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patersonc | Afternoon | 13:01 |
pave1 | hi! | 13:01 |
masami | hi | 13:01 |
arisut | hi | 13:01 |
uli_ | hello | 13:02 |
*** iwamatsu__ <iwamatsu__!~iwamatsu_@2405:6581:5360:1800:2d88:722b:5ed5:5f48> has joined #cip | 13:03 | |
iwamatsu__ | hello | 13:04 |
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iwamatsu__ | has it started yet? | 13:05 |
arisut | no | 13:05 |
pave1 | I don't think so. | 13:05 |
pave1 | seems jki is not around? | 13:06 |
iwamatsu__ | jki is not here. | 13:06 |
iwamatsu__ | ok, I will takeover today | 13:06 |
pave1 | thank you! | 13:07 |
iwamatsu__ | #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting | 13:07 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting started Thu Feb 13 13:07:24 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is iwamatsu__. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:07 |
collab-meetbot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:07 |
collab-meetbot | The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' | 13:07 |
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iwamatsu__ | #topic AI review | 13:07 |
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iwamatsu__ | no AI on mail from jki. | 13:08 |
iwamatsu__ | anything missed? | 13:08 |
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iwamatsu__ | 1 | 13:08 |
iwamatsu__ | #topic Kernel maintenance updates | 13:08 |
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pave1 | I was reviewing 6.1.129, now I'm working on autosel. | 13:08 |
uli_ | i did 4.4 and 4.19 | 13:09 |
masami | This week reported 20 new CVEs and 0 updated CVEs. | 13:09 |
uli_ | thanks for the reviews! | 13:09 |
iwamatsu__ | I am reviewing 6.1.129. | 13:09 |
pave1 | thanks for releases! | 13:09 |
iwamatsu__ | uli_: Thanks for release. | 13:09 |
*** jki <jki!~jki@> has joined #cip | 13:10 | |
jki | hi - and sorry for the delay | 13:10 |
jki | meeting already started? | 13:10 |
iwamatsu__ | We already recieved some patch for 4.19.y | 13:10 |
iwamatsu__ | jki: Yes, I takeover. | 13:10 |
jki | thanks! | 13:10 |
iwamatsu__ | nop | 13:11 |
iwamatsu__ | Do we need an announcement for 4.19.y? | 13:12 |
uli_ | didn't i send one? | 13:12 |
iwamatsu__ | https://lore.kernel.org/cip-dev/1733593115.596079.1739239912119@webmail.strato.de/T/#u | 13:13 |
iwamatsu__ | > This is the first 4.19 release maintained exclusively by CIP. | 13:14 |
uli_ | was that too subtle? :) | 13:14 |
iwamatsu__ | uli_: I see, OK. | 13:14 |
iwamatsu__ | sorry for this noise. | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | anything else? | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | 5 | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | 4 | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | 3 | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | 2 | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | 1 | 13:15 |
iwamatsu__ | #topic Kernel release status | 13:15 |
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pave1 | I'll do 6.1-cip and 6.1.128-rt. january was a little late so this catches it up. | 13:16 |
iwamatsu__ | pave1: thank you. | 13:16 |
iwamatsu__ | I am working for linux-5.10.y | 13:17 |
iwamatsu__ | linux-4.4.y-cip-rt is late. | 13:17 |
uli_ | 4.4 and 4.19 are done | 13:17 |
pave1 | aha, ok, let me do 4.4-rt, too. | 13:17 |
iwamatsu__ | ok, thank you. | 13:18 |
iwamatsu__ | anything else? | 13:18 |
iwamatsu__ | 5 | 13:18 |
iwamatsu__ | 4 | 13:18 |
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iwamatsu__ | 1 | 13:18 |
iwamatsu__ | #topic Kernel testing | 13:18 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)" | 13:18 | |
patersonc | Howdy | 13:19 |
arisut | no updates from me. working on kci-dev bisections and KernelCI blog | 13:19 |
patersonc | I started to look at the device that wasn't booting with 6.6 last week | 13:19 |
patersonc | But then it seems that it's working with 6.6 again now - so I guess something got fixed? | 13:19 |
pave1 | scary :-) | 13:20 |
iwamatsu__ | same version? | 13:20 |
patersonc | Fixed between rc2 and the final release | 13:20 |
patersonc | I forget the exact version | 13:20 |
pave1 | But I guess if it went away we don't need to debug that. | 13:20 |
patersonc | I certainly don't plan to :P | 13:21 |
iwamatsu__ | if we want to take a reason, we need to run bisect..., but it is not important. | 13:21 |
patersonc | yep | 13:21 |
patersonc | iwamatsu__ did you get a chance to look into an LTP rootfs for the x86 / MCOM board? | 13:21 |
iwamatsu__ | patersonc: OK, I will take a look. | 13:22 |
patersonc | Thanks | 13:22 |
patersonc | I guess nothing else from my side | 13:23 |
jki | I would have an RT testing topic | 13:23 |
jki | does anyone already know this: https://github.com/Linutronix/RTC-Testbench? | 13:23 |
patersonc | I didn't | 13:24 |
jki | I would have the proposal to build up end-to-end RT testing this way, first for x86 | 13:24 |
jki | later for other archs/boards supporting XDP RT networking this way | 13:24 |
jki | (and a bit of TSN) | 13:25 |
patersonc | Fun | 13:25 |
jki | would stress both RT workloads (similar to cyclictest, though) AND RT I/O via network | 13:25 |
jki | setup is not totally straightforward, also because it will need two boxes obviously | 13:25 |
jki | but it could be rewarding for our RT testing | 13:26 |
patersonc | Sure | 13:26 |
pave1 | If it uncovers somethin, it will be 'fun' to debugg. | 13:26 |
jki | I'm not sure if KernelCI is already prepared to handle something like this as well, so I would start small in our domain first | 13:26 |
iwamatsu__ | I am interesting this. | 13:26 |
pave1 | but yes, more testing is needed for rt. | 13:27 |
iwamatsu__ | +1 | 13:27 |
jki | regarding RT testing: have you seen this backport of my colleague? https://lore.kernel.org/stable/20250129153226.818485-1-florian.bezdeka@siemens.com/ | 13:27 |
patersonc | w.r.t kernelCI perhaps open an issue in their github about it? | 13:27 |
jki | I was able to trigger that (harmless) warning withing no time by booting a plain debian-rt 6.1 kernel in a VM | 13:27 |
jki | it is not just that our setup is improveable... | 13:28 |
jki | should we open the kernelci issue already now, or better try out first in our lab? | 13:29 |
arisut | https://lore.kernel.org/all/20250211090511.xeFJVnH_@linutronix.de/ | 13:30 |
arisut | PREEMPT_RT testing on kernelci | 13:30 |
jki | arisut: thanks for the pointer | 13:31 |
jki | let me read... | 13:31 |
iwamatsu__ | anything missed? | 13:31 |
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iwamatsu__ | #topic AOB | 13:32 |
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paulbarker | Hi folks, I have two questions - the first is about the cip-kernel-config repo, from the point-of-view of backporting support for Renesas SoCs | 13:32 |
paulbarker | When a CIP release is tagged in linux-cip, there is no corresponding tag in cip-kernel-config so it can be difficult to match up the two repositories when looking at an old CIP release. | 13:32 |
paulbarker | Is there anything we can do to improve that? My preference would be to move the CIP kernel configs in to the appropriate branches of linux-cip so they are always aligned with the rest of the tree. | 13:32 |
arisut | tldr KernelCI is starting to implement preempt_rt testing but still on the implementation phase | 13:33 |
pave1 | we normally don't update configs when kernel changes | 13:33 |
pave1 | I see renesas backports will need that. | 13:33 |
jki | we have some kind of lock-stepping in isar-cip-core | 13:34 |
paulbarker | pave1: We need to update the config when we backport a new driver which has a new Kconfig option | 13:34 |
jki | as we have both the configs and the kernel referenced there by versions | 13:34 |
pave1 | latest config should work on the corresponding -cip branch. | 13:34 |
pave1 | but yes, we should probably use same tags we do on kernel there. | 13:35 |
jki | but how often will that actually happen? | 13:36 |
pave1 | (and if change in config breaks something on older -cip kernels, we should be extra careful. Does that happen?) | 13:36 |
jki | is this case a one-off or can it really repeat more often in the future? | 13:36 |
paulbarker | pave1: cip-kernel-config may have newer config symbols enabled which don't exist in Kconfig files in older releases | 13:36 |
pave1 | suggestion would be only put tag into configs when it needs to change, after corresponding release. | 13:36 |
pave1 | paul: yes, that's expected. But that won't cause any real problems, right? | 13:37 |
pave1 | warning at oldconfig time or something... we can live with that. | 13:37 |
pave1 | just warn us if you rename a symbol or something... | 13:38 |
paulbarker | Ok, let's think about it, may come back to it next week | 13:38 |
paulbarker | Second question, I have a CVE fix to backport to 4.4 & 4.19, should I be targeting the -cip or -st branches? | 13:38 |
pave1 | -st. | 13:39 |
iwamatsu__ | -st | 13:39 |
paulbarker | Thanks, I'll try to do the backport tomorrow | 13:39 |
pave1 | thank you :-) | 13:39 |
jki | I have some CVE-related thing as well | 13:40 |
iwamatsu__ | paulbarker: thank you | 13:40 |
iwamatsu__ | jki: please | 13:40 |
jki | learned that my CERT colleagues are happily consuming our CVE yaml files :) | 13:40 |
jki | they just asked (so far) if we could easily also write down the cip-kernel versions that received fixes, not only the commit shas | 13:41 |
jki | no idea how much effort that would be, though | 13:41 |
pave1 | git can do that. | 13:41 |
jki | yeah, we know | 13:41 |
jki | but that is another step that downstream has to script then | 13:41 |
jki | (i gave the same answer initially) | 13:42 |
pave1 | yes and it may slow things down a bit. | 13:42 |
masami | Added fixed version in yaml files may be easy to users. | 13:42 |
pave1 | but it seems like reasonable request. | 13:43 |
masami | I'll create sample yaml file which contains version informaion. | 13:44 |
jki | would that be something to automate in the end? | 13:44 |
masami | yes. it has to be automated. | 13:45 |
jki | masami: thanks in advance! | 13:45 |
masami | jki: np :) | 13:45 |
iwamatsu__ | anything else? | 13:45 |
iwamatsu__ | 5 | 13:46 |
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iwamatsu__ | 2 | 13:46 |
iwamatsu__ | 1 | 13:46 |
iwamatsu__ | #endmeeting | 13:46 |
collab-meetbot | Meeting ended Thu Feb 13 13:46:23 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:46 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/02/cip.2025-02-13-13.07.html | 13:46 |
collab-meetbot | Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/02/cip.2025-02-13-13.07.txt | 13:46 |
collab-meetbot | Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/2025/02/cip.2025-02-13-13.07.log.html | 13:46 |
*** collab-meetbot changes topic to "Civil Infrastructure Platform Project. CIP mailing list at https://lists.cip-project.org/g/cip-dev | CIP kernel meeting every Thursday at 13:00 UTC | Find the meeting logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/cip/ and chat logs at https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/logs/%23cip/" | 13:46 | |
iwamatsu__ | Thank you | 13:46 |
masami | thank you | 13:46 |
pave1 | Thank you! | 13:46 |
jki | thanks all - and thanks for jumping in, iwamatsu :) | 13:46 |
uli_ | thanks | 13:46 |
iwamatsu__ | jki: :-) | 13:47 |
arisut | thx | 13:47 |
paulbarker | Thanks! | 13:47 |
patersonc | ttfn | 13:49 |
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