15:06:45 #startmeeting "FD.io CSIT Project Meeting" 15:06:45 Meeting started Wed Dec 20 15:06:45 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mackonstan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:06:45 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:06:45 The meeting name has been set to '_fd_io_csit_project_meeting_' 15:06:52 #info Juraj Linkeš 15:06:53 #info Dave Wallace 15:07:02 #chair dwallacelf jlinkes Kai17 vrpolak mackonstan tifrank 15:07:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacelf 15:07:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: jlinkes 15:07:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: Kai17 15:07:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 15:07:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 15:07:02 Warning: Nick not in channel: tifrank 15:07:02 Current chairs: Kai17 dwallacelf jlinkes mackonstan tifrank vrpolak 15:07:41 #topic Agenda bashing 15:07:49 #info Maciek Konstantynowicz 15:08:24 #topic VPP update 15:09:06 #info Dave - all meetings are now at the same time, 8am PST 15:09:31 #info Dave - next vpp-dev meeting on Tue 09-Jan 15:09:57 #topic TSC update 15:10:48 #info Dave - looking to do in-person meeting in 2-3 May in San Jose - see TSC agenda page 15:12:24 #link https://wiki.fd.io/view/TSC/2024_FD.io_Goals 15:12:33 #info Dave - two lfn dev&test, looking to have sections specific to FD.io, details to be ironed out, placeholder into calendars is a wise thing to do 15:13:12 #info Dave - asking for a dedicated day or .5day fd.io specific room/venue 15:13:21 #info Dave - will be putting proposal together 15:15:25 #topic VPP and CSIT (not so hot) items 15:16:38 #info Dave - dpdk bump impacted all mlx testbeds 15:17:14 #link 40092: dpdk: bump rdma-core to 49.0 | https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/40092 15:19:41 #info cx5 seems to be working in 2n-clx 15:19:44 #link https://csit.fd.io/trending/#eNrNkkEOgjAQRU-DGzMJrRRWLkTuYUoZhYRC01YDnt6WmAwsXLgxLtqmeTP_d37q_Gjx4rA_JqJMijLhRdeELTmc9uF4GAN8ANVPwNL0htwwNQmRS9D9JKAzGeRZDUwB-jbewqqlQ9DWRhV-jirN3W8kiZh2JvLZiBqkRUkdwY2QR7ey2b6Hqq5WanTdE6k0TEBchTwIMbXV97NZ0feQRbVUfBGebbT8SXjR6O_DE9VuGK1efqCoXhKesQY 15:20:58 #info cx6 also seems to be fine in 3n-alt 15:21:01 #link https://csit.fd.io/trending/#eNp1kEEOgyAQRU9DN80koiKrLqreo0GcVhNRArTRnr7YNBlZdMEQ8v78z4wPi8Obx-nCRM1kzXI59rGw4nqO18taKGZQUwCeZQ_MLddr1a9gplXAaEuoyg64BgzD_oqnUx7BOLeb5M1u0j9D4kjEDhuRvzmkVw4VNcQwQgH9ISX9DqnuThn04xtJGgcgruM2CHGd-ofNHuhvRtky0Z7mxZnvCkX7AS-EXGs 15:22:17 #info cx7 also seems good in 3na-spr 15:22:19 #link https://csit.fd.io/trending/#eNrNkkEOgjAQRU-DGzMJFGpXLlTuYUoZhYRC01YCnt6WmAxsTNwYF23TvJn_Oz91frB4ddgdE35OxDlhoq3DluSnfThGYyDvJThjgaXpHZnJ1CRGlB50N3FoTQGHooJMAfom3sKqpEPQ1kYddok69cNvRImYZibyyYpapEVJPcGPkEe3Mtq-iKpuVmp07ROpNMxAXIVMCGVqq-9ns6LvMUW5VHwVoK21_FGA0ervA-Tlrh-sXn4iL1-ymLZi 15:24:04 #info Dave Kai Maciek - need to harden the process of bumping dpdk version 15:28:33 #topic HW accelerator - SPR QAT2.0 15:29:25 #info Kai - VPP crashing during the test, trying to reproduce in local env, wip 15:29:34 #topic HW accelerator - SNR QAT2.0 15:29:50 #info Kai - still to add those tests to job_Specs 15:29:58 #topic HW accelerator - SPR DSA 15:31:48 #info Kai - issue with intel idxd driver - required for dsa operation - not starting correctly on the host in question - going through kernel configs and sanity checks - t/shooting wip 15:32:05 #topic HW accelerator - E810 GTPU offload 15:32:53 #info Kai - we should remove it from agenda - issue closed - last update is as per notes from 6dec call - see below the paste: 15:33:24 #info "Kai - confirmed with Intel team that results are good and as expected (mackonstan, 15:23:37)" 15:33:32 #link https://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/fdio-meeting/2023/_fd_io_csit_project_meeting_/fdio-meeting-_fd_io_csit_project_meeting_.2023-12-06-15.04.html 15:33:47 #topic New Release 15:34:03 #info Maciek - TODO update the csit-2402 schedule per vpp-dev schedule 15:34:12 #topic Physical Infrastructure 15:34:59 #info Dave - ampere altras ordered for 2 x 1n-alt 15:35:07 #info Dave - ETA unknown 15:35:19 #topic Virtual Infrastructure, CI/CD 15:36:32 #info Dave - Vexxhost moved frontend of gerrit and git mirror server - git mirror works fine 15:36:55 #topic Trending and Test Failures 15:37:58 #info Maciek - mlx setups seem to be fixed - incl. 2n-icx 15:39:02 #info Maciek - next meeting 10-Jan-2024 15:39:43 #endmeeting