15:00:12 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 15:00:12 Meeting started Wed Nov 2 15:00:12 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:12 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 15:01:00 #topic Agenda bashing 15:01:04 #info Juraj Linkeš 15:01:45 #info mackonstan 15:01:54 #chair mackonstan jlinkes tifrank 15:01:54 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 15:01:54 Warning: Nick not in channel: jlinkes 15:01:54 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 15:01:54 Current chairs: jlinkes mackonstan tifrank 15:02:31 #info Tibor Frank 15:03:33 #topic Inputs from projects - VPP 15:04:06 #info Andrew, vpp v22.10 shipped last week, onto v23.02, will be publishing dates next week 15:05:06 #info Dave, jira epic opened to move vnet features into plugins 15:05:48 #info Dave, identified CSIT dependency, to enable plugins relevant to the test to be loaded 15:06:31 #info Dave, need poniter to instructions on how to run csit test on vpp patch 15:06:44 #info Dave Wallace 15:06:49 #info Dave, need pointer to instructions on how to run csit test on vpp patch 15:07:00 #action Maciek to provide that 15:07:33 #topic Inputs from projects - TSC 15:08:35 #info Dave, LFN ONE Summit in Seattle 2nd half of November 15:09:26 #topic E810 flow "offload" tests 15:10:22 #info Kai: will check with Yulong re status 15:12:10 #link http://csit.fd.io/trending/#eNp1kN0OgjAMhZ9m3pgm8ifeeCHyHmSwCkQZzTYQfHqHMSkketMm_Xp62lrXGywsPs4iyUSaiTBtlQ8iuux9Gokg0tBWE4RJjSEFeAoO0zSCInWHluLCDVrjw8IxLiGoAF3jq7WjwT4XXkqL0BmzzAyvy0w1uI0BE2pmJv9tWSANSlastuEWh3Zl92s77r0Z2aFtX8gCfxXzyv-KUVBtXdxMK_o9Oc1Fku90b7rPg5P8DdScaWk 15:12:49 #info viliam luc 15:14:52 #info Maciek: pls ignore above link, and use the link below for e810xxv gtpusw and gtpuhw test results 15:14:55 #link http://csit.fd.io/trending/#eNrNkk0OgjAQhU-DGzOJ_FTcuBC5BykwQqOUpi0Int5CTAYS3Rnjpk36vZk381JjW42ZwdvRY4kXJ14Qi9IdXnjauqtXCkIJohggYBUGyseDvxuGHkpVXkGoKLOdlHgzsI9y8AtAW7vXyqquvk885wah0XrqGZynnmVnVwZEVD0S-WxLBVwjp4rFNCSxaBZ276Yj7UXzBo14IBW4rYgXLitCfrF2saNa0NfKcTorvhqs-etgzc-CZelGtrqZfy5Ln4r_yuA 15:18:05 #topic Spectre-BHB security vulnerability 15:18:54 #info Maciek: still waiting for updated spectre-meltdown script - i think we agreed last week with Georgii to check with community if there is an ETA and if the script is still maintained 15:19:13 #topic CSIT-2210 15:20:49 #info Viliam: testing going well, one main issue 2n-icx and 3n-icx are failing to start VPP, Peter is looking into this 15:23:29 #info Viliam: 3n-alt vm is still not working (known problem from trending) 15:23:52 #info Viliam: lxc container tests continue to fail 15:25:23 #info Viliam: iterative tests 80% complete (apart from icx due to above failures) 15:25:46 #info Tibor: all available test data is already in the master report 15:26:33 #info Maciek: Vratko reported earlier that no new regressions noticed so far 15:27:32 #info Tibor: re report - added TRex sections for 2n-aws and 2n-icx 15:27:42 #info Tibor: re report - need to add rls notes 15:31:35 #topic Physical Infrastructure 15:36:10 #info Maciek, Peter: 3n-snr - expecting new pluggables from Intel to go into ICX TGs, to address the link flapping issue 15:36:25 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 15:36:51 #topic Trending 15:45:43 #info Viliam providing readout on trending failuers 15:46:21 #info high priority issues 15:46:26 #info 01. [H] 3n-icx: VPP failed to start! CSIT-1881 15:46:38 #info 02. [H] 2n-clx, 2n-zn2: all RDMA tests failing with cli_inband clear runtime command. CSIT-1882 15:46:53 #info 05. [H] 2n-clx: half of the packets lost on PDR tests (re-opened). CSIT-1864 - sporadic failuers 15:49:06 #endmeeting