14:04:53 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 14:04:53 Meeting started Wed May 11 14:04:53 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:53 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:04:53 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 14:05:14 #info Tibor Frank 14:05:16 #info Vratko Polak. 14:05:21 #info mackonstan 14:05:38 #chair mackonstan tifrank vrpolak 14:05:38 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 14:05:38 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 14:05:38 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 14:05:38 Current chairs: mackonstan tifrank vrpolak 14:05:46 #topic Agenda bashing 14:05:59 #info Viliam Luc 14:07:21 #topic Inputs from projects - VPP 14:09:01 #info Vratko, Dave provided an update on revised vpp make test framework to address licensing issues and other improvements 14:12:33 #info Maciek, will ask Dave to provide status update on the make test refactor once it is clear how it is going to be implemented and expected test coverage / test migration from old to new framework 14:14:34 #info Vratko, Dave also briefed everyone about the new python code style checking 14:14:39 #link 36043: tests: replace pycodestyle with black | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/36043 14:16:33 #topic New or being refactored tests - E810 flow "offload" tests 14:16:37 #info no update 14:17:50 #topic CSIT hot items 14:20:14 #info Maciek, re spectre-bhb, waiting for updated spectre-meltdown-checker per related PR 14:20:20 #link https://github.com/speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker/pull/418 14:23:23 #info Sivaprasad, AMD performance results review, still work in progress 14:23:38 #topic Physical Infrastructure 14:27:13 #info Maciek, 2 more SuperMicro servers arrived, will be used for TRex for SnowRidge 14:27:36 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 14:28:32 #info Vratko, some VPP API changed, but none effecting CSIT tests 14:29:27 #topic Trending 14:29:44 #info Viliam, re failures - no change from last week 14:30:11 #info Vratko, this week "TCP tput establishes 0 sessions" should go away 14:33:01 #info Tibor, re New dynamic dashboard (CSIT UTI), adding support for saving custom views in a fixed url 14:34:03 #endmeeting