======================== #fdio-meeting: FD.io TSC ======================== Meeting started by dwallacelf at 15:00:28 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/fdio-meeting/2024/fd_io_tsc/fdio-meeting-fd_io_tsc.2024-10-03-15.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call / Agenda Bashing (dwallacelf, 15:00:45) * valderrv (valderrv, 15:00:54) * Vratko Polak proxying for Maciek Konstantynowicz. (vrpolak, 15:01:01) * Fan Zhang (fan_zhang, 15:01:49) * edwarnicke (edwarnicke, 15:04:14) * Jeff Shaw (JeffShaw, 15:04:26) * Action Items (dwallacelf, 15:05:37) * ACTION: Casey, Dave, & Maciek to work on Capital Equipment request for CY2025 (dwallacelf, 15:05:39) * ACTION: Dave and Vanessa to identify process for managing GitHub Issues (dwallacelf, 15:07:15) * Vanessa still working on script updates for migration from Jira to GitHub Issues (dwallacelf, 15:07:46) * CSIT Committer Resignation (dwallacelf, 15:08:04) * Juraj Linkeš has resigned as CSIT committer (dwallacelf, 15:09:53) * LINK: https://lists.fd.io/g/csit-dev/message/4750 (dwallacelf, 15:10:11) * Infra (dwallacelf, 15:10:57) * SuperMicro has EMR CPUs from Intel.  ETA for shipping TBD (dwallacelf, 15:11:35) * Jim Thompson (gonzopancho, 15:14:58) * VOTE: Voted on "FD.io TSC approves purchase of 6 NVidia ConnectX-7 NICs and cables not to exceed $15,500 USD?" Results are, +1: 6 (dwallacelf, 15:19:56) * LFN Security Best Practices (dwallacelf, 15:21:03) * TAC Security proposal is under re-evaluation and collecting more info from projects (dwallacelf, 15:22:37) * Events (dwallacelf, 15:22:52) * Events (dwallacelf, 15:24:33) * LFN TAC/SPC/GB Updates (dwallacelf, 15:26:18) * TAC has open discussion about appointed TAC seats and composition of project representation (dwallacelf, 15:27:17) Meeting ended at 15:30:45 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * dwallacelf (23) * collab-meetbot (16) * vrpolak (2) * edwarnicke (2) * fan_zhang (2) * JeffShaw (2) * gonzopancho (2) * valderrv (1) * JoelHalpern (0) * mackonstan (0) * mgsmith (0) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4