14:04:41 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Meeting 14:04:41 Meeting started Wed Aug 31 14:04:41 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonst_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:04:41 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_meeting' 14:06:07 #info Fan Zhang 14:06:42 #info mackonstan 14:08:49 #topic Inputs from projects - VPP 14:08:57 #info Andrew - 3 weeks to RC1 14:09:09 #info Andrew - thanks to Fan for addressing ipsec coverity 14:09:25 #topic Inputs from projects - TSC 14:10:03 #info Maciek - talk about the budget for next year 2023. I have sent notes to AMD, Arm and Intel, gathering build-out suggestions. 14:10:50 #info Maciek - working with Dave Wallace on the lab-related budget request. deadline is 16-sep. 14:11:09 #topic VPP and CSIT hot items 14:11:42 #info Fan, dpdk bump to v22.07 merged, no issue observed so far 14:11:44 #link 36785: dpdk: bump to 22.07 | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36785 14:12:46 #info Maciek - 2n-clx perf testbeds should be running on ubuntu 22.04. next are vpp_device testbeds and other perf testbeds. 14:14:47 #info Fan - re flow offload perf tests on 3n-icx 4p25GbE, need to wait for TRex support for CVL. 14:17:26 #info Fan - re flow offload functional test - dpdk offload flag checking, this will require dpdk v22.11 and vpp side testing node and updated drivers (a package) 14:17:36 #chair 14:17:48 #chair mackonstan fan_zhang 14:17:58 #topic test 14:24:59 mackonstan: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. Use #endmeeting first. 14:25:05 #endmeeting 14:26:42 #endmeeting 14:28:21 #info Fan - re flow offload functional test - dpdk offload flag checking, this will require dpdk v22.11 and vpp side testing node and updated drivers (a package) 14:28:33 #endmeeting