*** monstr <monstr!~monstr@nat-35.starnet.cz> has joined #cip | 06:40 | |
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*** jki <jki!~jki@p4fdbca61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #cip | 12:57 | |
jki | hi all | 13:01 |
uli_ | hello | 13:01 |
masami | hi | 13:01 |
arisut | hi | 13:02 |
jki | seems we are a smaller round today - ok, let's go | 13:02 |
jki | #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting started Thu Feb 6 13:02:58 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:02 |
collab-meetbot | The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' | 13:02 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to " (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:02 | |
jki | #topic AI review | 13:03 |
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jki | none in my list | 13:03 |
jki | anything missed? | 13:03 |
jki | 5 | 13:03 |
jki | 4 | 13:03 |
jki | 3 | 13:03 |
jki | 2 | 13:04 |
jki | 1 | 13:04 |
jki | #topic Kernel maintenance updates | 13:04 |
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*** iwamatsu__ <iwamatsu__!~iwamatsu_@2405:6581:5360:1800:8391:bee4:a8cf:cdba> has joined #cip | 13:04 | |
uli_ | i'm preparing 4.19 | 13:04 |
masami | This week reported 22 new CVEs and 45 updated CVEs. | 13:04 |
iwamatsu__ | hi all, | 13:04 |
iwamatsu__ | I reviewed 6.1.128. | 13:04 |
jki | anything else? | 13:05 |
jki | 5 | 13:06 |
jki | 4 | 13:06 |
jki | 3 | 13:06 |
jki | 2 | 13:06 |
jki | 1 | 13:06 |
jki | #topic Kernel release status | 13:06 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel release status (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:06 | |
jki | 4.4 is still late, waiting for 4.19 IIRC | 13:06 |
uli_ | 4.19 is mostly done, i'll push an rc and request for reviews tomorrow | 13:06 |
uli_ | 4.4 will follow. | 13:06 |
*** pave1 <pave1!~pavel@jabberwock.ucw.cz> has joined #cip | 13:07 | |
jki | just work, or any unforeseen complications / efforts? | 13:07 |
pave1 | (Sorry, I was on wrong channel). | 13:07 |
uli_ | no, it's just a larger amount of patches than it was for 4.4 | 13:07 |
uli_ | but the number of backports has not really increased | 13:08 |
uli_ | at least for now | 13:08 |
jki | ok - please raise your hand if you need support | 13:08 |
uli_ | will do | 13:08 |
jki | anything else of release status? | 13:08 |
pave1 | I guess load test will come in two weeks with the -rc1 hitting stable... | 13:08 |
jki | I saw some announcement of Pavel on 6.12 backporting need | 13:10 |
pave1 | Yeah, I need to run the scripts to collect the data. | 13:11 |
jki | what is the next step there? | 13:11 |
pave1 | Next steps would be collect supported kernel configs, get TSC agreement on supported board. | 13:11 |
pave1 | And then decide when to fork. | 13:11 |
jki | ok, great | 13:12 |
jki | next TSC call is skipped, so we have a bit more time for collecting things | 13:12 |
jki | still, the call for them should be sent - or was that included in your email? | 13:13 |
pave1 | No, it was not. Normally Iwamatsu-san handles kernel config. | 13:13 |
jki | iwamatsu__: would you like to trigger this already? | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | I think we need to decide on support boards first. | 13:17 |
iwamatsu__ | kernel config will come after that. | 13:17 |
jki | I think we could already collect member suggestions this way | 13:17 |
jki | official decisions are with the TSC, but it might be easier if we have input already | 13:18 |
pave1 | I guess we can ask for supported boards and configs on the list, then just ask TSC for approval. | 13:18 |
jki | yes | 13:19 |
iwamatsu__ | I see, I will mail about kernel config for asking TSC for approval. | 13:19 |
jki | good, thanks in advance! | 13:20 |
jki | then let's move on... | 13:20 |
jki | 5 | 13:20 |
jki | 4 | 13:20 |
jki | 3 | 13:20 |
jki | 2 | 13:20 |
jki | 1 | 13:20 |
jki | #topic Kernel testing | 13:20 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:20 | |
patersonc | Hello. No exciting updates from me this week. | 13:21 |
arisut | same from me | 13:21 |
pave1 | Could I get someone to take a look at 6.6 testing? | 13:22 |
jki | 6.6? | 13:22 |
pave1 | https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-testing/linux-stable-rc-ci/-/pipelines/1657192619 | 13:22 |
pave1 | There's zynqmp failure. If it is real, we should report it to Greg. | 13:23 |
uli_ | i have the same with 4.19 | 13:23 |
patersonc | Interesting | 13:23 |
patersonc | 6.13 is booting | 13:24 |
patersonc | As is 6.12 | 13:24 |
pave1 | Yep. It does not go away with retries. | 13:25 |
pave1 | If you believe it is real, I can try to report/debug it. | 13:25 |
patersonc | I'll take a look and try and work it out | 13:25 |
pave1 | Thanks a lot! | 13:25 |
patersonc | Other LTS releases are okay by the looks of it, just not 6.6 or 4.19 | 13:25 |
patersonc | https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/device_type/zynqmp-zcu102?dt_dt_page=1&dt_search=&dt_length=1000#dt_ | 13:26 |
iwamatsu__ | 4.19 does not see to be a kernel issue. | 13:26 |
iwamatsu__ | LAVA's file image download is failing. https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1244274#L23 | 13:27 |
patersonc | You're right | 13:28 |
jki | all the time? no retries here? | 13:28 |
pave1 | IIRC there was different failure on 6.6 | 13:28 |
jki | such issues normally "go away" on retries | 13:28 |
patersonc | 4.19 issues have only been this morning | 13:29 |
pave1 | 6.6: https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1244145 fails at "starting kernel". | 13:29 |
patersonc | Maybe the cybertrust lab has some internet issues today | 13:29 |
patersonc | Sadly that's the only lab with those boards | 13:30 |
pave1 | The 6.6 thing does not seem to be connectivity issue. | 13:31 |
masami | I'll ask cybertrus lab's status | 13:31 |
patersonc | nope | 13:31 |
iwamatsu__ | Chris and me retriy tests for 4.19 and 6.6 now ;-) | 13:31 |
patersonc | 6.6 issues were all yesterday | 13:31 |
pave1 | +1, thanks! | 13:31 |
jki | perfect | 13:32 |
jki | anything else on testing? | 13:32 |
arisut | masami, I already did | 13:32 |
masami | arist: thanks. | 13:32 |
jki | 5 | 13:33 |
jki | 4 | 13:33 |
jki | 3 | 13:33 |
jki | 2 | 13:33 |
jki | 1 | 13:33 |
jki | #topic AOB | 13:33 |
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pave1 | Last week, I was reviewing 6.1.128/129. | 13:33 |
pave1 | I'll be travelling next week, this time with a bit better internet access. | 13:34 |
pave1 | uli: There are 4.4 patches on the list: "Fix repeated WARNING in unpin_current_cpu()". Could we take them to 4.4? | 13:35 |
uli_ | yes, i will pick them up | 13:35 |
pave1 | Feel free to review them / speak up if they are not okay. | 13:35 |
uli_ | sure | 13:35 |
pave1 | Thanks! | 13:35 |
jki | anything else for today? | 13:36 |
jki | 5 | 13:37 |
jki | 4 | 13:37 |
jki | 3 | 13:37 |
jki | 2 | 13:37 |
jki | 1 | 13:37 |
jki | #endmeeting | 13:37 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting ended Thu Feb 6 13:37:11 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:37 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/02/cip.2025-02-06-13.02.html | 13:37 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/02/cip.2025-02-06-13.02.txt | 13:37 |
collab-meetbot | Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/02/cip.2025-02-06-13.02.log.html | 13:37 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/ and chat logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/logs/%23cip/" | 13:37 | |
jki | thank you! | 13:37 |
pave1 | Thank you! | 13:37 |
uli_ | thanks | 13:37 |
masami | thank you | 13:37 |
iwamatsu__ | Thank you | 13:37 |
*** masami <masami!~masami@FL1-118-111-145-206.tky.mesh.ad.jp> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) | 13:37 | |
*** jki <jki!~jki@p4fdbca61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) | 13:37 | |
arisut | thanks | 13:37 |
patersonc | 4.19 job has passed now on that board | 13:38 |
uli_ | nice | 13:38 |
patersonc | I'll investigate the 6.6 issue more | 13:38 |
pave1 | I was about to hit the retry button, but I'll leave that to you :-). | 13:38 |
*** pave1 <pave1!~pavel@jabberwock.ucw.cz> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | 14:09 | |
*** pave1 <pave1!~pavel@jabberwock.ucw.cz> has joined #cip | 16:17 | |
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