14:05:30 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 14:05:30 Meeting started Wed Jul 6 14:05:30 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:30 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:05:30 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 14:05:35 #info Juraj Linkeš 14:05:36 #info Tibor Frank 14:05:36 #info mackonstan 14:05:45 #info Vratko Polak. 14:06:03 #info Fan Zhang 14:06:23 #topic Agenda bashing 14:06:34 #topic Inputs from projects 14:07:10 #info Andrew, all good, v22.06 shipped, now rc0 for v22.10 14:07:23 #info Andrew, will propose rls plan soon 14:08:10 #info Vratko, TSC, discussion about new plugin for integrating Strongswan into VPP 14:08:55 #info Fan, working on an integrated docker image, self-contained, for testing the Strongswan plugin in VPP 14:10:03 #topic E810 flow "offload" tests 14:10:13 #info Tibor, added to job_specs, running for report 14:11:03 #topic VPP and CSIT hot items 14:11:25 #info Maciek, will re-visit both items after the rls2206 14:12:29 #info Maciek, will reach out to AMD team pro-actively, using rls2206 results as a reference 14:12:42 #topic CSIT-2206 14:13:29 #info Tibor, Mr Jenkins re-started work on Friday evening UTC, after recovering from shutdown mode 14:14:35 #info Tibor, quite a few iterative runs completed, 4..10, depending on testbed (zn2 altra .. dnv icx skx) 14:15:30 #info Tibor, current draft report in master showing first rls test data 14:15:34 #link https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/master/report/ 14:16:52 #info Tibor, if CI/CD infra stays up, all iterative tests, and almost all coverage data will be available in time for rls date on Wed 13-Jul 14:17:17 #info Tibor, new report version generated once a day 14:19:22 #info Tibor, added frequency normalized comparison as last column to tables: 2n-icx vs 2n-clx, 3n-icx vs 3n-skx, 2n-icx vs 2n-skx, 2n-icx vs 2n-skx 14:21:59 #info Maciek, Andrew, Fan, does it make sense to add comparison between different CPU architectures, Xeon flavours vs Atom flavours, vs Arm flavours - all agree this does not make sense 14:24:16 #info Tibor, static content is ready, 3n-alt diagram to be added (Maciek, Juraj), rls notes, known issues and regressions to be updated 14:25:30 #info Vratko, did one pass through latest rls data, so far aligned with rc2 14:25:45 #info Vratko, some issues with ASTF results 14:29:49 #info Vratko, performance progressions for dpdk tests, as dpdk improvement was not cherry-picked in v22.02 14:30:54 #info Fan, dpdk v22.07 releasing in one week 14:34:05 #info Vratko, re known issues, TRex ASTF TCP 1518 14:36:19 #info Vratko, need to add to known issues in the patch tracking the rls notes 14:36:21 #link 36499: docs(report): Release notes 22.06 updated | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/csit/+/36499 14:37:56 #info Vratko, Maciek, some issues where known in previous release, so should be moved from New to Previous 14:39:38 #info Fan, Maciek, Tibor, need to look at the e810 flow tests, Tibor to provide links to the report 14:40:03 #info Tibor, will provide links to csit.fd.io UTI dashboard 14:42:22 #link http://csit.fd.io/report/ 14:42:31 #link http://csit.fd.io/report/#eNrtkcEOgjAMhp-GkymBKeDFg-h7GNwqLCo220D06R3GWIx68MLJy5bs-7u_7W_dyeDG4mERJHmQ5YHItPJHMF1O_CWtdkJEKbREIEQYpaE5WJjWoGUHIilRUIzzOOq6FhSpPWiabVxT1-hl6WwLsQR0lX8tHTXVuefbwiIcjeltxKq38X--ezJWjWPsO3khLRqGzxZZQtWF-ffGuaAwWHDFYB6WOLSDjj7Nx9qdKY5o9RW5wO-FufQBMIrlq4u70IA-lpat74oR06rVP62f03osbfy06J_W72nRM61kfQOvdmnU 14:42:56 #link https://s3-logs.fd.io/vex-yul-rot-jenkins-1/csit-vpp-perf-report-iterative-2206-3n-icx/49/report.html.gz 14:48:46 #info Vratko, Maciek multi-core speedup graphs for 100 GbE look good and as expected, except 2n-zn2 (new ticket), l2xc faster than testpmd on 4c on some testbeds 14:53:13 #topic Physical Infrastructure 14:54:17 #info Maciek, Peter, need to think about re-purposing / decommissioning the 2n-skx and 3n-skx testbeds 14:54:47 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 14:55:39 #info Maciek, Tibor, it is still unclear why LF IT FD.io Jenkins was put into shutdown mode 14:56:01 #info Maciek, expecting to have this visited in TSC call tomorrow 14:56:23 #topic Environment, Framework 14:56:35 #topic Trending 14:57:46 #link https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/theme/portal/2/IT-24238 <-- LFN ticket re Jenkins in shutdown mode. Not much about causes, more about what can we do to prevent it in case it has a non-human cause. 14:57:47 #info Maciek, nobody reporting any new issues, will check with Viliam re CSIT failing perf tests for this week 15:00:23 #endmeeting