15:04:48 #startmeeting "FD.io CSIT Project Meeting" 15:04:48 Meeting started Wed Dec 6 15:04:48 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:04:48 The meeting name has been set to '_fd_io_csit_project_meeting_' 15:04:59 #chair dwallacelf jlinkes vrpolak mackonstan tifrank 15:04:59 Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacelf 15:04:59 Warning: Nick not in channel: jlinkes 15:04:59 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 15:04:59 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 15:04:59 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 15:04:59 Current chairs: dwallacelf jlinkes mackonstan tifrank vrpolak 15:06:11 #info Vratko Polak. 15:06:35 #info Tibor Frank 15:06:45 #info Maciek Konstantynowicz 15:07:12 #topic Agenda bashing 15:07:49 #info cover dpdk upgrade to dpdk v23.11 15:08:55 #topic HW accelerator - SPR QAT2.0 15:11:48 #info Kai 2n-spr results looking good, but 3na-spr ipsec async tests with QAT2.0 are failing, all 24 of them, as reported by Tibor. This requires Peter's attention. 15:12:18 #info Tibor 3nb-spr ipsec async, all 84 are failing. 15:12:29 #topic HW accelerator - SNR QAT2.0 15:19:51 #info Kai - no update. Tibor - ipsec async crypto tests are missing from snr. Kai to push a patch to add those tests to snr. 15:20:34 #topic HW accelerator - SPR DSA 15:22:14 #info Kai - patch submitted for memif+dsa tests, some tests are failing, some are passing, debugging 15:22:17 #link 39546: Add memif with DMA test suites | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/csit/+/39546 15:22:51 #topic HW accelerator - E810 GTPU offload 15:23:37 #info Kai - confirmed with Intel team that results are good and as expected 15:23:55 #topic CSIT-2310 release 15:28:15 #info Vratko tests with mlx5 dpdk driver - MRR values lower than PDR, dpdk-input showing lower vector size 15:28:22 #info jira ticket: MRR < PDR: dpdk plugin with mlx5 driver does not read full queue 15:28:32 #link https://jira.fd.io/browse/VPP-2090 15:32:17 #info Vratko will be ready to provide readout to the next vpp-dev call on 12-Dec - rls notes to be updated shortly 15:32:20 #link https://csit.fd.io/cdocs/release_notes/current/vpp_performance/ 15:34:35 #info Vratko, working with Damjan testing the new iavf driver infrastructure, looking good, coding and testing is done 15:35:10 #info Vratko, Damjan would like to deprecate the old plugin going forward 15:35:39 #topic New Release CSIT-2402 15:37:05 #info vpp 24.02 schedule published 15:37:08 #link https://wiki.fd.io/view/Projects/vpp/Release_Plans/Release_Plan_24.02 15:37:10 https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/40067 15:37:29 #link 40067: dpdk: bump to DPDK 23.11 | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/40067 15:40:26 #info Kai issue with ipsec-mb new version 15:41:21 #info Kai re vpp patch for deterministic RSS - patches are blocked based on feedback from Damjan in the last vpp call 15:41:29 #link 39549: interface dpdk avf: introducing setting RSS hash key feature | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/39549 15:41:37 #link 39590: interface dpdk: refactor RSS queues feature | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/39590 15:42:14 #topic Physical Infrastructure 15:42:24 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 15:45:58 #info Vratko - noticed some changes in Jenkins, most likely due to LF IT jenkins config changes, jobs are downloading from different source, not a local cache, but from github 15:47:02 #info Vratko - some jobs may fail if triggered "too soon" after patch is uploaded 15:47:39 #topic Environment, Framework 15:48:09 #info Vratko, after finishing post rls work - failures and RCA, will update the vpp api msgs 15:48:12 #topic Trending and Test Failures 15:49:59 #info Vratko will follow up checking ipsec swasync failures on SNR - failures in trending, need to recheck the 23.10 rls 15:50:12 #endmeeting