#fdio-meeting: FD.io TSC

Meeting started by dwallacelf73 at 16:02:11 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Vratko Polak proxying for Maciek Konstantynowicz. (vrpolak, 16:02:20)
    2. Fan Zhang (fan_zhang, 16:04:39)
    3. valderrv (valderrv, 16:07:01)
    4. Jeff Shaw (JeffShaw, 16:11:08)
    5. Dave sent email before end of year about in-person FOSDEM 25 meetup (dwallacelf, 16:15:59)
    6. https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/topic/110208545#msg25407 (dwallacelf, 16:16:09)
    7. Emerald Rapids testbeds are active and finishing qualification for production (dwallacelf, 16:17:45)
    8. Matt Smith (joining late, sorry!) (mgsmith, 16:18:51)
    9. NVidia folks from server group working on expediting GraceGrace ConnectX7 NICs (dwallacelf, 16:24:05)
    10. a new Marvell DPU has been shipped to Vexxhost and the old one returned (dwallacelf, 16:24:50)
    11. CI job clean up of Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian-7 to be done over the next week (dwallacelf, 16:26:31)
    12. Jira Migration: all projects except VPP & CSIT have been migrated.  VPP migration is in progress with some operational issues due to rate-limiting and duplication detection. (dwallacelf, 16:28:13)

Meeting ended at 04:50:59 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. dwallacelf (13)
  2. collab-meetbot` (3)
  3. dwallacelf73 (1)
  4. vrpolak (1)
  5. fan_zhang (1)
  6. valderrv (1)
  7. JeffShaw (1)
  8. mgsmith (1)

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