14:02:09 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 14:02:09 Meeting started Wed Apr 6 14:02:09 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:09 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 14:02:17 #info Vratko Polak. 14:02:54 #info Tibor Frank 14:03:02 #info mackonstan 14:03:06 #topic Agenda bashing 14:05:00 #chair 14:05:00 Current chairs: mackonstan 14:05:12 #info 14:05:18 #chair vrpolak tifrank pmikus viliamluc 14:05:18 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 14:05:18 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 14:05:18 Warning: Nick not in channel: pmikus 14:05:18 Warning: Nick not in channel: viliamluc 14:05:18 Current chairs: mackonstan pmikus tifrank viliamluc vrpolak 14:05:34 #topic Inputs from projects - VPP 14:05:42 #info Andrew, nothing new 14:07:02 #topic E810 flow "offload" tests 14:08:13 #info Vratko, no failures noticed 14:08:34 #info Maciek, need an update from Fan 14:09:52 #topic Scale tests 14:10:18 #info Vratko, has an idea how to speed up PAPI performance for scale tests 14:12:16 #topic VPP hot items 14:12:36 #info DPDK v21.11 performance - fixed now 14:15:34 #info VPP MTU handling - Vratko - some vpp improvements merged in VPP to better handle interaction with DPDK driver 14:15:54 #topic CSIT hot items 14:17:30 #info Maciek, re Spectre-BHB security vulnerability - awaiting recommendation from vendors 14:17:45 #info Maciek, Intel will be coming back with recommendation 14:17:52 #info Juraj, checking with Arm folks 14:17:54 #info Juraj Linkeš 14:18:05 #info Keesang, checking internally with AMD team 14:18:49 #topic Releases CSIT-2206 14:19:35 #topic Releases CSIT-2202 14:21:36 #info Maciek, will ask for adding csit-2202 readout on next vpp call, next week, highlights on regressions and failures 14:21:57 #topic CSIT-2206 14:23:33 #topic Physical Infrastructure 14:25:40 #info Keesang, brought up an issue with 2n-zn2 setup, specifically BIOS settings - 6 parameters identified as culprits impacting performance 14:29:16 #info Maciek, Peter, let's agree on the required BIOS changes over email, and then Peter will apply 14:29:58 #info Keesang, to send a separate email regarding FD.io lab access 14:32:05 #info Juraj, 3n-alt perf testbed are up & operational, daily trending is running, tests are passing, results are to be looked at 14:33:29 #info Tibor, will be adding 3n-alt testbeds to trending dashboard 14:34:40 #info Juraj, right now job specs for 3n-alt, used existing arm job specs for 2n-tx2 3n-tsh 14:35:46 #info Maciek, Peter, expecting 2x SNR servers from Intel, need 6th rack (already requested from Vexxhost) 14:36:36 #info Keesang, would like to add more AMD servers into FD.io CSIT labs 14:40:50 #info Keesang, this time is 3rd gen EPYC server(s) into the lab, but want to understand the scope of CSIT benchmarking first, will send email 14:43:26 #info Maciek, re additional usage of AWS, discussed with Dave, Peter, and agreed to proceed with monthly reservation option, while waiting for LF authorization to go with longer term reservastions options that allow us to further reduce the cost 14:43:50 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 14:44:22 #topic Environment, Framework 14:44:30 #topic Trending 14:45:45 #info Viliam, no new failures spotted, 4 issues reported fixed, 1 reopen (nat44 det not all session established) 14:47:37 #topic CSIT UTI dashboard refresh 14:48:37 #info Tibor, a local preview is available, can do a quick demo on one of the next CSIT calls 14:48:56 #endmeeting