13:01:49 <jki> #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting
13:01:50 <collab-meetbot`> Meeting started Thu Jan 30 13:01:49 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:01:50 <collab-meetbot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
13:01:50 <collab-meetbot`> The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'
13:01:55 <jki> #topic AI review
13:02:02 <jki> none recorded
13:02:12 <jki> moving on...
13:02:14 <jki> 5
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13:02:22 <jki> #topic Kernel maintenance updates
13:02:31 <uli_> i'm preparing 4.19
13:02:36 <masami> This week reported 1 new CVEs and 41 updated CVEs.
13:03:19 <iwamatsu__> I am reviewing 6.1.127
13:03:45 <pave1> I'm reviewing 6.1.127.
13:03:55 <pave1> ...and AUTOSEL.
13:05:04 <jki> other news?
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13:05:33 <jki> #topic Kernel release status
13:05:44 <jki> 4.4 is due now, rest is fine
13:06:12 <uli_> will do that once 4.19 is out
13:06:21 <jki> ok, great
13:06:46 <jki> you will you try to align 4.4 and 4.19 cycles this way, right?
13:07:06 <uli_> yes, that's the plan
13:07:19 <jki> perfect
13:07:34 <jki> then let's move on...
13:07:37 <jki> 5
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13:07:45 <jki> #topic Kernel testing
13:07:50 <arisut> released kci-dev v0.1.3.dev1 https://pypi.org/project/kci-dev/0.1.3.dev1/ also published a newsletter about kci-dev with also few example with CIP kernel https://lore.kernel.org/kernelci/8895855f627c1a0d17e510738ec3105936e9eedf.camel@collabora.com/ currently writing a blog for KernelCI website about kci-dev
13:09:10 <patersonc> I added support for testing 6.13.y stable rc
13:09:24 <patersonc> And created an MR for 6.14 configs so we're ready for rc1 testing
13:09:35 <pave1> patersonc: Thank you!
13:09:44 <patersonc> Also merged the bits needed to start boot testing the MCOM board with 5.10 and 6.1 CIP trees
13:09:58 <arisut> we recently added a filtering system to kci-dev results
13:10:12 <patersonc> arisut: That's good
13:12:02 <jki> other testing topics?
13:12:26 <jki> 5
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13:12:37 <jki> #topic AOB
13:12:54 <jki> where are we with preparing 6.12-cip?
13:13:06 <pave1> We did not start, yet.
13:13:09 <jki> time to create a branch for it already?
13:13:13 <pave1> I guess the first steps would be:
13:13:35 <pave1> a) Announce patches ported to 6.1/5.10 must be in 6.12.
13:13:39 <iwamatsu__> and need to decide target HW
13:14:05 <jki> right, with the hw comes also the configs
13:14:21 <pave1> b) Look for patches that are in 6.1-cip but not 6.12.
13:14:59 <pave1> c) start reviewing 6.12
13:15:21 <jki> that patch question should likely be answered by Renesas folks
13:16:01 <pave1> I guess we'll want to run automatic scripts, anyway.
13:16:20 <jki> do we have scripts for that already, from 6.1 launch?
13:16:58 <pave1> yes, we do. Better question might be "where do we have them?" :-).
13:18:03 <jki> happy searching :)
13:18:06 <pave1> ...I guess it is time to do a) and b)?
13:18:26 <iwamatsu__> +1
13:18:29 <jki> yeah, we announced things broadly, now there should be some bits to find
13:19:08 <jki> who will do want first?
13:19:18 <pave1> I can do a) and b).
13:20:20 <patersonc> We can help backport the Renesas bits depending on the results results of b)
13:20:29 <iwamatsu__> I can do it too, but please do , pavel ;-)
13:21:24 <jki> sounds like a plan!
13:21:26 <jki> great
13:21:38 <jki> anything else?
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13:22:31 <jki> #endmeeting