13:02:37 <iwamatsu__> #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting 13:02:37 <collab-meetbot`> Meeting started Thu Dec 26 13:02:37 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is iwamatsu__. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:02:37 <collab-meetbot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:02:37 <collab-meetbot`> The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' 13:02:54 <iwamatsu__> #topic AI review 13:03:04 <iwamatsu__> - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] 13:03:24 <iwamatsu__> Jan is not here today. 13:03:36 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:03:37 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:03:38 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:03:39 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:03:41 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:04:16 <iwamatsu__> #topic Kernel maintenance updates 13:04:16 <pave1> I did some reviews, 6.1.120..122. 13:04:21 <iwamatsu__> I reviewed 6.1.121 13:04:50 <iwamatsu__> anything else? 13:04:54 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:04:57 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:04:59 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:05:00 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:05:02 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:05:09 <iwamatsu__> #topic Kernel release status 13:05:41 <pave1> -rt should be up to date, next ones are in january. 13:05:41 <iwamatsu__> 6.1.y-cip is delay, I am working it. 13:05:51 <pave1> I can do the release in unlikely case you run out of time :-). 13:06:54 <iwamatsu__> Do we have to go to 6.1.120 to sync with -rt? 13:07:20 <pave1> Next 6.1-rt is scheduled to jan 12th, so -rt should not be an issue at the moment 13:07:41 <iwamatsu__> I see. 13:08:27 <iwamatsu__> I will release with 6.1.121 for 6.1.y-cip. 13:08:36 <iwamatsu__> anything else? 13:08:51 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:08:53 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:08:53 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:08:53 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:08:53 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:08:58 <iwamatsu__> #topic Kernel testing 13:09:02 <arisut> kci-dev development release v0.1.1.dev1 as been released https://pypi.org/project/kci-dev/0.1.1.dev1/ 13:09:36 <pave1> Ok, I guess it will be time to investigate it :-). 13:09:56 <arisut> is possible to get data directly from the dashboard api 13:10:08 <iwamatsu__> me too. 13:10:32 <iwamatsu__> anything else? 13:10:39 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:10:42 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:10:44 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:10:45 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:10:47 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:10:54 <iwamatsu__> #topic AOB 13:11:25 <iwamatsu__> no AOB? 13:11:29 <iwamatsu__> 5 13:11:30 <iwamatsu__> 4 13:11:32 <iwamatsu__> 3 13:11:33 <iwamatsu__> 2 13:11:35 <iwamatsu__> 1 13:11:42 <iwamatsu__> #endmeeting