====================================== #fdio-meeting: GoVPP Community Meeting ====================================== Meeting started by dwallacelf at 13:37:29 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/fdio-meeting/2023/govpp_community_meeting/fdio-meeting-govpp_community_meeting.2023-07-13-13.37.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call / Agenda Bashing (dwallacelf, 13:37:59) * Attendees: Ondrej, Nathan, Dave, Arthur, Vlado (dwallacelf, 13:38:22) * Action Items (dwallacelf, 13:48:38) * there is a pull request that is required for the upcoming GoVPP release (dwallacelf, 13:55:27) * LINK: https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/39205 (dwallacelf, 13:55:33) * ACTION: Ondrej to ensure the correct solution is merged prior then generate the release (dwallacelf, 13:56:13) * Dave notified VPP community about api clean up patches, some were merged, then after a week or so Dave merged the rest (dwallacelf, 13:56:53) * Technical Discussion (dwallacelf, 13:57:24) * Discussion on adding GoVPP CLI api verification into VPP CI & adding comments to gerrit with the issues discovered. (dwallacelf, 13:58:02) * No new Issues (dwallacelf, 13:58:58) * Ondrej is working on Issue#82 'Move generated binapi' (dwallacelf, 13:59:55) * Discussion of PR#116 'Trace refactored' (dwallacelf, 14:03:58) * Vlado to work on refactoring the PR based on discussion (dwallacelf, 14:08:46) * Inputs From Projects (dwallacelf, 14:10:51) * VPP Release 23.06 is complete (dwallacelf, 14:11:17) * Discussion of issue with compatibility check for api where new api's were causing failures with compatibility of previous releases due to the api not existing (dwallacelf, 14:13:34) * Ondrej implemented a quick workaround, but will update logic to differentiate between non-existing api messages and changed crc for api message (dwallacelf, 14:14:25) * nothing from NSM -- seems mostly active with integration testing (dwallacelf, 14:17:19) * Calico/VPP v3.26.0 release is complete (dwallacelf, 14:18:14) Meeting ended at 14:24:02 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * dwallacelf (21) * collab-meetbot` (3) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4