13:58:58 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 13:58:58 Meeting started Wed Jun 8 13:58:58 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:58:58 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:58:58 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 13:59:04 #info mackonstan 14:00:31 #info Tibor Frank 14:01:13 #Vratko Polak. 14:03:00 #chair mackonstan fan_zhang tifrank vrpolak 14:03:00 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 14:03:00 Warning: Nick not in channel: fan_zhang 14:03:00 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 14:03:00 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 14:03:00 Current chairs: fan_zhang mackonstan tifrank vrpolak 14:03:13 #topic Agenda bashing 14:03:50 #topic Inputs from projects - VPP 14:04:23 #info Andrew, one week to rc2 14:05:08 #info Fan, added a fix to master, cherry picked into stable/2206, Andrew to review/merge 14:05:21 #topic Inputs from projects - TSC 14:05:45 #topic Inputs from projects - goVPP 14:06:24 #info Maciek on behalf of Dave Wallace, goVPP has now regular project calls, see updated fd.io govpp wiki page for details 14:08:15 #topic E810 flow "offload" tests 14:09:29 #info re 36119: Add ipsec policy test suites with flow director or rss accelerated | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/csit/+/36119 14:09:38 #info Fan, tests are failing 14:11:11 #info Fan, need e810 driver and ddp comms package update - Peter and Yulong are working on it 14:11:25 #info Peter, just confirmed that DDP version should be correct 14:13:20 #info Fan, Maciek, for vpp_device tests, patch is in progress, 35743: dpdk: VPP own DPDK flags | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/35743 14:16:20 #info Fan, start email thread to resolve the proposed code and test design issue 14:17:03 #topic VPP and CSIT hot items 14:19:28 #info re AMD performance results review, Sivaprasad, AMD team is in the process of setting up internal CSIT lab, will come back with updates 14:19:58 #topic Releases - 2206 14:20:33 #info rc1 testing, Tibor, all testing done, results in draft report in master 14:21:05 #link https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/master/report/ 14:21:23 #info Tibor, added testbeds to report 3n-alt 14:21:39 #info Tibor, observed a large difference between PDR and NDR 14:22:18 #info Juraj, is following with Arm team on that issue 14:22:41 #info Tibor, x710 10gbe links are down on 2n-clx, Peter is t/shooting 14:25:04 #info Viliam, another issue known from 2202 csit-1803 all imix cbc failing on 3n-icx 14:27:29 #info Viliam, csit-1827 - all avf crypto 3n-icx and 3n-skx failing for 1518b no traffic, imix excessive traffic loss, already caught in trending but was very sporadic 14:28:43 #info Vratko confirmed it is indeed csit-1827 14:28:50 #link https://jira.fd.io/browse/CSIT-1827 14:29:32 #info Tibor, once rc2 artifacts are available, will be doing 5 iterative runs 14:34:14 #topic Physical Infrastructure 14:35:04 #info Maciek, remaining ICX systems are arriving this week 14:35:55 #info Sivaprasad, re new AMD hw, will ask Keesang to join the call and provide update 14:36:21 #info Peter, re SNR onboarding, no progress, missing basic user manual info from Intel 14:36:38 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 14:36:58 #topic Environment, Framework 14:37:13 #topic Trending 14:38:54 #info Peter, vpp-e810 and trex-cx5 link rings are not working, trex is unable to send traffic 14:40:28 #info Vratko, another issue is tcp throughput tests, ticket csit-1830, showed up after trex upgrade 14:43:57 #info Vratko, clearly a trex issue, struggling to find a workaround for small frame sizes 14:45:11 #endmeeting