13:59:01 #startmeeting 30-Mar 2022 http://fd.io/ CSIT Project Meeting 13:59:01 Meeting started Wed Mar 30 13:59:01 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pmikus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:01 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:59:01 The meeting name has been set to '30_mar_2022_http___fd_io__csit_project_meeting' 13:59:04 #chair 13:59:04 Current chairs: pmikus 13:59:10 #topic People present 14:01:57 #topic Agenda Bashing 14:05:21 #info AMD issues 14:05:32 #topic Inputs from projects 14:05:46 #info VPP - published release plan for 2206 14:06:03 #info Juraj Linkeš 14:06:45 #info TSC - no update 14:06:56 #topic New or (to be) refactored tests 14:07:15 #info E810 flow "offload" tests - no updates 14:07:47 #info Scale tests: ip4, ip6, nat, ipsec - no progress 14:08:13 #topic VPP hot items 14:08:34 #info Nothing new to add. 14:08:46 #topic CSIT hot items 14:09:22 #info docs: Add references to Spectre-BHB security vulnerability - no update 14:09:33 #info Fan Zhang 14:09:57 #info Releases 2206 link updated 14:10:20 #topic Physical Infrastructure 14:12:01 #info AMD mail sent about involving more in community base testing 14:13:07 #info AMD 2n_zn2 sees better performance observed outside lab vs in fd.io lab 14:14:14 AMD team observe linear scale of performance in their lab. Not in fd.io labs 14:15:03 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-dev/message/4475 <-- Some comments about core scaling. 14:16:10 #link https://jira.fd.io/browse/CSIT-1791 <-- Issue specific to RDMA performance cap. 14:26:37 #info mail threads to be started on csit-dev 14:27:50 #info no update on the rest of the platforms 14:28:47 #info 2x Ampere Altra servers delivered, racked, tg-icx installed, ansibled, topology files to be added 14:29:28 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 14:32:28 #info vpp_device stopped voting due to intermittent issue with vpp code (stats refactor). Issue debugged and fixed. voting to be enabled tomorrow or day after 14:32:52 #topic Environment, Framework 14:32:57 #info no updates 14:33:12 #topic Trending 14:33:35 #info 6 issues, 2 long outstanding, 2 issues most probably fixed 14:37:36 #info Maintenance window - jdk updates issues (rollbacked), other stuff upgraded 14:46:17 #endmeeting