15:03:46 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT project meeting 15:03:46 Meeting started Wed Jan 26 15:03:46 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:46 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:46 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 15:04:15 #info Dave Wallace 15:04:20 #info mackonstan 15:04:22 #info Vratko Polak. 15:04:23 #chair 15:04:23 Current chairs: mackonstan 15:04:30 #info Tibor Frank 15:05:02 #chair mackonstan dwallacellf vrpolak tifrank viliamluc 15:05:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 15:05:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacellf 15:05:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 15:05:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 15:05:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: viliamluc 15:05:02 Current chairs: dwallacellf mackonstan tifrank viliamluc vrpolak 15:05:24 #info Juraj Linkeš 15:05:45 #topic Agenda bashing 15:05:54 #topic VPP update 15:06:48 #info Andrew, 4 patches for wireguard and coverity fix(es) all going into v22.02 branch 15:07:17 #topic TSC 15:07:39 #info see email from Trishan about the TSC election, right now we are in TSC nomination phase 15:07:50 #info Fan Zhang 15:08:18 #link https://wiki.fd.io/view/TSC/2022_Chair_election 15:08:56 #topic New or (to be) refactored tests 15:11:27 #info Fan, E810 flow "offload" tests - to update tests with new dpdk offload flags - working on it, will require change in dpdk-input node within vpp 15:12:08 #info Fan, E810 flow "offload" tests - perf tests, expecting progress in two weeks (in a year of tiger! ) 15:12:45 #topic VPP RC1 hot patch(es) items 15:13:13 #info Maciek, MTU and DPDK v21.11 patches / issues resolved 15:13:34 #info Andrew, no RC1 hot patches 15:13:45 #topic Release CSIT-2202 15:15:55 #info Tibor, finished rc1 tests, all tests passing except: i) l3fwd with jumbo frames, ii) sporadic test failures with usual suspects: AVF multi-core. 15:16:59 #info Fan, happy to help with l3fwd issue. Tibor will send pointer(s) to the RF logs. 15:17:32 #info Tibor, draft report in master with first rc1 data, except dnv and icx 15:18:07 #topic Physical Infrastructure 15:18:58 #info Peter, ICX install progressing, working thru the issue 15:20:14 #info Juraj, Ampere Altra build servers got shipped, 2 of them, expected to arrive to the site today 15:20:42 #info Juraj, performance servers shipment is expected mid February 15:25:07 #info Juraj, re build servers, have 64GB RAM, but need more, for a total of 256G is needed, 16 x 16 GB RAM sticks in total 15:25:34 #info Dave, Juraj, will follow up, calculate, with run by TSC tomorrow 15:26:49 #info Juraj, for Ampere Altra perf there is a problem of getting MLX NICs 15:31:40 #info Juraj, Peter, Maciek, work on closing the loop on perf 3n-alt (3 node ampere altra configuration) spec including NICs and cables, and TRex config needed 15:34:50 #info Juraj, Dave, will work on getting ampere altra servers racked next week - guiding vexxhost team thru slack channe;l 15:35:06 #topic MLX NICs for TRex servers 15:35:23 #info Maciek, sent an email to csit-dev with proposal 15:35:26 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-dev/message/4461 15:37:57 #info Maciek, Peter, check with hanoh / team re trex compatibility with connectx-6 (as it supports >200 Mpps, verified by intel with l3fwd) - this will be for icx build 15:38:18 #info Maciek, working with Trishan and Ed on getting direct request placed on nvidia mellanox. 15:40:03 #info Dave, Vratko, bring it up with Ed and Trishan on TSC calls while Maciek is away on PTO 15:40:36 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 15:41:36 #info Dave, observed intermittent problems with vpp merge jobs, error "replication timeout", opened number of tickets, so far not root caused 15:42:12 #info Dave, suspecting AWS related issues … 15:43:35 #info Dave, started ping monitor for this issue, but so far nothing detected through this, will keep monitoring 15:44:12 #info Dave, Vanessa asked for maintenance window, right now pushed it till after CSIT report is published 15:47:36 #topic Trending 15:47:48 #info week 04 CSIT breakages 15:47:51 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-report/topic/csit_breakages_for_week_04/88644667?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate/sticky,,,20,2,0,88644667,previd=1643147219143152758,nextid=1642687866654457037&previd=1643147219143152758&nextid=1642687866654457037 15:49:40 #info VPP-1995 i40e driver issue, vlan stripping for VF not working 15:50:29 #info Maciek, Fan, good news the DPDK team from intel is on it, expecting the team to start working on it after the Chinese NY holiday 15:52:00 #info Maciek, I'm away next week, Dave volunteered to run the CSIT call then. 15:52:15 #endmeeting