13:03:28 #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting 13:03:28 Meeting started Thu Jan 2 13:03:28 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pave1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:03:28 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:03:28 The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' 13:03:28 #topic AI review 13:03:28 - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] 13:03:28 Jan is not here today. 13:03:40 The bot is slow...? 13:03:48 - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] 13:03:52 Jan is not here today. 13:03:54 3 13:03:55 2 13:03:55 1 13:04:02 #topic Kernel maintenance updates 13:04:14 I'm doing some reviews, 6.1.122..123. 13:04:32 3 13:05:02 2 13:05:02 1 13:05:02 #topic Kernel release status 13:05:06 Next is 4.19-rt, which will be self-maintained. 13:05:24 But otherwise -rts are on schedule. 13:05:30 3 13:05:32 2 13:05:33 1 13:05:39 #topic Kernel testing 13:06:01 lab-cip-denx is offline tm 13:06:08 *atm 13:06:42 So a lot of boards are offline, sorry 13:06:42 Ok, but you have some contact inside denx you can talk to, right? 13:06:49 Yea I sent an email this morning 13:07:01 I guess they've been on holiday for the last week 13:07:08 Plus we have some longer term problems with obsvx2 and bbb. 13:07:18 Yea I've just read up 13:08:10 Did Iwamatsu-san look into the BBB issues in the end? 13:08:16 Dunno. I did not see anything on cip-dev on the topic. I guess holidays, too. 13:08:32 Sure 13:09:04 3 13:09:06 2 13:09:08 1 13:09:14 #topic AOB 13:10:00 Anything else? 13:10:01 I'm away next week 13:10:01 Slow start for 2025 for me 13:10:16 Enjoy the holidays, if it is holidays :-). 13:10:24 5 13:10:25 4 13:10:26 Moving house :) 13:10:26 3 13:11:23 Ok, that sounds less fun. Hope it all goes well. 13:11:23 Thanks Pavel 13:11:23 2 13:11:23 1 13:11:23 #endmeeting