#fdio-meeting: fdio-tsc

Meeting started by DaveBarach at 14:58:54 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Rollcall (DaveBarach, 15:00:22)
    1. dbarach present (DaveBarach, 15:01:03)
    2. Paul Carver (pcarver, 15:01:11)
    3. premsankar (Proxy for Joel) (premsankar, 15:01:31)
    4. Keith for Ray (keith_wiles, 15:02:13)
    5. valderrv (valderrv, 15:03:31)

  2. Infra (DaveBarach, 15:04:12)
    1. Florin for Ed (florinc, 15:04:38)
    2. vvanessa reporting: one csit connectivity outage. (DaveBarach, 15:04:49)
    3. will add new minion flavor to address (DaveBarach, 15:05:02)
    4. system upgrade to CentOS 7.4, proposed for Weds (next week) (DaveBarach, 15:05:37)
    5. upgrades scheduled for 2hrs total (DaveBarach, 15:06:22)

  3. NFV world congress: fdio won best innovation / quantum leap L123 transform award (DaveBarach, 15:09:09)
    1. ACTION: dbarach to research pioneer award publicity w.r.t. fd.io (DaveBarach, 15:12:34)
    2. https://www.layer123.com/awards-winners (trishan, 15:13:40)

Meeting ended at 15:13:45 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. dbarach to research pioneer award publicity w.r.t. fd.io

People present (lines said)

  1. DaveBarach (11)
  2. collabot` (3)
  3. valderrv (1)
  4. florinc (1)
  5. premsankar (1)
  6. trishan (1)
  7. pcarver (1)
  8. keith_wiles (1)

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