16:00:26 <dwallacelf> #startmeeting FD.io TSC
16:00:27 <collab-meetbot> Meeting started Thu Dec  5 16:00:26 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dwallacelf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:27 <collab-meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
16:00:27 <collab-meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_tsc'
16:01:05 <dwallacelf> #topic Roll Call / Agenda Bashing
16:01:43 <vrpolak> #info Vratko Polak proxying for Maciek Konstantykowicz.
16:01:50 <JeffShaw> #info Jeff Shaw
16:01:52 <JoelHalpern> #info Joel Halpern
16:01:53 <dwallacelf> #chair dwallacelf edwarnicke JoelHalpern mackonstan mgsmith valderrv vrpolak fan_zhang
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacelf
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: edwarnicke
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: JoelHalpern
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: mgsmith
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: valderrv
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: fan_zhang
16:01:53 <collab-meetbot> Current chairs: JoelHalpern dwallacelf edwarnicke fan_zhang mackonstan mgsmith valderrv vrpolak
16:06:18 <dwallacelf> #topic Action Items
16:06:21 <valderrv> #info valderrv
16:06:38 <fan_zhang> #info Fan Zhang
16:09:03 <dwallacelf> #topic Decommisioned Hardware
16:11:08 <dwallacelf> #startvote FD.io TSC approves the donation of decommissioned hardware by Vexxhost to educational institutions in Canada with the assurance that these are not resold in the future? -1,0,+1
16:11:08 <collab-meetbot> Begin voting on: FD.io TSC approves the donation of decommissioned hardware by Vexxhost to educational institutions in Canada with the assurance that these are not resold in the future? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1.
16:11:08 <collab-meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
16:11:13 <JeffShaw> #vote +1
16:11:16 <dwallacelf> #vote +1
16:11:17 <vrpolak> #vote +1
16:11:22 <fan_zhang> #vote +1
16:11:29 <JoelHalpern> #vote +1
16:11:38 <dwallacelf> #endvote
16:11:38 <collab-meetbot> Voted on "FD.io TSC approves the donation of decommissioned hardware by Vexxhost to educational institutions in Canada with the assurance that these are not resold in the future?" Results are
16:11:38 <collab-meetbot> +1 (5): vrpolak, JoelHalpern, JeffShaw, fan_zhang, dwallacelf
16:11:51 <dwallacelf> #topic Infra
16:12:26 <dwallacelf> #info GraceGrace server is fully operational and producting trending
16:13:03 <dwallacelf> #info Marvell DPUs are being brought up with Marvell's help
16:13:50 <dwallacelf> #info Emerald Rapids servers are racked, powered up, and being configured
16:15:11 <dwallacelf> #info Vanessa working with Github to resolve issues with GitHub API's used for the migration.
16:18:36 <dwallacelf> #topic Events
16:19:07 <dwallacelf> #topic Website & PR
16:19:20 <dwallacelf> #info Dave updated the website with latest news & users
16:20:17 <dwallacelf> #endmeeting