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jki | hi all | 13:00 |
pave1 | Hi! | 13:00 |
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iwamatsu__ | hello | 13:00 |
masami | hi | 13:00 |
patersonc | Afternoon all | 13:00 |
csteiger | Hi! | 13:00 |
arisut | hi | 13:00 |
jki | ok, let's go | 13:01 |
jki | #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting | 13:01 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting started Thu Nov 7 13:01:36 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:01 |
collab-meetbot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:01 |
collab-meetbot | The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' | 13:01 |
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jki | #topic AI review | 13:01 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "AI review (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:01 | |
jki | - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] | 13:01 |
jki | the announcement email draft feels ready, will share later, still polishing on the blog post | 13:02 |
jki | no other AIs recorded | 13:02 |
jki | 5 | 13:03 |
jki | 4 | 13:03 |
jki | 3 | 13:03 |
jki | 2 | 13:03 |
jki | 1 | 13:03 |
jki | #topic Kernel maintenance updates | 13:03 |
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pave1 | I'm doing reviews, 6.1.114, 115, 116. | 13:03 |
masami | This week reported 51 new CVEs and 0 updated CVEs. | 13:03 |
iwamatsu__ | I reviewed 6.1.116-rc | 13:04 |
jki | are we generating filtering reports for the new CVEs already now? | 13:06 |
csteiger | I tried my hand on it today for the first time | 13:06 |
masami | this one. https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev/message/17215 | 13:06 |
jki | ah, missed that - nice! | 13:07 |
iwamatsu__ | csteiger: thanks for your work! | 13:07 |
csteiger | I hope it is useful for you guys :) | 13:08 |
jki | what would be a next useful step for that? | 13:08 |
jki | more architectures? :) | 13:11 |
csteiger | If you have wishes let me know, it is very easy to add more stuff | 13:11 |
csteiger | More configs, archs etc | 13:11 |
jki | opinions? suggestions? | 13:12 |
jki | well, we can also continue this on the list later on | 13:14 |
jki | anything else on this topic block? | 13:14 |
jki | 5 | 13:15 |
jki | 4 | 13:15 |
jki | 3 | 13:15 |
jki | 2 | 13:15 |
jki | 1 | 13:15 |
jki | #topic Kernel release status | 13:15 |
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jki | there are two releases late | 13:15 |
jki | any news on 4.19-upstream? | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | No update, but rc version has been reeleased | 13:16 |
jki | ok, that is good | 13:16 |
iwamatsu__ | It may be released in a few days. | 13:16 |
jki | formally late is also 5.10-rt, but I suppose that is also waiting for the next 5.10 which is due tomorrow | 13:16 |
pave1 | I'll need to investigate, but release is easy once upstream does it. | 13:17 |
jki | anything else regarding releases? | 13:18 |
jki | 5 | 13:18 |
jki | 4 | 13:18 |
jki | 3 | 13:18 |
jki | 2 | 13:18 |
jki | 1 | 13:18 |
jki | #topic Kernel testing | 13:18 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:18 | |
patersonc | Hello | 13:18 |
patersonc | There's an MR open adding LAVA support for the new MCOM platform. I'll get the configs added to the server today for testing, then we can get it merged. | 13:18 |
jki | that's great to hear! | 13:19 |
arisut | kci-dev as been released to pypi, now can be installed by pip install kci-dev | 13:19 |
pave1 | arisut: Wow, nice :-). | 13:20 |
arisut | we are planning to add new feature like bisection and artifact download | 13:20 |
arisut | documentation is here https://kernelci.github.io/kci-dev/ | 13:20 |
jki | looks like this is looking for cip-users now :) - great! | 13:20 |
patersonc | :) | 13:21 |
pave1 | patersonc: We have failure on 6.11-rc, and it won't go away with retries. | 13:21 |
pave1 | https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-testing/linux-stable-rc-ci/-/pipelines/1531015121 | 13:21 |
pave1 | I did not investigate much more. | 13:21 |
patersonc | Thanks pave1 - I'll take a look | 13:21 |
arisut | and you can see my talk at OSSJ where I'm talking about kci-dev a bit. Talk @OSSJ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNMNJAdm-fo | 13:21 |
pave1 | (You have copy in the email). | 13:22 |
pave1 | Thank you! | 13:22 |
arisut | https://pypi.org/project/kci-dev/ | 13:22 |
arisut | is still in beta but feel free to try it and give feedback | 13:23 |
patersonc | Thanks arisut | 13:23 |
arisut | thanks you | 13:24 |
jki | anything else on testing? | 13:25 |
patersonc | Not from me | 13:25 |
jki | 5 | 13:26 |
jki | 4 | 13:26 |
jki | 3 | 13:26 |
jki | 2 | 13:26 |
jki | 1 | 13:26 |
jki | #topic AOB | 13:26 |
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patersonc | pave1: It looks like there has been a successful boot on BBB for that kernel - just never both in the same GitLab job. Slightly worrying. I'll try and dig further. Maybe iwamatsu__ has some suggestions | 13:27 |
pave1 | Yeah, so for the record, bbb was flakey before. I did run more than few retries in recent history. | 13:28 |
iwamatsu__ | I dont have information about it now, so I also check it. | 13:28 |
patersonc | pave1: Have you seen a pattern with particular boards failing/not failing? | 13:28 |
pave1 | Not really. It was "bbb failed again, just hit retry, it will work". | 13:29 |
jki | where does it fail, boot-up? or already in u-boot while loading the kernel? | 13:30 |
patersonc | I've seen both | 13:32 |
pave1 | One example is: | 13:32 |
pave1 | bootz 0x82000000 - 0x88000000 | 13:32 |
pave1 | zimage: Bad magic! | 13:32 |
pave1 | bootloader-commands timed out after 282 seconds | 13:32 |
jki | that download issues by u-boot are familiar to us in the xenomai lab | 13:33 |
jki | we plan (for too long) to add some retries there as well | 13:34 |
jki | still wondering why LAVA has nothing like that by default... | 13:34 |
jki | even worse: this sometimes hits our heathcheck jobs, and then the board is first of all "offline" | 13:35 |
jki | anyway - will let you know if we happen to find some workarounds for that first | 13:37 |
patersonc | Yea... | 13:37 |
jki | other topics for today? | 13:37 |
jki | 5 | 13:38 |
jki | 4 | 13:38 |
jki | 3 | 13:38 |
jki | 2 | 13:38 |
jki | 1 | 13:38 |
jki | #endmeeting | 13:38 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting ended Thu Nov 7 13:38:57 2024 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:38 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/11/cip.2024-11-07-13.01.html | 13:38 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/11/cip.2024-11-07-13.01.txt | 13:38 |
collab-meetbot | Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2024/11/cip.2024-11-07-13.01.log.html | 13:38 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/ and chat logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/logs/%23cip/" | 13:38 | |
jki | thanks, all! | 13:39 |
pave1 | Thank you! | 13:39 |
arisut | thanks | 13:39 |
masami | thank you | 13:39 |
patersonc | ttfn | 13:39 |
iwamatsu__ | thank you | 13:39 |
*** csteiger <csteiger!~csteiger@dslb-092-072-049-075.092.072.pools.vodafone-ip.de> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) | 13:39 | |
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iwamatsu__ | hmm, BBB does not download artifacts | 13:45 |
iwamatsu__ | https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1218595#L297 | 13:45 |
iwamatsu__ | And using musb-hdrc for download | 13:46 |
iwamatsu__ | with other test, it uses ethernet device and success. and it is same device (bbb-01). https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1218571#L291 | 13:48 |
patersonc | But both tests/images are the same? Why would the behaviour change? | 13:49 |
iwamatsu__ | They are the same binary(1218595 and 1218571). | 13:51 |
patersonc | yea | 13:51 |
iwamatsu__ | I seem to have failed to initialize U-boot. | 13:55 |
iwamatsu__ | Success: https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1218571#L253 | 13:55 |
iwamatsu__ | fail: https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1218595#L258 | 13:56 |
iwamatsu__ | > Net: Could not get PHY for ethernet@4a100000: addr 0 | 13:56 |
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pave1 | ~. | 14:25 |
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