13:02:57 <jki> #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting
13:02:57 <collab-meetbot`> Meeting started Thu Dec 12 13:02:57 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:02:57 <collab-meetbot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
13:02:57 <collab-meetbot`> The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'
13:03:01 <jki> #topic AI review
13:03:05 <jki> - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan]
13:03:20 <jki> will share the draft with all tomorrow
13:03:36 <iwamatsu__> hello
13:03:42 <jki> other AIs I don't have here
13:03:59 <jki> 5
13:04:01 <jki> 4
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13:04:08 <jki> #topic Kernel maintenance updates
13:04:22 <masami> This week reported 3 new CVEs and 35 updated CVEs.
13:04:23 <uli_> i've been reviewing 6.1.120
13:04:46 <pave1> I'm reviewing 6.1.120, and had some fun with rt releases.
13:05:25 <iwamatsu__> I am reviewing 6.1.120, and released 6.1.y-cip and 5.10.y-cip.
13:05:28 <pave1> nilfs: I don't think we are runtime-testing that. I believe that means we should not
13:05:46 <pave1> do non-trivial changes.
13:06:10 <pave1> I fixed that up in 4.4-cip-rt, but I guess we should simply revert that change in 4.4-st?
13:06:20 <uli_> i think so
13:06:32 <pave1> Ok, good.
13:06:32 <uli_> any clue as to whether anybody actually uses it?
13:06:49 <jki> just checked the config: came via moxa
13:07:46 <pave1> I'm not even sure what it is good for, some kind of snapshotting filesystem, not sure if target is disk or flash.
13:08:27 <pave1> I can email cip-dev "nilfs: if you are using it or at least know what it is good for, let us know"? :-)
13:08:37 <uli_> worth a shot :)
13:09:28 <jki> ok, looks like a plan
13:09:40 <jki> more on maintenance updates?
13:10:23 <jki> 5
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13:10:33 <jki> #topic Kernel release status
13:10:55 <jki> all should be green now with the 4.4-rt release
13:11:13 <pave1> Yep. I'm thinking...
13:11:27 <pave1> For 4.4-rt, there's -st-rt, -cip-rt and -rebase.
13:11:53 <pave1> I can't really test -st-rt, as it does not have .gitlab.yml file.
13:12:21 <jki> good - then my question was if any kernel release is due over potential absences during xmas/new year
13:12:34 <pave1> And I guess noone cares about that branch, so I may stop providing it in future.
13:13:45 <jki> regarding -st-rt: yes, not unlikely that it won't be missed
13:14:16 <pave1> Next rt is Jan 12th, so that should be fine.
13:14:26 <jki> regarding next releases: I see that 6.1 is due on the 26th, the rest only next year
13:15:58 <jki> iwamatsu__: does that work out for you as well?
13:16:10 <iwamatsu__> Japan is still working on the 26th so I will be able to release.
13:16:26 <jki> perfect
13:16:32 <jki> ok, then let's move on
13:16:38 <jki> 5
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13:16:46 <jki> #topic Kernel testing
13:16:59 <arisut> About kci-dev, we are starting getting feedback from kernel maintainers and start implementing such features.
13:17:00 <arisut> https://github.com/kernelci/kci-dev/issues/57
13:17:00 <arisut> https://github.com/kernelci/kci-dev/pull/60
13:17:00 <arisut> After v0.1.1 milestone finish and kci-dev v0.1.1 has been released I will start to show some work with cip kernels.
13:18:13 <patersonc> On the LAVA side we still have both the OpenBlocks devices offline. Denx is looking into why they aren't working
13:18:36 <patersonc> Sadly we don't have any openblock devices in other locations
13:19:36 <pave1> Would it be easy to drop them from the testing?
13:19:59 <pave1> Plus, bbb is still acting up, AFAICT.
13:21:37 <iwamatsu__> About BBB, I am investigating
13:21:52 <pave1> Thank you!
13:22:17 <jki> ok, great
13:22:20 <jki> anything else?
13:22:52 <jki> 5
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13:23:02 <jki> #topic AOB
13:23:22 <jki> vacation time upcoming
13:23:38 <jki> I'm off for the next three weeks
13:23:57 <pave1> Enjoy the vacation!
13:24:02 <jki> which of the meetings should still take place?
13:24:25 <jki> and who would take over then
13:24:47 <pave1> 19th definitely makes sense. 2nd too.
13:25:08 <pave1> I can do 26th, too.
13:25:38 <uli_> no 26th for me
13:26:24 <masami> I'll be off 26th
13:26:33 <iwamatsu__> I can take over 19th and 26th.
13:26:41 <pave1> I can take over 2nd.
13:26:54 <jki> great, that's a plan
13:27:13 <jki> other AOB things?
13:28:03 <pave1> Do we know what TSC schedule is?
13:28:30 <jki> next one next week (I will still join that, most likely)
13:28:58 <jki> I suspect there will be none on the 31st
13:28:59 <pave1> Aha, ack, I miscalculated. And likely no TSC on 31th?
13:29:03 <pave1> ack, thanks.
13:29:32 <jki> ok, I need to leave now
13:29:39 <jki> anything else, quickly?
13:29:46 <jki> 5
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13:29:57 <jki> #endmeeting