13:33:17 #startmeeting GoVPP Community Meeting 13:33:17 Meeting started Thu Jun 2 13:33:17 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dwallacelf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:33:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:33:17 The meeting name has been set to 'govpp_community_meeting' 13:33:28 #topic Roll Call / Agenda Bashing 13:34:46 #info edwarnicke 13:36:51 #chair dwallacelf edwarnicke sknat 13:36:51 Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacelf 13:36:51 Warning: Nick not in channel: edwarnicke 13:36:51 Warning: Nick not in channel: sknat 13:36:51 Current chairs: dwallacelf edwarnicke sknat 13:37:43 #topic Committer Nominations 13:40:24 #action Ondrej to review outstanding patches of contributors likely to be nominated as committer 13:44:53 #action Ondrej to nominate new committers once they have enough contributions to support becoming committers 13:48:43 #topic Inputs From Downstream Projects 13:53:02 #topic Technical Discussion 13:54:55 #link https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/govpp/+/35766 13:55:32 #info Discussion of change of return value interface 14:20:14 #info Discussion of move from gerrit to github 14:22:31 #info Ondrej proposed changing the import path so that the repo location is transparent to consumers 14:24:57 #action Ondrej to start a google doc to plan the move to github so all can contribute 14:26:29 #info CI to be implemented on github, so discussion postponed for now 14:27:13 #topic GoVPP Release 22.06 14:27:43 #info Current GoVPP releases have been adhoc 14:28:28 #info GoVPP versioning is not directly correlated with VPP releases because each GoVPP version supports multiple VPP releases 14:29:57 #info Golang *really* wants components to use semver.org versioning 14:32:41 #info Release & versioning topics will required additional discussion. 14:32:45 #endmeeting