15:01:32 #startmeeting FD.io CSIT Project Meeting 15:01:32 Meeting started Wed Nov 16 15:01:32 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vrpolak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:32 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:32 The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_csit_project_meeting' 15:02:25 #topic Agenda bashing 15:02:26 #info Dave Wallace 15:02:30 #info Vratko Polak. 15:03:30 #chair vrpolak dwallacef 15:03:30 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 15:03:30 Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacef 15:03:30 Current chairs: dwallacef vrpolak 15:07:57 #info Arm device test is now voting. 15:08:03 #info viliam luc 15:10:56 #info Juraj Linkeš 15:10:57 #topic Next Release CSIT-2210 15:11:07 #info Testing completly done. 15:11:13 #info Report CSIT-2210.46 in progress, see 15:11:20 #link https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job/csit-report-merge-2210-ubuntu2204-x86_64/6/ 15:11:29 #info ETA: 16:00UTC should be done and published on: 15:11:36 #link https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/rls2210/report/ 15:11:42 #info Changes: 15:11:48 #info Added wireguard tests for 3n-icx and 3n-snr. 15:11:56 #info Added NAT44 ED TCP tput tests for 2n-dnv. 15:12:05 #info Added iterative and coverage data. 15:12:53 #topic RCA 15:12:57 #info Various anomalies, so far nothing caused by VPP code. 15:13:03 #info Mostly caused by CSIT now testing ubuntu2204 VPP builds, build by newer clang. 15:13:08 #info Some ASTF results affected by newer TRex version. 15:28:59 #info We should prioritize solving issues with hoststact test result export so those tests can be added to trending. 15:31:53 #topic VPP 2206 with CSIT 2210 15:32:20 #link https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-dev/message/4561 16:05:48 #endmeeting