*** monstr <monstr!~monstr@nat-35.starnet.cz> has joined #cip | 06:25 | |
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*** iwamatsu__ <iwamatsu__!~iwamatsu_@2405:6581:5360:1800:2798:f805:7ea0:72d9> has joined #cip | 13:00 | |
pave1 | Hi! | 13:00 |
uli | hello | 13:00 |
masami | hi | 13:01 |
arisut | hi | 13:01 |
patersonc | hi | 13:01 |
iwamatsu__ | hello | 13:01 |
pave1 | Okay, lets start | 13:02 |
pave1 | #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting started Thu Oct 17 13:02:49 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pave1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot | The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' | 13:02 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to " (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:02 | |
pave1 | #topic AI review | 13:02 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "AI review (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:02 | |
pave1 | - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] | 13:03 |
pave1 | Jan is not here, so skip. | 13:03 |
pave1 | Anything else? | 13:03 |
pave1 | 5 | 13:03 |
pave1 | 4 | 13:03 |
pave1 | 3 | 13:03 |
pave1 | 2 | 13:03 |
pave1 | 1 | 13:03 |
pave1 | #topic Kernel maintenance updates | 13:03 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel maintenance updates (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:03 | |
uli | i'm reviewing 6.1.113 | 13:03 |
masami | This week reported 1 new CVEs and 14 updated CVEs. | 13:03 |
pave1 | I'm reviewing 6.1.113. | 13:03 |
iwamatsu__ | I am reviewing 6.1.113 | 13:03 |
pave1 | 3 | 13:04 |
pave1 | 2 | 13:04 |
pave1 | 1 | 13:04 |
pave1 | #topic Kernel release status | 13:04 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel release status (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:04 | |
pave1 | iwamatsu, can you run the script? | 13:04 |
iwamatsu__ | OK | 13:05 |
pave1 | 4.19-cip-rt is due to next week, otherwise -rt should be on track. | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | Date the data is created: Thu Oct 17 12:55:37 PM UTC 2024 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | linux-4.4.y-cip: interval 30 day | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version: v4.4.302-cip92 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version release date: Wed Oct 9 04:23:37 AM UTC 2024 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | limit date: Fri Nov 8 04:23:37 AM UTC 2024Status: On track | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | linux-4.4.y-cip-rt: interval 60 day | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version: v4.4.302-cip91-rt51 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version release date: Mon Sep 30 09:48:28 AM UTC 2024 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | limit date: Fri Nov 29 09:48:28 AM UTC 2024Status: On track | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | linux-4.19.y-cip: interval 30 day | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version: v4.19.322-cip113 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version release date: Tue Sep 24 09:32:37 AM UTC 2024 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | limit date: Thu Oct 24 09:32:37 AM UTC 2024Status: On track | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | linux-4.19.y-cip-rt: interval 60 day | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version: v4.19.322-cip113-rt38 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | latest version release date: Tue Sep 24 10:34:04 AM UTC 2024 | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | limit date: Sat Nov 23 10:34:04 AM UTC 2024Status: On track | 13:05 |
iwamatsu__ | linux-5.10.y-cip: interval 30 day | 13:05 |
pave1 | Hmm. Paste did not work well. | 13:06 |
pave1 | But I guess everything is on track? | 13:06 |
iwamatsu__ | https://www.nigauri.org/~iwamatsu/trash/status.txt | 13:06 |
iwamatsu__ | Yes, all green | 13:07 |
pave1 | linux-5.10.y-cip: interval 30 day | 13:07 |
pave1 | latest version: v5.10.226-cip53 | 13:07 |
pave1 | latest version release date: Wed Oct 9 10:54:23 PM UTC 2024 | 13:07 |
pave1 | limit date: Fri Nov 8 10:54:23 PM UTC 2024Status: On track | 13:07 |
pave1 | linux-5.10.y-cip-rt: interval 60 day | 13:07 |
pave1 | latest version: v5.10.224-cip52-rt22 | 13:07 |
pave1 | latest version release date: Sat Sep 7 01:56:36 PM UTC 2024 | 13:07 |
pave1 | limit date: Wed Nov 6 01:56:36 PM UTC 2024Status: On track | 13:07 |
pave1 | linux-6.1.y-cip: interval 15 day | 13:07 |
pave1 | latest version: v6.1.112-cip30 | 13:07 |
pave1 | latest version release date: Wed Oct 16 09:40:02 PM UTC 2024 | 13:07 |
pave1 | limit date: Thu Oct 31 09:40:02 PM UTC 2024Status: On track | 13:07 |
pave1 | 3 | 13:07 |
pave1 | 2 | 13:07 |
pave1 | 1 | 13:07 |
pave1 | #topic Kernel testing | 13:08 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:08 | |
patersonc | I had to reboot the LAVA master again as it wasn't running the latest version - so the labs all need to be rebooted again, which may take a day or so depending on timezones - sorry | 13:08 |
patersonc | This should fix the de0-nano-soc issue though | 13:09 |
patersonc | Sorry about that Pave1 | 13:09 |
pave1 | No problem, thanks for fixing this! | 13:09 |
arisut | kci-dev is currently working. it can currently rebuild failed jobs and check for results | 13:09 |
patersonc | Thanks for Iwamatsu-san for pointing out the issue | 13:09 |
patersonc | That's great, thank you arisut | 13:09 |
patersonc | arisut are you going to OSS-J in a couple of weeks? | 13:10 |
arisut | currently we are working on adding bisection | 13:10 |
arisut | patersonc, yes | 13:10 |
patersonc | Great - can we meet up and discuss various cip/kernelci things like kci-dev? | 13:10 |
arisut | sure | 13:10 |
patersonc | In related news, I've started to migrate the CIP trees into the new kernelCI system | 13:11 |
arisut | patersonc, thanks | 13:11 |
arisut | what is still missing ? | 13:11 |
patersonc | It'll just do a basic build for now. Need to work out the configs side of things and the testing side - so most of it :P | 13:12 |
arisut | ok | 13:12 |
pave1 | I'd like a feature: | 13:12 |
pave1 | Currently, to test a tree, I need to add .gitlab..yml file, first. | 13:12 |
pave1 | Which ... is not nice when bisecting. | 13:13 |
patersonc | Hopefully with kci-dev you won't need to do that | 13:13 |
pave1 | (Because I'm searching between two commits, and now I'm adding more commits, and ...) | 13:13 |
pave1 | Ok. :-). Looking forward. | 13:13 |
arisut | https://kernelci.github.io/kci-dev/ | 13:14 |
patersonc | In the mid-term I'm investigating moving completely to kernelci and stopping our current gitlab ci approach. How exactly that will look is yet to be worked out | 13:14 |
pave1 | What timeline are we talking about? | 13:14 |
patersonc | The new KernelCI dashboard _should_ be much easier to use than the last one. | 13:14 |
patersonc | pave1: Maybe e/2024 | 13:14 |
pave1 | Ok, sounds good, thank you! | 13:15 |
pave1 | Anything else? | 13:15 |
patersonc | I'd like to get it in place for when we have all these new kernels to self-maintain | 13:15 |
patersonc | We need more tests done, not just boot tests imho | 13:15 |
pave1 | Yes, that would be nice. | 13:15 |
pave1 | We are going to be very busy at start of 2025. | 13:15 |
patersonc | Yep | 13:15 |
patersonc | Fun fun :) | 13:15 |
patersonc | Get your estimates into Jan/the CIP board as they are planning the 2025 budget | 13:16 |
pave1 | Anything else? | 13:16 |
pave1 | 3 | 13:16 |
pave1 | 2 | 13:16 |
pave1 | 1 | 13:16 |
pave1 | #topic AOB | 13:17 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "AOB (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:17 | |
patersonc | o/ I have an AOB | 13:17 |
pave1 | Go ahead! | 13:17 |
patersonc | Can anyone remember why we have a separate cip-kernel-config repo for the configs, rather than just add them to the linux-cip tree? | 13:17 |
pave1 | There's not really a good place in linux-cip. | 13:18 |
pave1 | We want our users to clone the kernel trees, they'll not want configs... | 13:18 |
patersonc | Would they really destroy their trees that much? I guess it's a personal preference thing | 13:19 |
patersonc | Not a big issue, it just would be easier to make use of them then having them in separate repos | 13:19 |
patersonc | On a different topic - iwamatsu__: Do you happen to have a spare BBB board? | 13:20 |
pave1 | Its kind of tradition that configs are not stored in kernel tree :-). It would also mean | 13:21 |
pave1 | having the configs at different branches, and we have other data we need per config -- like | 13:21 |
pave1 | list of files compiled for each config. It would be strange to store that in kernel tree directly. | 13:21 |
iwamatsu__ | Also, I think that putting your own config in the kernel tree is contrary to the stable/CIP patch rule. | 13:21 |
patersonc | Fair doos :) | 13:22 |
iwamatsu__ | patersonc: yes, I have. | 13:22 |
iwamatsu__ | we need more BBB? | 13:23 |
patersonc | If you have one and it's not too much effort I'd welcome it your LAVA lab | 13:24 |
patersonc | Don't worry too much though | 13:24 |
iwamatsu__ | OK, I will connect BBB to my LAVA lab for CIP. | 13:24 |
patersonc | Thank you | 13:25 |
pave1 | Ok, anything else? | 13:25 |
pave1 | 3 | 13:25 |
pave1 | 2 | 13:25 |
pave1 | 1 | 13:26 |
pave1 | #endmeeting | 13:26 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting ended Thu Oct 17 13:26:13 2024 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:26 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/10/cip.2024-10-17-13.02.html | 13:26 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/10/cip.2024-10-17-13.02.txt | 13:26 |
collab-meetbot | Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/10/cip.2024-10-17-13.02.log.html | 13:26 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/ and chat logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/logs/%23cip/" | 13:26 | |
iwamatsu__ | Thank you | 13:26 |
patersonc | Thanks all | 13:26 |
masami | thank you | 13:26 |
uli | thanks | 13:26 |
pave1 | Thank you! See you next week. | 13:26 |
arisut | thanks | 13:26 |
*** masami <masami!~masami@FL1-118-111-145-206.tky.mesh.ad.jp> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) | 13:28 | |
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