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pave1 | hi! | 12:56 |
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pave1 | sorry, battery low, poor connection, and did not do much this week. | 12:57 |
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uli_ | fun. i have a power outage here, connectivity is unstable. | 12:58 |
jki | where should we send some batteries? :) | 12:59 |
pave1 | yep, powerbank would be welcome. | 12:59 |
uli_ | hey, i'm a pro, i have a ups. :) but the mobile internet is probably severely overloaded right now. | 13:00 |
patersonc | Bad weather? | 13:00 |
pave1 | I did not do much this week. If I drop out, I'll go through logs. | 13:00 |
jki | ok - hi, all! | 13:01 |
masami | hi | 13:01 |
iwamatsu__ | hello | 13:01 |
uli_ | hello | 13:01 |
jki | coming out of a meeting marathon, I may need some break in between - will let you know | 13:02 |
jki | let's go | 13:02 |
jki | #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot` | Meeting started Thu Jan 23 13:02:14 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot` | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot` | The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' | 13:02 |
*** collab-meetbot` changes topic to " (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:02 | |
jki | #topic AI review | 13:02 |
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arisut | hello | 13:02 |
jki | <empty> | 13:02 |
jki | anything forgotten? | 13:02 |
jki | 5 | 13:02 |
jki | 4 | 13:02 |
jki | 3 | 13:02 |
jki | 2 | 13:02 |
jki | 1 | 13:03 |
jki | #topic Kernel maintenance updates | 13:03 |
*** collab-meetbot` changes topic to "Kernel maintenance updates (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:03 | |
jki | (brb) | 13:03 |
uli_ | i reviewed 6.1.125 | 13:03 |
masami | This week reported 78 new CVEs and 11 updated CVEs. | 13:03 |
iwamatsu__ | I reviewed 6.1.125 and 126. | 13:03 |
jki | (back) | 13:05 |
jki | anything else to report? | 13:06 |
jki | 5 | 13:06 |
jki | 4 | 13:06 |
jki | 3 | 13:06 |
jki | 2 | 13:06 |
jki | 1 | 13:06 |
jki | #topic Kernel release status | 13:06 |
*** collab-meetbot` changes topic to "Kernel release status (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:06 | |
jki | status 6.1-rt - where are we? | 13:06 |
jki | (rest is green) | 13:06 |
pave1 | I did some reviews on 6.1, we had patch breaking build there. not much else. | 13:07 |
jki | that was for 6.1 plain, right? | 13:08 |
jki | what about -rt? | 13:08 |
iwamatsu__ | no 6.1.y-rt new release yet. We are waiting new release . | 13:09 |
jki | did you ask? | 13:09 |
iwamatsu__ | No, but if pavel does not have a time, I can do it. | 13:10 |
iwamatsu__ | pave1: do you ask about this to RT maintainer? | 13:10 |
jki | sorry, was addressing pavel in fact | 13:11 |
iwamatsu__ | OK | 13:13 |
iwamatsu__ | link: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-rt-users/Z27GfUftoDlw25R4@eldamar.lan/T/#m159966e675e7ece7054c97d2c7478c4dfdce4d66 | 13:14 |
jki | ok | 13:15 |
jki | probably better discussed in their weekly calls than over the ML, at least based on past requests like this | 13:16 |
arisut | currently they are at rt47 | 13:16 |
arisut | https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/6.1/ | 13:17 |
arisut | instead of rt 46 referenced by the email | 13:17 |
jki | rt46 is the last announcement I see on the list | 13:17 |
patersonc | Maybe 47 was to fix the build issue reported | 13:18 |
jki | yep | 13:18 |
arisut | I'm parsing the ftp repository automatically for creating gentoo rt-sources packages | 13:18 |
jki | same baseline LTS | 13:18 |
jki | "net: fix mis-merge from stable in drivers/net/vrf.c" | 13:18 |
arisut | https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/tree/master/sys-kernel/rt-sources | 13:18 |
jki | only commit on top of -rt46 | 13:18 |
jki | so, baseline is current 6.1.120 | 13:18 |
arisut | The gentoo link have usually the latest updated versions of rt packages | 13:20 |
jki | pavel: please align with Clark on his schedule and if you can support so that we are not falling too much behind | 13:21 |
jki | maybe we lost pavel | 13:23 |
jki | ok - anything else on this? | 13:23 |
arisut | There is any interest in the rt kernel automatic ftp scraping script? | 13:23 |
jki | I thought the maintainers use git | 13:24 |
arisut | yes but announcements are sometime not updated as the ftp | 13:24 |
arisut | like in the case of rt46 | 13:24 |
jki | but tags were pushed | 13:25 |
arisut | not having announced yet rt47 | 13:25 |
jki | I assume git is the source for the tarball, not the other way around :) | 13:25 |
arisut | ok | 13:25 |
jki | but I'm not a maintainer, they need to tell | 13:26 |
jki | thanks in any case | 13:26 |
jki | ok, let's move on... | 13:26 |
jki | 5 | 13:26 |
jki | 4 | 13:26 |
jki | 3 | 13:26 |
jki | 2 | 13:27 |
jki | 1 | 13:27 |
jki | #topic Kernel testing | 13:27 |
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patersonc | Howdy | 13:27 |
patersonc | I've started to look into some of the security WG testing woes | 13:27 |
patersonc | And better x86 testing support etc. | 13:28 |
patersonc | All still WIP | 13:28 |
patersonc | In other news my LAVA lab is still offline. I need to run some networking cables in the new house... | 13:28 |
patersonc | I guess that's about it | 13:30 |
jki | other testing topics? | 13:31 |
arisut | kci-dev 0.1.2 has been released https://pypi.org/project/kci-dev/, documentation can be found here https://kernelci.github.io/kci-dev/ | 13:31 |
arisut | kci-dev 0.1.2 adds the command for getting summary results for locally checked out repository like in the following examples: | 13:31 |
arisut | https://gist.github.com/aliceinwire/b85e026518cff8ab2490828dee6530e0 | 13:31 |
jki | great! | 13:32 |
patersonc | Thanks Arisu-san | 13:33 |
jki | so - more testing? | 13:34 |
jki | 5 | 13:34 |
jki | 4 | 13:35 |
jki | 3 | 13:35 |
jki | 2 | 13:35 |
jki | 1 | 13:35 |
jki | #topic AOB | 13:35 |
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arisut | I think could be started to be used for getting information about cip branches | 13:35 |
arisut | from kernelci | 13:35 |
arisut | and doing simple differences from the previous tag | 13:36 |
jki | yeah, indeed - call to our maintainers ;) | 13:36 |
arisut | more feature will be added in the next release | 13:36 |
arisut | another topic is lava-docker | 13:36 |
arisut | lava-docker as been officially migrated to baylibre | 13:37 |
arisut | https://github.com/kernelci/lava-docker/blob/master/README.md | 13:37 |
arisut | kernelci/lava-docker will be probably archived | 13:38 |
arisut | that's all from me | 13:39 |
patersonc | Thanks | 13:40 |
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arisut | jki left | 13:42 |
arisut | ping timeout | 13:42 |
arisut | any aob? | 13:42 |
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arisut | wb | 13:43 |
patersonc | Doesn't sound like there's anything else | 13:43 |
jki | lost connection while roaming | 13:43 |
jki | missed the last minutes, I suppose | 13:43 |
arisut | jki, do you have anything else? | 13:43 |
jki | I don't | 13:43 |
jki | so, we are done? | 13:43 |
arisut | ok, so I think we can move on | 13:43 |
arisut | looks like yes | 13:43 |
jki | then let's close... | 13:44 |
jki | 5 | 13:44 |
jki | 4 | 13:44 |
jki | 3 | 13:44 |
jki | 2 | 13:44 |
jki | 1 | 13:44 |
jki | #endmeeting | 13:44 |
collab-meetbot` | Meeting ended Thu Jan 23 13:44:17 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:44 |
collab-meetbot` | Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/01/cip.2025-01-23-13.02.html | 13:44 |
collab-meetbot` | Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/01/cip.2025-01-23-13.02.txt | 13:44 |
collab-meetbot` | Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/01/cip.2025-01-23-13.02.log.html | 13:44 |
*** collab-meetbot` changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/ and chat logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/logs/%23cip/" | 13:44 | |
jki | thanks all! | 13:44 |
arisut | thx | 13:44 |
uli_ | thanks | 13:44 |
masami | thank you | 13:44 |
iwamatsu__ | thank you | 13:44 |
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