Thursday, 2025-01-09

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jkihappy new year, everyone :)13:00
uli_happy new year!13:01
pave1Happy New Year!13:01
iwamatsu__happy new year !13:01
masamihappy new year!13:01
arisuthappy new year13:01
jkiok, let's go13:03
jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:03
collab-meetbot`Meeting started Thu Jan  9 13:03:34 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
collab-meetbot`Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:03
collab-meetbot`The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:03
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jki#topic AI review13:03
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jki- prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan]13:03
jkibasically done, will trigger the publication soon13:04
jkiwere there other AIs in the past weeks?13:04
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:05
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masamiThis week reported 32 new CVEs and 5 updated CVEs.13:05
uli_no updates from me13:05
pave1I was reviewing 6.1.123 and .12413:06
iwamatsu__I did not review this week.13:06
jkianything else?13:07
jki#topic Kernel release status13:08
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jki4.19 is late13:08
jkiwould be our first own release, right? any blockers?13:09
iwamatsu__We need to decide how often to update 4.19 and change the script.13:09
pave1That's where the self-mainainance fun starts.13:10
jki4.19 is once per month already13:10
jkijust like 4.413:10
iwamatsu__aha, OK13:11
pave1I believe we should do full release based on last 4.19 and then start preparing next one.13:11
jkiwhat did we do for 4.4 back then?13:11
jkiand roles will remain the same for 4.19?13:14
iwamatsu__We checked the patches to be included in 4.9 and applied the necessary patches. 4.19 should do the same.13:14
pave1Dunno. I guess that depends if Iwamatsu-san has enough time for that?13:15
iwamatsu__Just as Uli is in charge of 4.4, it may be necessary to assign 4.19 as well...13:16
uli_i wonder how much synergy there is between 4.4 and 4.1913:17
uli_i suppose 4.19 will act as a filter for the patch torrent from stable13:17
iwamatsu__Hmmm, I will have to check with my boss (Yoshi).13:17
pave1uli: yes. 4.4 should be easier to maintain from that point.13:17
jkiplease clarify, ideally before next TSC so that we can report or start discussing alternatives13:18
uli_i have the process of ingesting stable patches dialed in, i wouldn't mind taking on 4.19.13:18
pave1uli: if it does not apply to 4.19 and is not critical, it will be filtered out.13:18
pave1I can also help.13:18
iwamatsu__Me too.13:19
jkiok, then the next 4.19 will be from uli13:20
uli_maybe iwamatsu__ can do the last 4.19 release, following the existing process13:20
uli_then i'll take over13:20
pave1I guess that would be better.13:21
jkiiwamatsu__: fine for you as well?13:21
iwamatsu__OK, I will release -cip with 4.19.325.13:22
uli_thank you!13:23
jkiperfect, thanks!13:23
jkithen let's move on13:24
jki#topic Kernel testing13:24
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arisutCurrently adding a experimental option to kci-dev, `kci-dev results`13:24
arisut`kci-dev results` is able to check informations from the current folder and if we are into a git repository, like linux-cip, and give in formations about the current status on KernelCI13:25
arisutgive informations about the current status on KernelCI of a linux repository folder13:26
arisutlike on this examples
jkibtw, are our maintainers using kci-dev already?13:26
arisutI know internally KernelCI is using kci-dev daily13:27
pave1Not yet, but its on my todo list.13:29
arisutnot sure if some maintainer started already to use kci-dev, I know some maintainer is interested on kci-dev but I don't have yet detailed information about usage13:29
arisuton new year kci-dev 0.1.1 as been released13:30
arisutthat is the first "stable" release13:30
arisutbut the getting results directory from the git repository folder is still in development and I hope it will get in the next release13:31
arisutdocumentation is here
jkiwas just a reminder to us to check it out as well :)13:33
arisutyes would be nice to get some feedback13:34
arisutalso from CIP13:34
arisutany question?13:35
arisutif there are no question I have another topic today13:36
jkiI would have an unrelated problem report:13:37
jki"requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url:"13:37
jkianyone any ideas? kernelci hick-up?13:38
arisutjki, yes13:38
arisutI was just talking today with denys about that problem13:38
arisutKernelCI is changing the storage api but the new api are still in progress13:38
arisutwill fix when we have the new storage api13:39
jkiis that going to happen in the next days, likely?13:39
jkipipeline is red now, and that comes with the risk of papering over real issues13:40
arisutI think it will take some week, we are in the process of deprecating legacy and making the new api13:40
jkithen we should probably disable the futile deployment attempts for now13:41
jkiwill write a patch13:41
arisutmy other topic is about lava-docker.13:41
arisutanyone using lava-docker?13:42
arisutlava-docker as been recently moved to baylibre13:42
jkiI was just recommending it internally as quick-start tool13:43
jkiwhat does that mean for it?13:43
arisutAs been just moved, and I'm not aware of the maintaining process of baylibre13:44
arisutmontjoie, the creator and co-maintainer will keep maintaining lava-docker13:44
arisuton the baylibre github account13:45
arisutbut I don't have any more detail on this topic13:45
jkiwill the URL change or be forwarded?13:46
jkiI think we have a reference in some project to the original repo13:46
arisutthe idea was at first that lava gitlab organization would take lava-docker13:46
jkihmm, it comes from github, that prevents easy forwarding13:48
jkianyway, we will see13:48
jkithanks for the heads-up13:48
arisutbut now is on baylibre that is on github13:48
arisutnot sure what have happened since that email13:49
jkiand it is here:
jkihope they will sort that out properly13:50
arisuthope too13:50
jkiok, other testing topics?13:51
arisutno that was the last one from me13:51
jkigood - anyone else?13:51
jki#topic AOB13:52
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jkianything else for today?13:52
collab-meetbot`Meeting ended Thu Jan  9 13:53:41 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:53
collab-meetbot`Minutes (text):
*** collab-meetbot` changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at and chat logs at"13:53
jkithanks all13:53
iwamatsu__Thank you13:53
masamithank you13:53
pave1thank you!13:53
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