14:58:38 #startmeeting "FD.io CSIT Project Meeting" 14:58:39 Meeting started Wed Nov 22 14:58:38 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:58:39 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:58:39 The meeting name has been set to '_fd_io_csit_project_meeting_' 14:59:06 #chair dwallacelf jlinkes vrpolak mackonstan tifrank 14:59:06 Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacelf 14:59:06 Warning: Nick not in channel: jlinkes 14:59:06 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 14:59:06 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 14:59:06 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 14:59:06 Current chairs: dwallacelf jlinkes mackonstan tifrank vrpolak 14:59:22 #topic Agenda bashing 14:59:38 #info Tibor Frank 15:02:19 #topic VPP update 15:02:43 #info Vratko Polak. 15:02:52 #info Andrew - rls plan for 22.02 will be for the next meeting 15:03:03 #topic TSC update 15:03:29 #info Vratko - 2 notes: 15:04:24 #info Vratko - 1. suggestion to use github actions instead of jenkins "to lower the cost" - LFN licensing issue. 15:05:23 #info Vratko - 2. TSC meeting this week cancelled. 15:08:35 #topic E810 offload tests 15:09:53 #link dpdk: VPP own DPDK flags | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/35743 15:10:41 #info Kai Vratko - confirmed this patch is no longer needed due to Damjan's vpp re-work patch 15:10:47 #info Kai - to post the link 15:11:01 #info okay to delete from weekly agenda 15:11:16 #topic HW accelerator - SPR QAT2.0 15:12:33 #info Kai - 2n-spr uni-dir ipsec results looking good; 3na-spr and 3nb-spr require attention from Peter, plan for this week. 15:12:44 #topic HW accelerator - SNR QAT2.0 15:13:17 #info Peter - are up and running, should be generating daily trending results. 15:14:01 #info Peter - checked, looks like results are not propagating, need to check. 15:14:10 #topic HW accelerator - SPR DSA 15:20:04 #info Kai - now enabled, need to verify the workings of the new DSA tests that utilise new memif-dsa and hoststack-dsa code 15:20:29 #link 39546: Add memif with DMA test suites | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/csit/+/39546 15:20:38 #link 39716: Add hoststack with DMA test suites | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/csit/+/39716 15:20:58 #info Juraj Linkeš 15:22:11 #topic HW accelerator - E810 GTPU offload 15:22:37 E810 offload flags changes, Damjan's patch here: https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/34837 &  https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/34854 15:22:43 #info Kai - waiting for feedback from the intel team re results discrepancies 15:25:45 #topic CSIT-2310 release 15:26:06 #info Vratko - still working through RCAs - about 10 new issues incl. jumbo 15:27:33 #info Vratko - correction for above line: 10 new issues == failures. 15:27:53 #info Vratko - 2 regressions noted in rls notes, not seen anything else. 15:28:02 #link #topic CSIT-2310 release 15:28:13 #link https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/release_notes/current/vpp_performance/#root-cause-analysis-for-regressions 15:28:47 #topic Physical Infrastructure 15:30:12 #info Juraj - asking about the whereabouts of 1n-alt. 15:31:18 #info Maciek - based on the latest i heard from Dave they should have been ordered, and are on 4-5wk lead time. 15:35:54 #info Juraj - asking about the new hw buildout for next calendar year - we discussed this on 1nov per notes links below, LFN budget request has been submitted by Dave week before last 15:35:56 #link https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/fdio-meeting/2023/fd_io_csit_meeting/fdio-meeting-fd_io_csit_meeting.2023-11-01-15.05.html 15:36:32 #topic Environment, Framework 15:36:51 #info Vratko - still playing with RSS key patches 15:37:39 #link 39549: interface dpdk avf: introducing setting RSS hash key feature | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/39549 15:39:24 #info Vratko - after last changes from Gabriel it's looking good so +1'ed. 15:39:46 #topic Trending and Test Failures 15:40:04 #info Vratko - still need to update wiki, once going through 3n results 15:41:00 #info Kai - was looking for icx-d - can't find them 15:41:50 #info Peter - some issues with build-in NICs negotiating between 10GbE or 25GbE speeds - so that may be affecting results availability 15:47:06 #info Peter - currently no connection from LFN to AWS S3 due to AWS enforced password change process. 15:47:22 #endmeeting