======================== #fdio-meeting: fd.io TSC ======================== Meeting started by edwarnicke at 15:58:35 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/fdio-meeting/2017/fdio-meeting.2017-12-14-15.58.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * rollcall (edwarnicke, 15:58:40) * edwarnicke (edwarnicke, 15:58:44) * valderrv (valderrv, 15:58:45) * gzhao (gzhao, 15:59:46) * Chris Luke (Chrisy, 16:01:40) * dbarach present (DaveBarach, 16:03:16) * Joel Halpern (joelhalpern, 16:03:19) * Ray Kinsella for Venky (mortderire, 16:03:47) * Agenda bashing (edwarnicke, 16:04:18) * LINK: https://wiki.fd.io/view/TSC#Agenda (edwarnicke, 16:04:30) * Infra (edwarnicke, 16:04:35) * events (gzhao, 16:11:00) * Ray said several talks represent VPP in FOSDEM. (gzhao, 16:12:58) * ONS is coming up, CFP is 1/14, edwarnicke said probably would have a FD.io track. (gzhao, 16:16:05) * joelhalpern said LF is to encourage talks for all instead of concentrating on one specific project. edwarnicke is to look more into that. (gzhao, 16:17:18) * groups.io migration (gzhao, 16:17:57) * LINK: https://lists.fd.io/pipermail/tsc/2017-December/000626.html (gzhao, 16:19:38) * TSC transition (gzhao, 16:26:54) * LINK: https://wiki.fd.io/view/TSC/draft_election_procedures <- draft procedures (edwarnicke, 16:27:05) * LINK: https://fd.io/governance/technical-community-charter/#tcc411 <- Current procedures (edwarnicke, 16:27:32) * edwarnicke said we should also include those people working on documentation, testing, non-coding contributors as well. (gzhao, 16:31:02) * gzhao suggest platinum + core + CAL to from TSC at transition, and Core PTL +CAL after transition. (gzhao, 16:37:37) * edwarnicke is going to reach out CSIT (gzhao, 16:44:48) * joelhalpern noted some governing document is out of date after 1/1/18 (gzhao, 16:45:21) Meeting ended at 16:49:43 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * gzhao (13) * edwarnicke (9) * collabot (4) * valderrv (1) * Chrisy (1) * mortderire (1) * joelhalpern (1) * DaveBarach (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4