#acumos-meeting: Architecture Committee
Meeting started by farheen_cefalu at 14:02:33 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Licensing Architecture review (farheen_cefalu, 14:14:17)
- Mukesh: Wireframes are a work in process for
Licensing. Had a design discussion with Michelle and Bryan.
Licensing onboarding is planned to be delivered in Sprint 4.
- Michelle: We have to discuss adding a new tab
on the model screen so you can view the model license where the
signature tab is. Another tab will be added for license so you can
view the artifact. We did use the license.txt in dev challenge.
The design has changed and it is now a json file (artifact).
- Bryan reviewing overall Architecture Roadmap for Clio (farheen_cefalu, 14:18:56)
- Bryan reviewed roadmap (farheen_cefalu,
- https://wiki.acumos.org/display/AR/Boreas+Architecture
- Bryan: We have three deployments which will
collapse into templates of how models are built and deployed.
#action Team update the description field of #link
https://wiki.acumos.org/display/AR/Boreas+Architecture (farheen_cefalu,
- Bryan: We have an opportunity in Clio to hand
jobs off to jenkins (CI process). #action Team we need to start
having discussions about these. (farheen_cefalu,
- Bryan: I recommend people start putting your
components as they evolve. Anwar: Concern that the team will have
bandwidth to get started with Clio discussions. What are the main
top features in Clio? Bryan: For AT&T it's to merge with CMLP.
Deploying a run time view and much more CI/CD design. We use
jenkins to manage the pipelines. That is the number one feature for
the deployment project and I recommend i (farheen_cefalu,
- effort is large and the ci will improve.
Anwar: CMLP is the internal Ai platform that is merging with Acumos.
This will bring many more features to Acumos that will improve the
user ability to create and share models. There are some other
things that were targeted for Clio. The extensions of how we are
going to do the data, deployment pipelines. We have to review our
original plans and see if we should rev (farheen_cefalu,
- Design studio which is a java component.
Interactions will be over the network vs. inside the box. These
features are coming and we need to start having those
discussions. (farheen_cefalu,
- Feedback from PTLs (farheen_cefalu, 14:29:25)
- Anwar: What would PTLs like to see in terms of
gaps and improvements. (farheen_cefalu,
- Phillippe: No major gaps I can see. Perhaps
next week. (farheen_cefalu,
- Guy: I'm happy with the common services. I
prefer we use jenkins. I would make ms generation tightly coupled
with the onboarding app. Bryan: There's a dependency in their
spring configuration that's why. Guy: The biggest most costly thing
we do processing. The bottleneck needs to be cleared up by jenkins.
I am in favor of jenkins and we have to make this work. We don't
pull things out of the source repo t (farheen_cefalu,
- Anwar: Enhancements besides jenkins? Guy: we
need to expand to different kind of ms to build. Separating the ms
build environment into more sophisticated. We still haven't gotten
the test harness that will do code generation for you in using ms if
they exists. Between deployment of ms generation we need to be
better coordinate. Bryan: That will be addressed in rapid miner and
nifi in Boreas and Clio. (farheen_cefalu,
- Kazi: Design Studio. We will have nifi cluster
that will give us a nifi environment for a single user. Do we have
a nifi cluster? Bryan: Not clearly defined. How we are going to
manage the single user container for nifi is not clear. Also we
don't have the back end integration. In Boreas we have a lite
integration. User is involved in onboarding of artifacts. Kazi:
Kubeflow. In my humble opinion we shoul (farheen_cefalu,
- chance. Sayee Training. We should do a good
CI/CD. With respect to workbench we will have all he assets. We
don't have a running model in Acumos today. That will help users
connect nifi. This will help developers. Bryan: The run time view
of models running will be a key feature in Clio. They will help
developers to accomplish their goals. Nat: Sayee and Bryan do you
mean run time embedded in Acumos or (farheen_cefalu,
- run time extends beyond design time. Nat: So it
is going to be connecting to a run time environment? Correct.
- Nat: The point I was making is that every
company has their own unique run environment. The model run time is
unique case by case. We should give an option to connect to any of
their run times then fine. Sayee: If I run a predictor in my
enterprise I want to connect it. Both are feasible. The open source
is contribution driven so we will focus on the common ground
kubernetes. (farheen_cefalu,
- Nat: We have azure openstack and k8. What is
the intent for others? The process engine is jenkins and the recipe
is a see template. Rather than encoding in java we develop it using
jenkins job builder scripts. Will you duplicate that feature? We
will go thru a deprication cycle. (farheen_cefalu,
- Licensing Michelle: Major upgrades for Clio.
Data Services Chris Lott: CMLP integration work. (farheen_cefalu,
- Anwar: Let's finish Boreas strong. (farheen_cefalu,
- PTL Score card (farheen_cefalu, 14:46:47)
- Portal Marketplace: Mukesh: We are on track.
We have taken one story out and replaced it with Catalog Management.
Anwar: In terms of completion for sprint 4 and 5. any gaps?
- Mukesh: Instead of global search we've replaced
it with global search. (farheen_cefalu,
- Anwar: the demos for sprint 4 should cover 80%
or more in Sprint 4. If we don't show that we will be
behind. (farheen_cefalu,
- Phillippe Onboarding: We met with Bryan,
Mukesh, and Vinayak. We agreed to use what Bryan suggested. I have
created jira onboarding for docker proxy. (farheen_cefalu,
- CDS Chris Lott: I put out a draft version of
CDS for workbench and training team. Please look at it and give me
feedback now. Since I started asking two and half weeks ago I
haven't heard anything. Anwar: Does any PTL anticipate change in
their database layer? No. Anwar: For any changes that come up set
up a deadline and share with the PTLs. (farheen_cefalu,
- Training Kayee: I am working on use case.
Mukesh is working on the nifi integration with the ML workbench. We
have Bryan working on Jupyter integration. I also did a little POC
on the pipeline and workbench. That will help in deploy in pipeline.
I am working on the deploy pipeline. Anwar: Where are we with
finishing up the design? Kazi: Mukesh (farheen_cefalu,
- Mukesh's team has not defined how the nifi will
be integrated with the workbench. Bryan: How do we manage single
user containers for nifi and zeppelin. Mukesh: We will give a demo
tomorrow. We have not chalked out about nifi instances per user.
Are we going to show one notebook? It is in the critical path.
Sayee: We want to loosly integrate. Anwar: At least the team knows
the bare minimum way. Sayee: We (farheen_cefalu,
- for Clio. Anwar: Concern that we are still at
60%. We are at 80%. Kazi: On design studio is 90 - 95% but
training we will keep at 60% because we don't know how to integrate
with nifi and jupyter. Bryan: We have an option to have these
services work on the workstation. Anwar: At least bare minimum we
should do what the CMLP team has done for nifi and zeppelin. If we
can make it better than that should be t (farheen_cefalu,
- Anwar: Keeping it at 60%. Mukesh: issue with
proxy. (farheen_cefalu,
- ACTION: Nat: Focus on
Training deliverables. (farheen_cefalu,
- Bryan: Security Kazi did a POC of a program in
a nifi container. That is to be worked out as a design for the
kubernetes client. We have the framework we have to make the
template modifications. The other is flinc kafka etc including
filebeat. There are at least 3 significant thing that has to be
done. That is an open area for deployment. Security verification
is coming together. We have the design persp (farheen_cefalu,
- but we have something. Licensing: Michelle: We
should keep it as is. (farheen_cefalu,
Meeting ended at 15:04:33 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- Nat: Focus on Training deliverables.
People present (lines said)
- farheen_cefalu (38)
- collabot (3)
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