13:57:24 #startmeeting 21-Sep 2022 http://fd.io/ CSIT Project Meeting 13:57:24 Meeting started Wed Sep 21 13:57:24 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tifrank. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:57:24 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:57:24 The meeting name has been set to '21_sep_2022_http___fd_io__csit_project_meeting' 13:57:38 #chair 13:57:38 Current chairs: tifrank 14:01:31 #topic People present 14:02:59 #info viliamluc 14:03:02 #info Vratko Polak. 14:05:23 #topic Agenda bashing 14:05:28 #info Juraj Linkeš 14:09:08 #topic Inputs from projects 14:33:05 #info VPP - RC1 to be released soon 14:33:21 #topic Release CSIT-2210 14:34:31 #info can we test optimized release builds (i.e. not the .deb packages, but the same code build with different config)? Not really, as that would break a lot of the design behing VPP packaging and CSIT testing 14:35:13 #topic VPP and CSIT hot items 14:35:23 #info move to Ubuntu 22.04 - status check 14:36:12 #info there are some areas to explore though: add support into VPP for different DPDK builds (similar to variants) or change the reference .deb package to be optimized for an aarch64 platform (and document that to use VPP on other aarch64 platforms the users would need to rebuild) 14:43:35 #topic Trending 14:43:49 #info Failures, anomalies, breakages 14:44:44 #info can we add tests that use more than 4 cores (8, 16) to use with 100GE NICs, where the extra cores would actually be utilized? There's currently no plan for adding them, but arm can add them if they need/want for their testbeds 14:45:33 #endmeeting