Thursday, 2024-11-21

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jkihi all13:02
jkisorry for the delay13:02
jkithen let's start13:03
jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:03
collab-meetbotMeeting started Thu Nov 21 13:03:33 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
collab-meetbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:03
collab-meetbotThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:03
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jki#topic AI review13:03
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jki- prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan]13:03
jkisorry, got distracted again13:03
pave1I got a link on that one on google, but was not able to open it.13:04
pave1At some point, mailing version out would make sense :-).13:04
jkiah, that was the announcement thing13:04
jkilet me check if I can fix13:04
jkiyes, I can also post that on that thread13:04
pave1That would be easiest, thanks!13:04
jkiok - other AIs are not recorded13:05
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:05
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pave1I'm doing reviews,  4.4-st58, 6.1.117,118,119.13:05
masamiThis week reported 93 new CVEs and 19 updated CVEs.13:05
uli_i've been preparing 4.413:05
iwamatsu__I reviewed 6.1.117 , and I am reviewing 4.4-st5813:06
pave1There's fun situation where -stable is reverting security fixes because they break functionality.13:06
pave1I guess I'll need to investigate more and bring up popcorn :-).13:06
pave1Example is 8456fd1db 811371 o: 6.1| Revert "Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix possible buffer overflow" .13:07
jkihuh, will that revert CVE states as well? :)13:07
jkianything else?13:09
jki#topic Kernel release status13:10
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jkiwe have three late markers13:11
jki4.4 will come out soon?13:11
uli_once the reviews are through13:11
uli_it's a big release, lots of backports13:11
pave15.10-rt: There's .226-rt out, but that's old one. .229-rt-rc1 is out there, so I suggest to wait till that's released.13:12
iwamatsu__for 6.1.y-cip, I am preparing it.13:12
jkiok, then things look more green next week13:12
jkiI still wonder, though, is stable rt should further fall behind if it is our best option to wait that often13:14
jkianything else?13:15
pave1I can do .226-rt based release, but that would be releasing old code.13:15
pave1Maybe we should adjust our schedules for 4.19 / 5.10 rt to be less common.13:16
jkiyes, that why I'm questioning to wait13:16
jkibetter become active and port forward13:16
pave1...or maybe admit that our releases are controlled by upstream ;-).13:16
jkiat least when it is as easy as Clark put it - in most cases13:16
jkipavel: that will change anyway13:17
jkifor 4.19 soon13:17
jkiand then 5.10 and 6.1 as well13:17
pave1Technially, forward porting rt changes to next stable is likely easy...13:17
pave1Hmm, true, self-maintenance.13:18
jkiif the load explodes, we can still take measures13:18
pave1But it would not get benefit of testing, and there could be fun if they decide to do something different.13:18
patersoncDo we know how long the RT project plan to maintain the older kernels? For the whole LTS cycle?13:18
pave1Anyway, in this case, I wait for .229-rt?13:19
pave1patersonc: Yes, that's what happened in the past.13:19
jkithe RT project is not maintaining LTS, it's individual contributors13:19
jki(backed by companies, though, in many cases)13:19
jkithe RT project supports LTS maintainer, and we could make use of that - specifically as member13:20
patersoncOkay. I wondered if most of the upstreaming effort was done we could ask them to redirect membership money for the maintenance work?13:21
jkiwe started to discusse this in the project, but there is no clear plan yet13:21
pave1That's the discussion currently happening; there is an email asking members how to prioritize the work.13:21
patersoncOkay :)13:23
jkianyhing else on this topic?13:24
jki#topic Kernel testing13:24
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patersoncI need to look into a couple of emails/requests sent this week - hopefully I'll get time later or tomorrow.13:25
patersoncI've no exciting updates to share though - sorry13:25
pave1bbb is acting up.13:25
pave1Could someone take a look?13:25
jkiall bbb's or just in a specific lab?13:26
pave1Plus it would be good to start testing 6.12.x. (Or probably we are already testing it and I just need a link).13:26
patersoncGood point - I forgot about that. Thanks pave113:26
iwamatsu__one bbb on lab-cip-denx is not working now.13:27
pave1iwamatsu: Is that why I need to hit 'retry' few times?13:28
jkiif it is only one bbb instance, poke the lab owner13:30
iwamatsu__pave1: It seems that one BBB is offline. It seems that tests often fail in BBB.13:31
patersoncThe failures seem spread between multiple devices13:31
patersoncScroll down on and look for incomplete13:31
patersoncFailures seem to be for cip configs and for defconfig13:32
patersoncBut there are also passes for the same13:32
pave1It fails on -stable-rc too, I just hit retry till I get a success...13:32
iwamatsu__In most cases, the NFS mount has failed and has become a timeout..13:33
iwamatsu__OK ,I will check it.13:34
jkibut if that happens in multiple labs and didn't happen (that often) in the past, it speaks more for a kernel regression13:34
patersoncAnd if it was an NFS server issue we'd expect to see similar issues for other devices13:35
pave1At least is zimage: bad magic, bootloader-commands timing out.13:35
pave1Hard to blame kernel for that.13:35
patersoncIndeed. And that's a healthcheck job13:37
jkisimple to test: run older kernels multiple time in the same lab and see if they fail as well now13:37
jkiif that healthcheck job is with an older kernel: done13:37
patersonciwamatsu__: Let's chat via IRC/email about this when you have time?13:37
jkigood - thanks in advance to anyone doing the hard debugging :)13:38
pave1jki: Bootloader claims zimage magic is wrong. It succeeds when repeated. That's before kernel was loaded. I believe kernel is not responsible.13:38
jkipavel: ack13:38
jkiother testing topics?13:39
jki#topic AOB13:40
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jkialready wrote: I will likely not be available next week13:41
jkianyone able to pick up?13:41
iwamatsu__I can takeover13:41
jkiother topics for today?13:41
collab-meetbotMeeting ended Thu Nov 21 13:42:42 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:42
collab-meetbotMinutes (text):
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at and chat logs at"13:42
jkithanks all!13:42
pave1Thank you!13:42
iwamatsu__thank you13:42
masamithank you.13:42
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