15:00:00 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 15:00:00 Meeting started Wed Feb 23 15:00:00 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:00 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 15:00:10 #info Maciek Konstantynowicz 15:01:58 #info Tibor Frank 15:02:00 #topic Agenda bashing 15:02:06 #info Vratko Polak. 15:03:30 #topic Inputs from projects - VPP 15:03:41 #info Fan Zhang 15:03:43 #chair 15:03:43 Current chairs: mackonstan 15:03:59 #info Andrew, v22.02 artifacts being pushed to packagecloud 15:04:16 #info Andrew, into rls directory, should be done in couple hours 15:09:06 #info Andrew, few fixes came late, yday, i) vxlan fixing a crash in masterthat changed meaning of api and introduced another problem, now reverted; ii) mtu callback related for memif, virtio, may have meaningful impact on jumbo tests; 15:10:37 #info Fan, related to above, chatted with dpdk dev who authored mtu/mfs changes in dpdk. this was done to unify mfs/mtu handing across multiple nic models and taking care of encap/decap offload in nic's 15:12:08 #info Dave Wallace 15:15:26 #info Fan, re dpdk performance degradation report by Vratko in vpp-dev: this could, but because of defaulting to 1518B mfs/mtu, avx2 rx_burst functional call in linear mode (using couple of mbufs, with additional check), previously vpp was receiving 256 frames in one go, now it's 64 frames. 15:17:24 #info Peter, looking at dpdk init debug, after interfaces go up, one can see dpdk rx_burst working with avx2 in linear mode 15:19:22 #info Fan, need to double click if it's really the root cause behind the vpp rc2 regressions reported by Vratko on vpp-dev, 5-15% (feature-simple tests) throughput drop 15:20:04 #info Vratko, Maciek, I/O "heavy" regression, the more features one uses, the lower the regerssion; the simpler the config the higher regression. 15:20:50 #topic Inputs from projects - TSC 15:23:02 #info Maciek, Dave, hw budget allocation for dram for arm build servers, and mlx connectx5s for trex 100ge nics for clx testbeds 15:23:43 #info Dave, TSC chair nomination period is coming to an end this week 15:23:56 #info Dave, this will be followed by voting among TSC members 15:24:20 #topic New or (to be) refactored tests 15:25:28 #topic VPP RC1, RC2 hot patch(es) items 15:28:13 #info Peter, i) jumbo frames are supported in af_xdp kernel code up to "memory alignment" ~3kB, no support for 9000B; ii) jumbo frames issue with vpp memif, bug to be tracked re support mtu; 15:29:46 #info Vratko, iii) found the place where vpp sets default IP MTU to 9000B. 15:31:11 #info Maciek, suggesting to discuss on csit-dev mailer how to re-design existing csit jumbo frame size tests 15:31:35 #topic Releases CSIT-2202 15:32:01 #info Tibor, all planned rc2 iterative tests are done; all but 2 coverage tests are done too. 15:32:12 #info Tibor, all data is in master ver of report 15:34:21 #info Tibor, failed tests, nothing unexpected, only known issues. Vratko working thru them, Viliam composed summary, sent to csit-report. 15:35:31 #info Tibor, draft report dynamic content validation, still to be completed fully 15:35:50 #info Tibor, 2n-cix and 3n-icx testbeds added 15:36:08 #info Tibor, static content updates - rls notes, RCA 15:36:26 #info Tibor, static content - need to update environment versions 15:37:42 #info Tibor, 1st rls results expected to be making its way into master report draft on Mon or Tue next week 15:38:28 #info Vratko, commenting on rc2 regressions, per email to vpp-dev 15:38:34 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/message/20888 15:38:59 #info Vratko, tsh tests are affected by TRex calibration … 15:41:08 #info Vratko, for some regressions need more then 5 iterative runs 15:47:13 #topic Physical Infrastructure 15:49:56 #info re delayed shipment of supermicro systems for ICX - 2 units expected next week per vexxhost ticket 15:50:03 #link https://support.vexxhost.com/hc/en-us/requests/361959 15:50:52 #info Peter, 2 ampere perf servers are in transit per latest DHL updates 15:51:39 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 15:52:34 #info Dave, Peter, s3 migration is happening in the background, vpp docs are taking time, csit is done 15:52:47 #topic Environment, Framework 15:54:29 #info Andrew, Vratko, been discussing improvements in the are of CSIT CLI and API usage, and tracking VPP API changes in automated fashion 15:55:26 #topic Trending 16:12:32 #endmeeting