14:00:20 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 14:00:20 Meeting started Wed Oct 5 14:00:20 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:20 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:20 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 14:00:36 #chair mackonstan vrpolak tifrank 14:00:36 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 14:00:36 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 14:00:36 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 14:00:36 Current chairs: mackonstan tifrank vrpolak 14:02:41 #info Tibor Frank 14:03:12 #topic Agenda bashing 14:03:25 #info Juraj Linkeš 14:03:36 #info viliam luc 14:03:55 #info proposal: Dave Wallace has a standing collision with other FD.io meetings, proposal to move it to 6:30-7:30am pacific. 14:05:16 #info MK topic proposal: are 2n- and 3n-dnv results reliable and report worthy, need to decide if keeping them for csit-2210 report while still running on ubuntu 20.04 14:06:24 #topic Inputs from projects - VPP 14:07:19 #info Vratko Polak. 14:07:28 #info Andrew: Dave has launched a make test survey - current usage of various make test features, see pointer in vpp-dev mailer 14:07:41 #topic Inputs from projects - TSC 14:08:55 #topic New or refactored tests 14:09:40 #topic Scale tests API optimization 14:10:40 #info Vratko: still need to run the test & jobs to compare durations as discussed on the last week call 14:11:40 #topic CSIT env move to Ubuntu 22.04 14:13:00 #info status: all done except perf dnv and vpp_device 14:14:30 #topic Lab new builds: 3n-snr 14:15:58 #info Peter, Maciek: 3n-snr now operational, but producing a mixed-bag of results, due to using unsupported TRex + CVL combination 14:17:00 #info Peter, Maciek: proposal to upgrade TRex to v2.99 that offers initial (incomplete) support for CVL ICE DPDK driver. ETA unknown. 14:18:45 #topic rls csit-2210 14:19:45 #info Tibor, re-run soak tests, working now, after fix(es) from Vratko 14:21:20 #info Tibor, rc1 tests, hoststack run on 3n-icx, all vpp echo fail (udp, quic), all other tests pass 14:22:05 #info Viliam, the same hoststack vpp echo tests were also failing in csit-2206, see ticket in known issues 14:22:32 #info VPPecho failing. Ticket: https://jira.fd.io/browse/CSIT-1835 14:24:53 #info Tibor, we won't do the re-run of vpp v22.06 in csit-2210 env, as no ubuntu 22.04 images available for vpp v22.06 14:25:12 #link https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/37199 14:27:01 #info 37199: vppinfra: fix set mempolicy for different cpu arch | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/37199 14:28:13 #info Juraj: patch needs to be reviewed and merged 14:31:11 #info Tibor, Maciek: re csit-2210 report - major change is that there won't be any static html graphs with results data anymore, instead we will have url links to csit.fd.io perf dashboard 14:32:48 #info Tibor: static content refactor by Peter for methodology section - available in draft master report 14:35:19 #info Tibor: re csit-2210 report - correction, there will be static html graphs in the report. 14:35:56 #info Tibor: will compile a report TODO list in the next week as per usual 14:36:09 #info Tibor: adding 3n-snr 14:36:47 #topic Physical Infrastructure 14:37:05 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 14:37:13 #topic Environment, Framework 14:37:33 #info Maciek: only change is TRex v2.99 testing with CVL in 3n-snr testbed 14:37:54 #topic Trending 14:39:42 #info Viliam - no updates from last week 14:41:52 #info Viliam, Vratko: re issue "4. 2n-clx: half of the packets lost on PDR tests (re-opened). CSIT-1864" - detected in weekly run, doesn't happen always, looks like HW dependency, unclear if it's always on the same testbed 14:44:26 #info Viliam: confirmed that CSIT-1864 failures were observed on 3 different 2n-clx testbeds: .19 .23 29 14:44:57 #info Viliam: confirmed that CSIT-1864 failures were observed on 3 different 2n-clx testbeds: .19 .21 29 (CORRECTION) 14:47:19 #topic CSIT meeting time change proposal 14:47:22 #info proposal: Dave Wallace has a standing collision with other FD.io meetings, proposal to move it to 6:30-7:30am pacific. 14:50:17 #info Juraj: have another meeting 0.5hr earlier, so have collision with 6:30-7:30am pacific. will check if another meeting can be moved and report back. 14:50:51 #topic 2n-dnv and 3n-dnv results reliability 14:51:04 #info Viliam, Maciek: are 2n- and 3n-dnv results reliable and report worthy, need to decide if keeping them for csit-2210 report while still running on ubuntu 20.04 14:51:51 #info Maciek: let's get the links for csit.fd.io 2n-dnv and 3n-dnv, and decide based on this, can do over email on csit-dev 14:53:53 #topic Other items 14:58:20 #info Kai: asking if there is anything to be tracked from Intel side 14:58:56 #info Maciek: Yulong Pei reported 3 patch sets with new tests that he would like to have merged for csit-2210 release - see email thread on csit-dev. one of them is merged last time i checked. 14:59:33 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-dev/message/4541 14:59:36 #endmeeting