16:00:26 <dwallacelf> #startmeeting FD.io TSC 16:00:26 <collab-meetbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 6 16:00:26 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dwallacelf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:26 <collab-meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:26 <collab-meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_tsc' 16:01:45 <vrpolak> #info Vratko Polak proxying for Maciek Konstantynowicz. 16:01:47 <valderrv> #info valderrv 16:02:01 <fan_zhang> #info Fan Zhang 16:04:29 <dwallacelf> #topic Roll Call / Agenda Bashing 16:04:32 <mgsmith> #info Matt Smith 16:04:43 <dwallacelf> #topic Action Items 16:05:34 <JeffShaw> #info Jeff Shaw 16:06:06 <dwallacelf> #topic Infra 16:08:10 <dwallacelf> #info NVidia still working with Vexxhost to expedite ConnectX7 NICs, still no updated ETA 16:08:42 <dwallacelf> #info Marvel DPUs testbed is making progress, but not in production yet 16:10:19 <dwallacelf> #info Jira migration to Github Issues is complete! 16:23:00 <dwallacelf> #info Discussion of jenkins migration to Github Actions 16:23:16 <dwallacelf> #topic Events 16:27:34 <dwallacelf> #info FOSDEM 2025 presentations and informal in-person meeting went very well. 16:29:02 <dwallacelf> #info There was much interest in organizing a FD.io sponsored in-person event. 16:30:21 <dwallacelf> #info Marvell informally discussed creating a VPP test environment in a University in India 16:31:25 <dwallacelf> #action Dave to discuss having Marvell present their goals and proposal at VPP Community meeting and/or TSC 16:33:32 <dwallacelf> #info LFN encouraging Projects to hold virtual and/or in person (Corporation sponsored) events around Project Release Cycles 16:33:44 <dwallacelf> #link https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LN/pages/282034197/2025-02-05+TAC+Minutes 16:34:07 <dwallacelf> #endmeeting