15:00:24 <edwarnicke> #startmeeting fd.io TSC
15:00:24 <collabot> Meeting started Thu Sep 14 15:00:24 2017 UTC.  The chair is edwarnicke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:24 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:24 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_tsc'
15:00:28 <edwarnicke> #topic rollcall
15:00:30 <edwarnicke> #infoed
15:00:32 <edwarnicke> #info edwarnicke
15:00:39 <valderrv> #info valderrv
15:00:41 <joelhalpern> #info Joel Halpern
15:00:45 <pcarver> #info Paul Carver
15:02:44 <mortderire> #info Ray Kinsella for Venky
15:04:14 <Chrisy> #info Chris Luke
15:05:28 <pcarver> Vanessa reported on infrastructure. Changes to flavors to resolve timeouts. This will not speed up build time.
15:06:33 <pcarver> There are additional flavors available but haven't switched to them. It's open to discussion whether it should be changed later.
15:07:07 <pcarver> The current VMs are fairly underpowered. There's room for improvement in parallelizing the builds.
15:07:42 <pcarver> But probably not a good idea to change right now due to API freeze.
15:08:07 <pcarver> Moving to larger CPU flavors has a significant cost impact.
15:11:34 <pcarver> Ed will take the subject to the board to consider the cost impact of alleviating longstanding performance issues by either moving to a different host or physical hardware.
15:12:09 <tykeal> pcarver: if you're trying to get those notes into the meeting minutes you need to prefix it with #info
15:12:48 <pcarver> #info Vanessa reported on infrastructure. Changes to flavors to resolve timeouts. This will not speed up build time.
15:13:05 <pcarver> #info There are additional flavors available but haven't switched to them. It's open to discussion whether it should be changed later.
15:13:18 <pcarver> #info The current VMs are fairly underpowered. There's room for improvement in parallelizing the builds.
15:13:28 <pcarver> #info But probably not a good idea to change right now due to API freeze.
15:13:34 <mortderire> doh!
15:13:40 <pcarver> #info Moving to larger CPU flavors has a significant cost impact.
15:13:43 <mortderire> Ys
15:13:47 <mortderire> Yes
15:13:56 <pcarver> #info Ed will take the subject to the board to consider the cost impact of alleviating longstanding performance issues by either moving to a different host or physical hardware.
15:14:34 <pcarver> #info Ed reviewed the events listed on the agenda and encouraged participation
15:15:38 <mortderire> was using the wrong mic - ah well.
15:15:56 <pcarver> edwarnicke: #endmeeting
15:16:08 <edwarnicke> #endmeeting