56
jkinot that we committed to anything explicitly here, though13:56
pave1If we want to switch gcc versions, I'd guess it would be good to keep them running parallel for half-a-year-or-so,13:56
patersoncDo we need to define somewhere what we're basing our maintenance on? Should we all be using the same? Or is it better to be flexible/varied?13:57
jkiI would expect that we avoid requiring newer compilers for older kernels, only opt-in to enable them13:57
pave1so that we would be able to tell "this is a kernel regression" vs. "this is problem caused by new gcc".13:57
jkiok, I have a hard cut at the hour13:58
jkiI can check again if we have written something in our wiki already, just to be sure13:59
jkiif not, we can discuss in the next TSC if to formalize this13:59
patersoncThere's no rush on this topic13:59
jkiand how then13:59
jkiI would skip my impressions from Plumbers, maybe next week13:59
jkianything urgent left?14:00
collab-meetbot`Meeting ended Thu Sep 26 14:00:28 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:00
collab-meetbot`Minutes (text):
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jkithank you all!14:00
iwamatsu__Thank you!14:00
pave1Thank you!14:00
patersoncCheers al14:00
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