15:00:02 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 15:00:02 Meeting started Wed Jan 12 15:00:02 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:02 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:02 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 15:00:30 #info Vratko Polak. 15:01:22 #info mackonstan 15:02:11 #info Tibor Frank 15:06:14 #topic Agenda bashing 15:06:23 #info HNY 2022 ! 15:07:33 #info Maciek: would like to discuss VPP MTU topic, following discussion on VPP call yesterday. 15:07:57 #topic Inputs from projects 15:08:28 #info Andrew - VPP rc1 upcoming - 19-jan 15:09:42 #info Dave Wallace 15:10:10 #info Fan Zhang 15:10:38 #topic New or refactored tests 15:11:06 #info Fan: re flow perf tests, no progress, not started yet. 15:16:21 #info Maciek: vpp-device flow tests kept failing after up'ing DPDK version 15:16:50 #info some failures seem to be related to dpdk offload flag renaming 15:17:06 #info patch-1: 34837: dpdk: new flags format | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/34837 15:17:15 #info failed vpp-device tests 15:17:24 #link https://jenkins.fd.io/job/vpp-csit-verify-device-master-ubuntu2004-x86_64-1n-skx/4522/ 15:17:42 #info robot log level trace: 15:17:44 #link https://s3-logs.fd.io/vex-yul-rot-jenkins-1/vpp-csit-verify-device-master-ubuntu2004-x86_64-1n-skx/4522/log.html.gz#s1-s1-s1-s3-s12-t1-k2-k26-k5 15:17:57 #info Error: "Verify flow mark failed" 15:18:06 #info Traceback: "File "/w/workspace/vpp-csit-verify-device-master-ubuntu2004-x86_64-1n-skx/csit/resources/libraries/python/FlowUtil.py", line 576, in vpp_verify_flow_action" 15:18:38 #info csit src code context 15:18:40 #link https://git.fd.io/csit/tree/resources/libraries/python/FlowUtil.py#n576 15:19:37 #topic Release - CSIT-2202 15:20:29 #info csit-2202 rc1 milestone next week 15:20:32 #link https://wiki.fd.io/view/CSIT/csit2202_plan 15:21:13 #info Fan: running late with dpdk 21.11 due to failed tests 15:24:56 #info Fan: in addition to flow tests, vm vhost are also failing 15:26:13 #info Andrew, Maciek: let's qualify and give it a push 15:29:21 #info All on a CSIT call agree with the recommendation that the very very latest time to merge DPDK ver change is before RC1 milestone 15:29:50 #info Fan: Failed DPDK tests: 64B-0c-ethip4-ip4base-eth-2vhost-1vm-scapy and 64B-0c-ethip4-flow-ip4-gtpu-scapy 15:30:07 #info Vratko it is important to have enough data points for progressions and regressions before rc2 - 3 weeks should be enough 15:31:52 #topic Physical Infrastructure 15:32:45 #info Maciek: 1n-tx2 vpp-device tests - Peter reporting as Juraj not here - it was enabled to run before shutdown, but went down again 15:34:56 #info Peter: 1n-skx vpp-device, only one server is in production; the other one is "misbehaving", requires deep-dive investigation, likely issue with VF drivers/driver bugs e.g. see ticket VPP-1995 that's still open preventing us from touching / upgrading drivers 15:35:07 #link 34705: dpdk: bump to DPDK v21.11 | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/34705 15:37:12 #link The VM failure: https://s3-logs.fd.io/vex-yul-rot-jenkins-1/vpp-csit-verify-device-master-ubuntu2004-x86_64-1n-skx/4593/log.html.gz#s1-s1-s1-s13-s1-s1-t1-k2-k9-k6-k1 15:37:19 #link https://jira.fd.io/browse/VPP-1995 15:38:03 #info Maciek, Fan kindly agreed to verify status with AVF vlan stripping driver issue per VPP-1995 15:39:03 #info Maciek: add vpp-device tests get well plan as a standing topic 15:42:06 #info Andrew would like to discuss integration of DPDK and VPP esp. when upgrading DPDK major version with major changes 15:45:25 #info Andrew, Fan discussion if it's possible to absorb DPDK code more frequently, not per release. Stable tag, or else ? more of a vpp discussion 15:46:17 #info re 5 icx servers onboarding - Peter: still waiting for a management switch to come online 15:46:21 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 15:46:33 #info Dave: ci nomad working fine 15:46:53 #info Dave: issue with merge jobs failing, waitign for replication to/from mirror 15:47:21 #info Dave: still working on FD.io storage migration to S3, away from Nexus 15:47:46 #info Dave: pls remove "Failure cause identification with build-failure-analyzer Jenkins plugin." from agenda 15:48:48 #topic Trending 15:49:39 #info Viliam: 3 new issues per email to csit-report on monday 15:50:29 #info Viliam: issue 1) already fixed, 2) and 3) are to be t/shooting / inspected 15:51:26 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-report/message/5271 15:51:58 #topic VPP MTU topic 15:59:36 #info Maciek: discussed the MTU patch from Damjan, and failed vpp-device tests for l2 interface only. ip4 and ip6 tests work fine. 16:00:19 #info Andrew, Maciek let's check the tests and see what MTU values are set using papi, and what VPP returns and what happens in vpp code and take from there 16:04:12 #topic 2022 LFN Developer & Testing Forum 16:04:36 #info CSIT talk tomorrow 1-2pm GMT, details in email sent yesterday to csit-dev and vpp-dev 16:05:01 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-dev/message/4456 16:05:04 #endmeeting