13:01:34 <iwamatsu__> #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting 13:01:34 <collab-meetbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 28 13:01:34 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is iwamatsu__. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:34 <collab-meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:01:34 <collab-meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' 13:01:46 <iwamatsu__> #topic AI review 13:01:57 <iwamatsu__> - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] 13:02:03 <iwamatsu__> Jan is not here today. 13:02:36 <iwamatsu__> other AIs? 13:02:43 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:02:47 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:02:49 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:02:51 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:02:52 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:03:02 <iwamatsu__> #topic Kernel maintenance updates 13:03:21 <pave1> Reviews... 13:03:22 <masami> This week reported 14 new CVEs and 18 updated CVEs. 13:03:26 <uli_> i released 4.4 and finished reviewing 6.1.113 13:03:39 <pave1> 6.1.119 and 6.1.116 this week. 13:04:02 <iwamatsu__> I reviewed 4.4-st58, and reviewing 6.1.118 and 119 13:04:52 <iwamatsu__> anything else? 13:04:56 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:04:59 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:05:01 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:05:04 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:05:07 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:05:15 <iwamatsu__> #topic Kernel release status 13:05:37 <pave1> 5.10-rt should be sorted out. 13:06:11 <pave1> 4.19-rt is next; last rt release is v4.19.322-rt138, which is fairly old 13:06:23 <pave1> But there's v4.19.324-rt139-rc1, so we should be fine "soon". 13:06:48 <pave1> If you could paste output of your checking script here, that would be cool. 13:06:49 <iwamatsu__> OK, 13:07:50 <iwamatsu__> Date the data is created: Thu Nov 28 01:05:39 PM UTC 2024 13:07:51 <iwamatsu__> linux-4.4.y-cip: interval 30 day 13:07:51 <iwamatsu__> latest version: v4.4.302-cip93 13:07:52 <iwamatsu__> latest version release date: Mon Nov 25 06:15:42 AM UTC 2024 13:07:52 <iwamatsu__> limit date: Wed Dec 25 06:15:42 AM UTC 2024 13:07:53 <iwamatsu__> Status: On track 13:07:53 <iwamatsu__> linux-4.4.y-cip-rt: interval 60 day 13:07:54 <iwamatsu__> latest version: v4.4.302-cip91-rt51 13:07:54 <iwamatsu__> latest version release date: Mon Sep 30 09:48:28 AM UTC 2024 13:07:55 <iwamatsu__> limit date: Fri Nov 29 09:48:28 AM UTC 2024 13:07:55 <iwamatsu__> Status: On track 13:07:56 <iwamatsu__> linux-4.19.y-cip: interval 30 day 13:07:56 <iwamatsu__> latest version: v4.19.323-cip114 13:07:57 <iwamatsu__> latest version release date: Mon Nov 11 07:08:57 AM UTC 2024 13:07:57 <iwamatsu__> limit date: Wed Dec 11 07:08:57 AM UTC 2024 13:07:58 <iwamatsu__> Status: On track 13:07:58 <iwamatsu__> linux-4.19.y-cip-rt: interval 60 day 13:07:59 <iwamatsu__> latest version: v4.19.322-cip113-rt38 13:08:10 <iwamatsu__> Status: On track 13:08:11 <iwamatsu__> or https://lore.kernel.org/cip-dev/OS0PR01MB638817482BB139A6D14C24D692282@OS0PR01MB6388.jpnprd01.prod.outlook.com/T/#u 13:08:53 <pave1> Thanks! 13:09:04 <iwamatsu__> anything else? 13:09:14 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:09:16 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:09:17 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:09:19 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:09:20 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:09:32 <iwamatsu__> #topic Kernel testing 13:10:02 <iwamatsu__> I do not touch BBB issue yet. 13:10:23 <pave1> Yep, I still see that one. 13:10:38 <arisut> we merged kci-dev documentation with kernelci official documentation https://static.staging.kernelci.org/kci-dev/ 13:11:06 <iwamatsu__> @arisut: nice! 13:12:06 <arisut> just remember to ask for a token on kernelci-core for send jobs 13:12:11 <iwamatsu__> patersonc is not here today, meybe... 13:12:17 <iwamatsu__> other topics? 13:12:25 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:12:27 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:12:29 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:12:31 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:12:33 <arisut> in the future I will write some simple example with CIP 13:12:36 <arisut> kernel 13:13:40 <iwamatsu__> @arisut: That's good. 13:13:53 <iwamatsu__> #topic AOB 13:14:16 <iwamatsu__> other topics for today? 13:14:32 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:14:33 <pave1> 6.1-rt 13:15:01 <pave1> There's v6.1.119-rt45, I would not mind matching -cip. 13:15:24 <pave1> -rt releases are month apart now, so I'm unlikely to get anything newer from them. 13:16:51 <iwamatsu__> I see. We might want to release v6.1.119-cip. 13:17:14 <pave1> Yes. that would help me. 13:18:21 <iwamatsu__> OK, we'll think about it when it comes time for the 6.1.y-cip release next month (7th Dec?). 13:18:43 <pave1> Yep, thank you. 13:18:43 <iwamatsu__> anyhing else ? 13:19:00 <iwamatsu__> :-) 13:19:08 <iwamatsu__> #endmeeting